Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

News from Around our Conference
January 2014
Welcome to the January issue of The FORESEE

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In This Issue...
Ministry Quicklinks

Ron casual
A New Development

What for some of us is a surprising new development, Conference Minister Ron Hamilton introduces us to a new direction in the ministry of Director of Church Development John Kimball. It appears that a move to a church planting assignment changes everything. To read about it, Cllick Here>>
Kimball Web Casual
But How New, Really?
Yes, the Kimballs are embarking upon a new experience. But John explains how this is not really that different an emphasis than he has had over the past several years. So then, how do Church Multiplication and Church Development become one and the same? See the fascinating explanation: Click Here>>

Ever Have a Bad Day?
We pray for health and happiness, we work for prosperity, we ask for peace. But we often get none of these. How do we handle it when it seems that everything goes wrong? When we lose our comfort, our health, our job; when friends or loved ones die; or when others don't understand us and attack? God loves us, and saints before us have faced such with faithfunless and success. Read about it>>
Published monthly by The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Ron Hamilton, Conference Minister
Paul McPheeters, Conference President
Ken McGarvey, editor