LSTC E.pistle, December 2012 
In This Issue
Taste of LSTC
Bach for the sem
Travel to Turkey
Panel Video
News from LSTC
Watanabe Calendars
Don't miss these events
Save the Date: Leadership Series
Giving to the Annual Fund
Opportunities at LSTC
Connect with us



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Mission Statement

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago forms visionary leaders to bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.   

advent instruments detail  
LSTC Football players, fall 2012 
Here's a little taste of life at LSTC: student blog  


What did seminarians think and do during the fall semester? Read about it on LSTC's Taste and See blog.



And if you know someone who should be considering coming to seminary, point them toward the February 17 - 19 Seminary Sampler at LSTC.


Hear world premier at Bach for the Sem Concert


Bach for Sem imageOn Sunday, Jan. 13, at 4 p.m., hear new music for choir by David Cherwien at the 19th Annual Bach for the Sem Concert. St. Luke Lutheran Church, 150 West Belmont, Chicago, hosts this year's concert which features music by Morten Lauridsen and part 4 of J.S. Bach's Christmas Oratorio.


Chicago area professional singers and instrumentalists donate their talents for this benefit concert. Tickets are available now for $20 (adults, $22 at the door) and $10 (students/seniors, $12 at the door). Call 773-256-0712 or email


Listen to excerpts from two pieces performed at the 2012 Bach for the Sem Concert 


Register now for trip to Turkey in 2013 


Barbara Rossing and Esther Menn will lead an exciting "World of the Bible" tour to Christian, Jewish, and Muslim sites May 20 - June 1, 2013. The journey includes visits to the churches of Revelation and traces the footsteps of the Apostle Paul. 


A $250 deposit holds your spot on the tour. The package cost of $3699 per person, double occupancy, includes round trip airfare and all accommodations, daily breakfasts and eight dinners, private sightseeing tour bus and English-speaking guide, all itinerary-related entry fees. Full payment is due by Mar. 1.


The tour is fast-paced and strenuous, with considerable walking on uneven ground around archaeological sites. If you have health concerns, please email Barbara Rossing at Learn more.



 Ministerial Wisdom panel

 "Ministerial Wisdom" panel discussion video 


To celebrate LSTC's 50th Anniversary and his inauguration, President Nieman invited a panel of three theologians and three LSTC alumni to consider what wisdom and practical judgment church leaders need to help people speak and live their faith in Jesus Christ. Video files (and links to podcasts) of the Oct. 27 panel discussion are now available here.


News from LSTC


Ralph Klein publishes 2 Chronicles


Ralph W. Klein, Christ Seminary-Seminex Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), has published 2 Chronicles in the prestigious Hermeneia Commentary Series of Fortress Press. In 2 Chronicles, Klein shows that the Chronicler used a text of Kings that is significantly different from the Masoretic Text. He argues that the Chronicler's departure from the historical picture of Kings is a result of a distinctive theological agenda for 4th Century Judah. Read more.


Watanabe 2013 thumbnail 2013 Watanabe calendars available


With a minimum donation of $20 to the William J. and Elizabeth M. Danker Fellowship, you will receive a 2013 Watanabe calendar. Find more information and place an order while supplies last: here.



Come to Youth in Mission's THE CONFERENCE in Chicago


All adults who work with youth as a volunteer or as a staff person, pastor or lay leader, are invited to THE CONFERENCE presented by Youth in Mission on Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013. It will be held at LSTC from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Registration is FREE and lunch will be provided -- but space is limited, so register today.

We'll focus on Short Term Mission experiences in a workshop facilitated by our friends from the Global Mission unit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Read more.


Don't miss these events


Bishop Wayne Miller

Third Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


On Monday, January 21, at 11 a.m., Metropolitan Chicago Synod Bishop Wayne Miller will be the preacher for the Third Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Worship sponsored by the Albert "Pete" Pero Multicultural Center at LSTC. Worship will be in the Augustana Chapel at LSTC. For details about the afternoon program, watch  or contact Dr. Cheryl Stewart Pero at or 773-256-0774. 


Luther College Symphony Orchestra performs at LSTC on Jan. 29, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. in the Augustana Chapel. More than 80 Luther College students play in the orchestra, which presents standard orchestral pieces as well as new music. For more information or tickets contact Daniel Schwandt at


Many Voices, One Story: LSTC 1983-2012 Faculty Forum


LSTC: First Fifty YearsHear about LSTC's history over the last 30 years on Feb. 7. Faculty panelists will recall the arrival of Christ Seminary-Seminex on LSTC's campus, the impact of the establishment of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, changes in society, collaborations with other seminaries, and much more.


Kurt Hendel, Kadi Billman, Peter Vethanayagamony, V�tor Westhelle and Linda Thomas will take part in the discussion starting at 11:30 a.m. in LSTC's Common Room.


Save the Date: March 10-11

LSTC  Leadership Conference:
Faithful Living in an Interfatih World


Why do Muslims and Christians engage in interfaith encounter and dialogue? What is it deep within our specific traditions that motivates us for and sustains us in this endeavor?


2013 Leadership Conference Logo On Sunday, March 10 at 7:30 p.m. Eboo Patel, founder of Interfaith Youth Core, gives a free lecture. A free concert by the Salaam-Shalom Music Project, comprised of members of Chicago's Maxwell Street Klezmer Band and artists from the Arabic music community follows the lecture. Their music draws on traditional melodies of the Middle East and klezmorim to affirm the possibilities for mutual learning, enrichment and good will between Jews, Muslims, and Christians. 


On Monday, March 11, at 9 a.m., Dr. Mark Swanson, Harold S. Vogelaar Professor of Christian-Muslim Studies and Interfaith Relations, presents "Entertaining Angels: The Whys and Wherefores of Interfaith Hospitality." Multiple workshops will help participants get acquainted with and work in the interfaith community. Cost: $75.00. Read more and watch for registration form at


Meet the Matching Challenge with your gift to LSTC's Annual Fund 

Dollars and change


"Annual Fund" it sounds so prosaic - but don't be fooled by its name - this fund is essential to LSTC's mission. A gift to the Annual Fund does it all: it keeps tuition low for students, funds scholarships and financial assistance, and supports the day-to-day work of the seminary.


Right now, what makes a gift to the Annual Fund even more important is that it could be doubled by the Helge Matching Challenge. Here's how:


If you have never given to the Annual Fund or have not made a gift since 2010, your entire gift will be matched by the Helge Matching Gift.


If you are a faithful contributor to the Annual Fund and can increase your gift, the amount of your increase will be matched.


If you gave a gift last year and had it matched, a gift at the same level or above will be matched again this year.


Students, faculty and staff thank you for the difference you make by giving to LSTC's Annual Fund!


Learn more or make a gift at


You can give online right now.
  Make a gift now button


Opportunities at LSTC      


Jan. 13, 2013, 4 p.m. - Bach for the Sem, St. Luke Church, 1500 W. Belmont, Chicago $

Jan. 21, 11:30 a.m. - Third Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday observance

Jan. 28, time TBA - "Montgomery to Memphis" screening

Jan. 29, 7:30 p.m. - Luther College Symphony Orchestra Concert


February - African Descent Heritage Month at LSTC

Feb. 7, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. - "Many Voices, One Story: LSTC from 1983 - 2012"

Feb. 4 - May 6, Mondays, 6:30 p.m. - Advanced Seminar in Religion and Science

Feb. 17 - 19 - Seminary Sampler

Feb. 26, 4 p.m. - Scherer Lecture


March - Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Mar. 10, 7:30 p.m. - Leadership Series free lecture and concert

Mar. 11, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Leadership Series lecture and workshops $

Mar. 11, 5:30 p.m. - Distinguished Alumni Awards presentation


For more information about LSTC events see our Events Calendar.



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