Rookery Pub Fine Dining

This Week's
Fresh Fish UN-Fry

Alaskan Halibut
 in a ginger beurre blanc sauce over angel hair pasta
with baby carrots and brussels sprouts

Thursday thru the weekend or until it runs out (call ahead to reserve)

Friday's Live Outdoor Music

It's gonna be a rockin' Friday evening at the Rookery as Molly and the Danger Band returns for their second of three performances this summer. 

But here's the deal. The band is scheduled to perform outdoors from 5-8 PM. At the moment the weather forecast is looking a little questionable for the scheduled start of their performance, with a chance of thunderstorms and then maybe rain persisting into the 6:00 hour.

Of course you just never know about the weather here in NW Wisconsin. Hopefully, by tomorrow afternoon things could be looking a bit better. Fingers crossed!

Worst case scenario? We'll move the music indoors. But we're gonna try to avoid that option if at all possible. Because we already have enough dinner reservations to completely fill our indoor dining room. And we're pretty sure a lot more folks are still planning to come hear the music.

So we plan to treat this similarly to the way they do a match on the PGA tour. We certainly don't want to endanger anyone if there happens to be lightning in the air. At the same time we're not gonna let a passing light rain keep us off the course altogether. That's one of the reasons we built a covered pavilion. So we'll be watching the radar. And if it happens to rain early but seems likely to clear as the evening progresses, we'll either start the performance on time or delay for up to an hour or so. Any longer than that and we'll probably pull things indoors.

In any event, other than a few spots still available at 4:30 and 4:45 PM, our dinner reservation book (whether for indoors or under the pavilion) is pretty much already full until 6 PM. And we really can't take any more reservations after that time until we get a better handle on where we'll be able to seat people.

So if you're planning to come out for the music tomorrow and don't yet have a reservation, great! But please be flexible. We'll offer dining to as many people as we can after 6 PM, on a first come first serve basis. Yet be prepared for the possibility of a wait. You can always listen to the band in the meantime, perhaps from one of our non-covered outdoor seats. In which case it might be a good idea to bring along an umbrella.

And Looking Ahead to Sunday

Thankfully the long term forecast for Sunday is looking pretty good, with partly cloudy skies and a high in the upper 60s. Picture perfect weather for our 2-5 PM music performance.

If you grabbed a copy of our printed music calendar earlier this summer, please note there's a change in scheduled performers this weekend. Yazmin actually was here a few weeks ago, after we moved her up so she could attend her grandfather's 90th birthday celebration in Texas this weekend.

Instead this Sunday afternoon we're looking forward to welcoming a first time duo to the Rookery stage. Similar Dogs comes to us highly recommended from just up the road in Poplar and Superior. Sarah Jane Hale and Joe Lindzius are a unique duo who perform a diverse repertoire of "music they dig." We think you will too!

Molly and the Danger Band
Friday, 5-8 PM

Similar Dogs
Sunday, 2-5 PM

On Fridays we serve from our regular dinner menu no matter whether you choose to dine outdoors during the music, or listen for awhile before moving indoors to eat. For outdoor dining we accept (and strongly recommend) reservations from 4:30 until 6 PM, although you're welcome to be seated anytime prior to your reservation to enjoy the music while you wait your turn to order. After 6 PM all outdoor dining is first come first served, or you can call in advance for reservations to dine indoors. 

On Sundays we feature a special patio grill menu. The grill fires up at 1:30 and the music begins at 2. All seating and dining is first come first served so we recommend you arrive early to secure your spot!
Summer Dining Hours RookeryRealty

DINNER 7 nights
5:00 PM until last reservation (always recommended)Rookery Pub Fine Dining
Bar opens at 4 PM

Wineaux WEEKDAYS (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
1/2 price bottles of wine
Cable Nature Lodge

Sunday, 2-5 PM featuring our special patio grill menu
Friday, 5-8 PM serving our regular dinner menu
(715) 794-2062 
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