Rookery Pub Fine Dining

"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
Mark Twain

Please Welcome Our New Head Chef!

We can empathize with Mr. Twain's bemusement back in 1897. The rumors apparently swirling about the Cable area these past few weeks that the Rookery had closed also have been greatly exaggerated. So let us set the record straight.

The Rookery is, in fact, very much open as we commence our 9th year in business. I know it's been awhile since our last email newsletter back in early May. You may recall at that time we shared with you our efforts to find a new head chef. While our search progressed we did need to cut back our hours for a couple of weeks, although we never closed entirely. Suffice it to say a lot has been happening behind the scenes during the past month. It has been a rather stressful time, to be sure. But we never contemplated surrender. We've simply been waiting for some positive news to share.

And so it is that we're thrilled to announce the Rookery has hired Chef Tom Falling to head up our kitchen on a long-term interim basis for at least the next several months. Tom arrived here a week ago from Streator, Illinois. Prior to operating his own restaurant for nearly 20 years, Tom worked throughout the country in numerous cooking and management positions in the food service industry. More recently he has developed a niche and special passion for traveling about taking on trouble shooting roles in special situations such as ours.

Tom is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, as well as Florida International University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Hospitality Management. A true culinary professional who brings great depth of experience to the Rookery, Tom will be introducing a few of his own special dishes to our menu, while also striving to replicate some long-time guest favorites.

As I'm sure you can appreciate, it's a rather daunting challenge to walk into an unfamiliar kitchen at the onset of our busiest season of the year. I'm confident Tom is up to that challenge. And while there no doubt will be some subtle changes to our menu, we anticipate continuing and even improving upon the overall quality you have come to expect at the Rookery. We hope you'll extend to Tom a very warm welcome!

Return of our Fresh Fish UN-Fry

Chef Tom is wasting no time in bringing back one of the Rookery's signature offerings, our Fresh Fish UN-Fry. We originally planned to celebrate by featuring Copper River salmon, a special delicacy typically available for just a few weeks in mid-June. But alas, the harvest of wild salmon in Alaska's Copper River is down significantly this year, reportedly just 30% of amounts caught in most typical years.

In fact, our fishmonger tells us that Copper River salmon are not the only fish being affected; that numerous salmon runs throughout Alaska are very irregular this year. The fact quite a number of these runs occurred many weeks earlier than normal suggests the weather in Alaska, which was much warmer than average this past winter...and also brought much less likely a major a factor. Reportedly many long-time observers of the Alaskan commercial fishing industry suspect global climate change may be the ultimate culprit.

In any case, the Rookery was able to secure a somewhat lesser known alternative to Copper River salmon that is just as great...some say even flavor. These king salmon were wild caught in the Yukon River, the longest salmon-producing river in the world, by the Yupik Eskimo people whose ancestors settled in the area over 10,000 years ago.

This unique fishery is the last Native American fishery of its kind in Alaska. And while fishing is still done following age old traditions, community-owned Kwik'pak Fisheries operates a modern processing plant in Emmonak, Alaska where they focus on strict quality standards to produce the most delicious, nutritious and sustainable salmon in the world that is also fully traceable back to its source.

Come taste for yourself and see if you agree with one of the world's most respected chefs, who described wild Yukon River salmon as "the best fish I ever ate." Tonight through the weekend...or until we sell out (please call to reserve).

Live Outdoor Music Begins This Sunday

Summer sure has been elusive thus far in the great Northwoods. But it appears we'll finally be getting a good dose this weekend, just in time for the debut of the Rookery's live outdoor music season. The temperature is forecast to be in the low to mid-80s. And while there's a chance of a rain shower or thunderstorm, with our covered pavilion and indoor bar as a backup, the music will go on no matter what. It's officially summertime, and we've certainly earned the right to celebrate!

And what better way to kick off a new music season than with the talented father/son duo from Hayward, Sean & Ian Okamoto. Sean, of course, is also the lead guitarist for Molly and the Danger Band. Or as Molly likes to call him, "the best Japanese guitar player in all of NW Wisconsin!" And as they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Because Sean's teenage son, Ian, is a musical virtuoso in his own right, both vocally and on keyboard. Together they offer a great combo of contemporary music (Ian's influence) and golden oldies (Sean's era).

The duo has developed a very loyal following throughout NW Wisconsin. Come see why this Sunday. As usual our patio grill fires up at 1:30 and the music begins at 2. All seating is first come first served, so be sure to arrive early to claim yours.

Sean & Ian Okamoto
Sunday, 2-5 PM

Overall we have a really great concert lineup this summer...probably our best ever...25 days of music featuring 17 different performers. Including a half dozen new to our outdoor stage, along with several who've performed here each of the past five years. In addition to every Sunday afternoon (2-5 PM) all the way thru October 2, the Rookery also will be featuring outdoor music on Friday evenings this summer (5-8 PM) from July 8 thru September 2. Click HERE to see our entire Summer 2016 live music calendar.
Summer Dining Hours RookeryRealty

DINNER 6 nights (Tuesday thru Sunday)
5:00 PM until last reservation (always recommended)Rookery Pub Fine Dining
Bar opens at 4 PM

Wineaux WEEKDAYS (Tuesday & Wednesday)
1/2 price bottles of wine
Cable Nature Lodge

Sunday, 2-5 PM featuring our special patio grill menu
Friday, 5-8 PM (beginning July 8) regular dinner menu

Closed Monday
(715) 794-2062 
Copyright � 2016. All Rights Reserved.