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Success in a hurry, new talent and a tip from the NFL
Fall 2014

In this issue:

  • Meeting STAT
  • Reach for the Stars and actually get there!
  • What keeps the top dogs, the top dogs?
  • Why your success is so important to us.

Meeting STAT!
Marie Caci, CMP, CPCE, CSEP a master meeting & event strategist and gratefully one of our independent meeting professional customers called us the other day with a rush project. She had just a few weeks to put together an international event for a small international group. The client had a new manager and they really wanted a special program to kick start the relationship with the team. Marie clearly indicated she needed answers quickly so we rescheduled ongoing assignments and got to work on her requests. Since attendees would be coming from North and South America, Florida was selected as an optimum logistic location. Marie did not have many details to share with us and the pressure was on to provide a range of "top gun" speakers with team building as an underlying focus. We had working dates for the event, opened a file and proceeded to check availability and put holds on several select speakers we knew could pull off a great program on a very short lead time. Information flew across the globe, conference calls where established and dates changed and reconfirmed. Marie's professionalism carried the day as she worked tirelessly to pull the program together and keep it all on track. Once her client confirmed which of our speakers they wanted we switched gears, confirmed all the updated details, the international conference calls, flight arrangements and hotel confirmations. Since time was of the essence, Marie jumped through challenge after challenge to make the event work seamlessly. When the dust settled Marie's customer gave the event an 11 out of a possible 10! A big thank you goes out to Marie Caci CMP, CPCE, CSEP! We can recommend her to anyone who needs a seasoned planner that knows how to make it all work despite, language barriers, extremely short lead times and limited initial intel about a meetings direction. Feel free to contact us for Marie's direct contact information or go to her web site for additional information about her services.

Reach for the Stars and actually get there!
What if you could bring in a speaker who could put our whole world into perspective? What if you could find someone who had the courage to reach for the stars and actually get there? Your "what if's" have been answered. Get Ahead Pro Speakers Bureau is proud to welcome Dr. Carolyn Procos to our talented team of speakers. Please contact us for further details on this amazing woman and accomplished leader. Carolyn Porco is the leader of the imaging science team on the Cassini mission presently in orbit around Saturn, a veteran imaging scientist of the Voyager mission to the outer solar system in the 1980s, and an imaging scientist on the New Horizons mission on its way to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. Carolyn has co-authored over 115 scientific papers on a variety of subjects in astronomy and planetary science and has become a regular public commentator on science, astronomy, planetary exploration, and the intersection of science and religion. Her popular science writings have appeared in such distinguished publications as the London Sunday Times, The New York Times, the Guardian, Astronomy magazine, the PBS and BBC websites, the Arizona Daily Star, Sky and Telescope, Scientific American, and American Scientist.

What keeps the top dogs, the top dogs?
You are at the top of your game and you have to compete with the best and brightest in the business every day. How do you stay at the top? What do you do to gain a competitive advantage? When the pros have to win they know that getting the team to work together to support each other is crucial. They also know they can't do it alone or hope the lights go on and everyone figures it out. They have to get an outside voice that has been in pressure cooker situations, that has put it all on the line. Take this tip from one of the best teams in the NFL. Halfway through their season, the Director of Player Development for the Broncos wanted to make sure the team kept their momentum and drive going into the next part of the regular season. He also wanted to instill in them the self-discipline they needed off the field to maintain their personal as well as professional success. So they reached out to one of our speakers, Lt. Col. Rob "Waldo" Waldman, MBA, CSP, CPAE. Here are just some of the key points Waldo shared with the team:
  • Complacency Kills
  • Commitment is contagious
  • Realize that others are depending on you. Your preparation (or lack thereof) affects others!
  • Remember who you go to battle for everyday
  • Be willing to ask for help
  • After Waldo's presentation the Bronco's finished a winning season and made it to the Super Bowl! I'd say that is keeping up the momentum and then some, wouldn't you?

    Your success is important to us?
    null Since 1995 Get Ahead Pro has worked tirelessly to provide our customers with the very best entertainers, keynote speakers, comedians, facilitators and celebrity speakers. Our efforts have paid off for hundreds of our customers and associates but the truth is our success is only possible when you are successful. It is your success that propels us and our industry forward. When events and meetings go bad due to poor planning, execution and speaker selection it drags our whole industry down. Recent examples, IRS junkets and videos, AIG, and in my own back yard a few years ago the greed of executives at Tyco Industries.

    You know how a great meeting or event can jump start a new year, a promotion, fund raiser or marketing campaign. You also know it's the perfect way to celebrate success and reward those who have worked hard to attain the goals of your organization. In our new BioBlast we will continue to share hard facts and critical insights to support your efforts and to help you convince others of the importance and effectiveness of live meetings, events and conferences. Please feel free to share and utilize this information with your colleagues, managers, customers and anyone who tells you meetings don't matter!

    What About You?
    Are you looking to create an event that inspires, motivates and has long lasting impact? Do you have a limited budget and a short deadline? We can help. Get Ahead Pro is "Results Struck, not Star Struck." Our personalized approach and preparation make all the difference.
    Of course if you need a "Big Name" and have a large budget, we welcome the opportunity to work with you as well. Why not experience a Speakers Bureau that puts you first? A strategic partner that understands the challenges meeting planners face today. Get Ahead has experience in all phases of the of the event and meetings industry. GAPSB delivers value and performance and promises a program that will impact your attendees positively for years to come. Please call or email us today to see for yourself.

    Really under the gun? Limited budget? No time? Hit our PANIC BUTTON REQUEST link and get solutions to your meeting dilemma fast.

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    Get Ahead Pro Speakers Bureau is ready to help you make your meetings and events less stressful and more successful while delivering the ROI you need. Please let me know the next best step our team can take to turn your next meeting, sales training, conference or retreat into the most memorable event your attendees have ever experienced! We can work with any budget to help you and your team develop a fabulous program that will insure that your events are standing ovation successes.

    All the best,

    Chris Reagan, President
    Chris Reagan
    Get Ahead Pro Speakers Bureau

    phone: 603-664-8888