Business Development Council On The Road Series with Lockheed Martin - December 2, 2015 - 9:00-11:00am
MCCC is partnering with the Maryland Chamber of Commerce to bring members the Business Development Council (BDC) On The Road series. BDC introduces members to the procurement processes of the area's top organizations. Attendees will learn about Lockheed Martin's procurement process, teaming needs and upcoming opportunities. Learn more.
MCCC Business EXCELerator - December 4, 8:00-10:15am
Topic: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent and Updates to Labor Laws and Employee Relations
Presentation 1: 8:00-9:00am
Panel on Best Practices in Employee Recruitment
- Meredith Leader, Director of Recruitment/HR, 5AM Solutions and Secretary of SHRM, Montgomery County Chapter
- Erin Allen, President, ConTemporaries, Inc.
- Stephen Spencer, President, Insurance Associates - Top 75 Work Places of 2015
Presentation 2: 9:15-10:15am
Updates to Labor Laws and Employee Relations
- Corey Argust, Associate, Labor and Employment, Litigation, and Government Contracts practice group, PilieroMazza PLLC
The MCCC Business EXCELerator series is a combination of the Small Business and GovConNet Member Exchange Meetings and is a benefit for MCCC Member Companies. The series is a how-to on best business practices for growth and success. Participants are welcome to attend one or both presentations which are held back to back.
GovConNet Institute - Apply for the 2016 Session
The MCCC GovConNet Institute provides 6 three-hour sessions of advanced training to federal government contractors in the transitional stage. Instructors include industry experts that share real world tools and knowledge needed to succeed at the next level and increase owner value. The subject matter is geared for winning and profitably maintaining federal government contracts in the LPTA environment. Find out more and apply here.
MCCC Orientation - December 9, 8:30-10:30am
The MCCC Orientation is an opportunity for current and prospective members to learn about the programs and events that MCCC offers and how to leverage your Chamber membership. The Orientation is free and allows time for networking - bring your business cards! RSVP!
Monthly Member Exchange Meetings
Speaker: Gwen Wright, Director of Montgomery County Planning Department, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Topic: The Office Market Assessment Report and Implications for Upcoming Master Plans
Speakers: Delegate Bill Frick and Delegate Ariana B. Kelly, District 16, Montgomery County Delegation to the Maryland General Assembly
Topic: Update on work of The Maryland Economic Development and Business Climate Commission
Speaker: Melanie Wenger, Director, Montgomery County Office of Intergovernmental Relations
Topic: Montgomery County Priorities in the 2016 General Assembly Legislative Session
Meeting notices are sent by email approximately one week prior to the event. RSVPs are appreciated but not required. View the MCCC calendar for upcoming meetings.
Annapolis Legislative Reception - January 25, 6:00-8:00pm
Make your mark on the 2016 legislative session at the MCCC 2016 Annapolis Legislative Reception: meet members of the Montgomery County Delegation, network with the MCCC Board of Directors and Members, and influence the way we do business in Maryland. Reserve your spot!
GovConNet Forum - January 28, 7:30-10:30am
Join us for a panel discussion on "The Changing Landscape in Government Services." Hear from a panel of experts about how trends in government contracting affect teaming and acquisition opportunities, how to plan in the midst of government budget uncertainties, and what contract vehicle consolidations mean for your business development strategy. Register today!
42nd Annual Public Safety Awards - March 11
Become a part of the largest valor award ceremony of its kind in the region: the MCCC Public Safety Awards Luncheon. Hear the stories of the medal recipients and meet the PSA Government Partner of the Year and Corporate Vital Link. Show your support and appreciation for the public safety community that keeps us safe. Join us!
MCCC GovConNet Procurement Conference - May 12
Learn More About MCCC

Your Federal Procurement Connection & Resource

Learn More About VIP and Sign Up for the Next Session!

MCCC is a Green Certified Business - Learn How Your Company Can Be One!
Below are legislative updates that are most relevant to you and your business this month:
- Start of the 2016 Legislative Session: As the Montgomery County Delegation prepares for the 2016 Legislative Session, two public hearings were held: the Priorities Hearing on November 18 and the Local Bills Hearing on November 30. Read MCCC's testimony and priorities.
- County Council Leadership: On December 1, the Montgomery County Council elected the new President, Nancy Floreen (At-Large), and Vice President, Roger Berliner (District 1). Each will serve one-year terms in these leadership positions. See the press release here.
- Six-Point Economic Plan: County Executive Leggett held a press conference on November 23 with an update on this Six-point Economic Development plan. Read the press release here.
- Upcoming Hearings at the Montgomery County Council:For more information on how you can comment or testify on the bills below, contact Ilaya Hopkins, MCCC VP for Public Affairs.
- Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Building Maintenance Worker - Minimum Work Week (Bill 46-15): This bill would require an employer to provide a minimum work week of at least 30 hours for each employee working as a janitor, building cleaner, security officer, concierge, doorperson, handyperson, or building superintendent at an office building occupying at least 400,000 square feet in the County. Lead Sponsor: Councilmember Riemer Co-Sponsors: Councilmembers Navarro, Elrich, and Hucker. Public Hearing: January 19 at 7:30 pm
- Taxation - Transportation Impact Tax - Revisions (Expedited Bill 47-15): This bill would revise the life of a credit certified after a certain date; allow a credit for reconstruction of an existing road; and generally amend County law regarding impact taxes. Lead Sponsor: Council President at the request of the County Executive.
Public Hearing: December 8 at 11:30 am
- County Executive FY 17 Operating Budget Forums: County Executive Ike Leggett announced the dates and locations of five budget forums that will be held to get public feedback on the upcoming County operating budget. Read the press release here.
- BCC Regional Services Center: January 4th, 2016.
- Eastern Regional Services Center: January 6th, 2016.
- Silver Spring Civic Building: January 20th, 2016.
- Mid-County Community Recreation Center: January 21st, 2016.
- BlackRock Center for the Arts: January 25th, 2016.
MCCC's priorities are Economic Competitiveness, Infrastructure Investment and Business Opportunities for our members. For more information about our advocacy work, visit our Advocacy Page.