A Recap of MCCC Advocacy Efforts on Your Behalf  - March 27, 2015
Georgette "Gigi" Godwin
President & CEO
MCCC is continuing to lead, advocate, and connect as the voice of business. 

As the 2015 Legislative Session continues, we are connecting with new appointed and elected officials and finding support for business. We are working with our new state government officials to ensure a thriving business environment in Maryland. 

We are also active at the Federal and County levels. You can read about it below.

Thank you for your calls and emails! Keep them coming. It is a great day when we hear from you with questions or input. 301-738-0015 or ggodwin@mcccmd.com

Congressman John Delaney at MCCC NRC On Site

Congressman John Delaney gave a rousing speech on the opportunities of government and private sector collaboration to meet the needs of successful communities at MCCC's 4th Annual NRC Small Business Seminar and Matchmaking Event on March 24. Watch the video and read the recap here


Extended Comment Periods on Proposed Rules for Small Businesses
MCCC successfully advocated for a comment period extension on proposed rule changes thatimpact small businesses. Find out how you can help shape the new rules on the MCCC Federal Advocacy page.

Who has money and how are they spending it?

Directly in the Federal government contracting space or not, our regional economy is linked to Federal spending. Hear a Washington insider's perspective on how Federal resources are getting allocated at the April 2, 2015 MCCC GovConNet Member Exchange Meeting featuring Ann Sullivan of the Madison Services Group.

State of Maryland

Bill Cross Over Day - What does that mean?

Cross over day took place this week in Annapolis. Bills that passed out of a committee during the beginning of the session were sent to the other Chamber for review. Successful bills will be approved by both Chambers before being finalized in conference.

See the full list of bills MCCC testified on at the 2015 State of Maryland Advocacy Page.

MD Budget

Maryland's budget continues to be the focus in Annapolis. The House approved the budget first and the Senate voted in favor but with a few adjustments. It will now go to a conference committee for approval. 

overnor Hogan's recommended budget cuts have been tempered by the General Assembly who have restored money to schools and government workers' pay, in particular. The Hogan administration is still focused on fixing the structural deficit.

Montgomery County
County Budget
As the Senate passed the budget in Annapolis, Senate President Mike Miller stressed that counties and Baltimore City must learn to live within their means. That will be tested as Montgomery County deliberates the County Executive's Proposed FY 16 Budget. Lower than expected tax revenues have led to a budget that "increases County government tax-supported spending by only 1.1 percent while cutting the County property tax rate by about one cent" according to the County's press release

The County Council will hold hearings on the budget and MCCC will testify on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. For more information, visit the Budget Updates page. 


For a quick recap on Montgomery County Council news, watch the Council in Brief

Coming Up at MCCC

Green Business Forum - March 31, 7:30-9:30 a.m., MCCC Board Room

Elisabeth (Lisa) G. Feldt, Director, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection wants to hear from you regarding how the Department and the business community can work together to address environmental issues facing the County and expand the green economy. This is a great opportunity to provide your thoughts and input. Please join us for this informal discussion and share your aspirations, concerns and insights. Register here.


Member Meetings in April

Economic Development Member Exchange Meeting - Thursday, April 9, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 

Guest Speaker: Peter Franchot, Comptroller of Maryland 

Register here


Legislative Affairs Member Exchange Meeting - Friday, April 17, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

2015 Maryland Legislative Session Wrap-Up with Montgomery County Delegation Leadership.

Register here.


Watch for the April MCCC What's Next and visit the MCCC Calendar  for upcoming events and speakers. 

The Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce advocates for 
strategic capital spending, a positive business climate and balanced tax reform 
to further the success of our 500+ members and to affirm Maryland's place as 
relevant and competitive in the regional and global marketplace. 

For more information on these and other advocacy issues, 
contact the MCCC Advocacy Team:
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