A Recap of MCCC Advocacy Efforts on Your Behalf  - March 13, 2015
Quick Links:  Montgomery County - State of Maryland - Federal - Coming Up at MCCC
Georgette "Gigi" Godwin
President & CEO
MCCC testified on over 30 pieces of legislation this week.  Visit MCCC's 2015 State Advocacy page to see the full list of MCCC positions taken to date. 

Members of our team were in Annapolis this week to meet newly appointed Secretaries, law makers, and advocacy partners to promote programs and policies that make Maryland more competitive.   Throughout the week, we represented you at forums on workforce, economic development and regional transportation as well as hosting Member Exchange Meetings. The week culminates with today's  recognition of valor award winners at the 41st annual Public Safety Awards Luncheon where we will be joined by many elected and appointed officials.

Thank you for your calls and emails! Keep them coming. It is a great day when we hear from you with questions or input. 301-738-0015 or ggodwin@mcccmd.com.

HCTT-2015-13: Changes to Small Business Healthcare Tax Credit

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) bulletin explains changes to the Small Business Healthcare Tax Credit. Click here to view. 


Share Your Input
The US Small Business Administration has proposed changes to two rules that have impacts on small businesses. Visit our MCCC Federal Advocacy Page to learn more about how you can provide important input.
State of Maryland

MCCC Testimony of Note


MCCC Supports

Testimony at Joint Hearing
Gigi Godwin delivering testimony at the Joint Senate Finance and House Economic Matters Hearing on March 9, 2015
MCCC Opposes

In Annapolis
Senators Feldman and Manno with Gigi Godwin
Senator Feldman (D15) and Senator Manno (D19) with Gigi Godwin on the floor of the Senate.

MCCC joined legislators and other partners from Montgomery, Baltimore, and Prince George's counties at the very successful Purple Line/Red Line pro-transit advocacy night and press conference. See more information here.

To see MCCC testimony on these and other bills, visit our 2015 State Advocacy Page.




Montgomery County
Economic Development
Gigi Godwin represented MCCC at the Moving Montgomery Forward meeting on Wednesday to discuss the future structure of the County's Economic Development and Workforce Development entities. On Thursday, the County Executive's Special Assistant Lily Qi was the featured presenter at the Economic Development Member Exchange Meeting and spoke on the County Executive's plan for restructuring the County's Economic Development department.  

This is a fast moving process moving in a direction that the MCCC board recommended to the County Executive two years ago.  As we know, advocacy is a long-term effort and MCCC's board has been effective in accelerating and shaping this discussion.

Regional Transportation
Ilaya Hopkins represented MCCC at the Greater Washington Board of Trade Policy Forum on Regional Transportation that featured newly appointed Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Peter Rahn who discussed numerous projects in Maryland including the Port of Baltimore, BWI and the Purple Line.

Transportation was also a key component of a day-long forum hosted by Councilmember Roger Berliner on March 7. Many MCCC members attended. To see the video recap, click 

Education Budget Meetings - Two more meetings on the schedule

March 16 and 23

Montgomery County Council Education Committee Chair Craig Rice, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Chief Operating Officer Andrew Zuckerman and Montgomery College President DeRionne Pollard  will host two more public forums to provide information, and seek input, on the programs and budgets of the County's public school system and its community college.

Coming Up at MCCC

Montgomery County Executive Recommended FY 16 Operating Budget - 

March 16, 12:30, EOB

County Executive Ike Leggett will introduce his proposed operating budget for FY2016 on Monday, March 16 at 12:30 in the Executive Office Building in Rockville. Click here for more information.


MCCC Orientation - 
March 19, 8:30-10:30 a.m., MCCC Board Room

Whether you are an existing member or not yet involved, this networking and information session will help you leverage your involvement at MCCC.  Register here.


GovConNet On-Site Visit at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission - 

March 24, 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., NRC, Rockville, Maryland

MCCC GovConNet facilitates on-site agency visits for government contractors to receive detailed information regarding a targeted agency's key strategic direction, challenges and resources as presented by the agency head, chief information officer and small business directors. Presenters remain available for one-on-one networking with participants, as well as networking contractors and subcontractors. Click here for more information and to register.

Green Business Forum - 

March 31, 7:30-9:30 a.m., MCCC Board Room

Elisabeth (Lisa) G. Feldt, Director, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection wants to hear from you regarding how the Department and the business community can work together to address environmental issues facing the County and expand the green economy. This is a great opportunity to provide your thoughts and input. Please join us for this informal discussion and share your aspirations, concerns and insights. Register here.


For a full list of upcoming MCCC events, visit our MCCC Calendar.

The Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce advocates for 
strategic capital spending, a positive business climate and balanced tax reform 
to further the success of our 500+ members and to affirm Maryland's place as 
relevant and competitive in the regional and global marketplace. 

For more information on these and other advocacy issues, 
contact the MCCC Advocacy Team:
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