June 6, 2013
8 Sivan 5774
Dear Yavneh Family,
We made it! A hearty Mazel Tov to all our students and teachers for a job well done!
As I reflect on the 2013-2014 school year and all we've accomplished, I am filled with a sense of joy and gratitude for everything we've shared. As I noted at this week's graduation ceremony, in Jewish tradition we mark such joyful times with prayers of thanksgiving. In Psalm 118, verse 24, we read, "Zeh hayom asah HaShem, nagilah v'nismecha vo - This is the day that the Lord has made-let us exult and rejoice in it." (I also beseeched our graduates to move back to Dallas after they finish college and grad school - since it's a place they all belong - and promised free babysitting once they start their own families ;o)
Thank you to all of you who attended Graduation - our second on the Yavneh campus - and to all of you who supported our students through their week of final exams, final papers and other projects.
Summer is a time for recharging one's batteries, traveling, spending time with family and friends, and reading. Our students will be reading a good deal over the summer; let us continue to be good role models for them by picking up a book of our own as well.
On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, we wish you a peaceful and healthy Shabbat Shalom, and a wonderful summer break!
~~ Dr. P.

With much pomp, and full of circumstance, Yavneh Academy's Class of 2014 graduated on Sunday, June 1. As the school celebrates its twentieth anniversary, close to 600 faculty, students and their friends and families came together on the school's Schultz Rosenberg Campus.
Yavneh's 2014 graduates are Shanee Abouzaglo, Niv Avneri, Sarah Barnett, Ella Baum, Ben Calmenson, Jordan Cope, Hannah Delagi, Jason Epstein, Jacob Feist, Michelle Friedstadt, Daniel Granat, Nathasha Guaqueta, Itai Guttman, Zachary Harmon, Adam Karnett, Talia Klein, Samuel Kleinman, Gary Levine, Hanna Liebermann, Valerie Lopez, Logan Luskey, Alexis Riche, Dalya Romaner, David Rudomin, Osher Saboni, Adam Schor, Lauren Siegel, Erin Smith, Adam Steinbrecher, Dania Tanur, Yonah Taurog, and Michael Teplitskiy.
The 32 members of Yavneh Academy's graduating class received acceptances to 61 universities, colleges, and Israel study programs, and more than $2.5 million in scholarships, and together they served over 22,950hours of community service. With 15 of the 32 students earning an academic average of 94 percent or more, the most in the history of the school, the class' AP, SAT and ACT test scores by far exceeded both national and Texas state averages, placing its students among the most academically.Co-Valedictorians, Talia Klein and Alexis Riche both dedicated themselves, with academic averages of above 100 points.
"My classmates and I truly solidified our interests, values, and character as a result of our mentors' care, support, and knowledge, and of course as a result of the nurturing environment that is Yavneh. Yavneh beautifully instills in its students Jewish values and ideals through experiential learning and through its reaching out to the greater community," said Klein, who will study in Israel next year, at Midreshet Moriah, and then at the University of Maryland's Honors Program. "Today is a celebration of all of our achievements- academic, social, and personal. In this school that emphasizes Jewish values, we have been taught how to integrate subject matter learned in the classroom to situations outside the classroom. And as a result of my Yavneh education, I have faith. "
"If I can tell you all one skill that will serve me better than almost anything I learned here in high school, it is that, this year in particular, I learned how to listen to other people. When we are disappointed, we want to pull into ourselves or lash out. It is better to do neither. It is better to reach out to those who can and will guide us through it," was the key to Riche's message, she bound for George Washington University in the fall. "Our friends offer valuable perspectives, topic changes, or just plain affection. What our teachers offer us is experience. They will open up to us if we work for it, if we want it. Trust me, you will forget what you and your friend gossiped about during any given free period; you will not forget a true life lesson that comes about during a conversation with teachers who are willing to truly communicate with you on a more personal level.
"Just as without one of the 613 commandments, the Torah would be incomplete, so too would our grade be incomplete without one member in our graduating class today," was the message by Epstein and Tanur who delivered the dvar Torah, this the week of Shavuot."
We have all undergone this unforgettable journey together and each of us now has the ability to incorporate significant moments from our journey into the new stages of our lives. The receiving of the Torah unified the Jewish people. Similarly, our receiving of our high school diplomas will forever consolidate our four-year journey as the Yavneh class of 2014."
Dr. Portnoy expressed his thanks to Yavneh's Board of Directors, parents, families, friends, supporters, and faculty, a nod to staff members not returning, and a warm appreciation and welcome to the school's alumni, "our greatest joy, the best indicators of our success."
Prior to certifying the class for graduation, Dr. Portnoy, continuing a tradition started by former Head of School Don O'Quinn (in attendance too to congratulate the graduates), spoke to each student aloud, recalling a memory from over the past four years, or sharing with the audience special traits, honors, and talents of each child. In addition, he sang a tribute to the "Great Class of 2014," set to the tune of "A Modern Major General" from Gilbert & Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance."
"To our seniors, when you have finished your education - whether in Los Angeles or New York, Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, Boston or Austin, or anywhere else: come back to Dallas," he said of the Class of 2014 which this year alone has helped to raise close to $90,000 to help numerous causes around the world. "While travel and new experiences are an important part of life, this is your home, and we want you to come back, most certainly to visit, but also to live. This is a special place, a place you will always belong, and I'm told that, once you start your own family, free babysitting is part of the deal."
During their time as Bulldogs, the seniors, with their 88 student-peers, participated in Students Against Terrorism and the Points for Peace basketball tournament, Helping Hands for the Homeless, and Students for Students. They have volunteered for the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas' Super Sunday Phone-a-thon and the Dallas Kosher Chili Cookoff. They sent funds and students to support victims of weather storms and terror, they built sukkahs for neighbors, and they wore Pink to raised funds to remember those who've succumbed to illness, also supporting medical success for the future. As Bulldog athletes, they won national women's basketball championships, the Varsity Bulldog Basketball team finished 10-0, its winningest season in history as district champions, and they helped begin the school's Bulldog soccer, golf, and track programs.
The students thanked Yavneh devotees, Office Manager and "School Mom," LuAnn Pitlik who doles out candy and listens to the trials and tribulations of every Yavneh student, always with the kindness, sensitivity and support that is uniquely hers,and 
Judy and Jeff Kogutt, who with their sons Elan '11,
Ben '04, and Asher - for more than a decade one of the Bulldog's most passionate fans - continue to be dedicated to the school.

Jay Kleinman, the father of Samuel '14, Jamie '11, and Corey '09, as president, spoke on behalf of Yavneh's Board of Directors, then joining Assistant Principal Dr. Tim Cloward, Dr. Portnoy, and Board Past-President, Pam Fine, mother of David '08, Ben '05, and Samuel '03, presenting each student with their diploma. Cindy Moskowitz, mother of Clara '13, Daniel '10, and Zac '08, as chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas conferred greetings on behalf of the community and Leon Zeligson, who has accompanied Yavneh's seniors down the graduation aisle for more than a decade, returned to do so again.
The students dedicated a mezuzah, purchased while they were in Israel during the March of the Living tour, as a legacy of their class. The mezuzah was hung at the entrance of the Don O'Quinn Student Lounge, following the commencement, certain to be a daily reminder of its donors, to all who follow.
Yavneh's Associate Principal of Judaic Programming and Curriculum, Naomi Schrager presented the school's Sylvia and William Epstein Golden Wedding Anniversary Fund Awards for Excellence in Judaic Studies honors to Talia Klein, Hanna Liebermann, and Yonah Taurog, and the Gabbai awards to Itai Guttman and Dalya Romaner, and Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum, Associate Principal of Judaic Curriculum, leaving the group with final guidance and blessing.
"Lord of the universe, fulfill the wishes of my heart for good; grant my desire, give me my request, even unto me and make us worthy to do thy will with a perfect heart; and deliver me from the evil inclination. O grant our portion in thy Law; make us worthy to have thy divine presence abiding with us; vouchsafe unto us the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord," said Rabbi Tannenbaum, as the ceremony came to an end. "So also may it be thy will, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, that I may be fitted to do such deeds as are good in thy sight, and to walk in the way of the upright before thee."
Click here to read Talia Klein's commencement address
Click here to read Alexis Riche's commencement address
Click here to read Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum's blessing
Graduating with Honors
Co-Valedictorians Talia Klein & Alexis Riche Shanee Abouzaglo, Niv Avneri, Ella Baum, Benjamin Calmenson, Jordan Cope, Jason Epstein, Jacob Feist, Dalya Romaner, Adam Schor, Lauren Siegel, Erin Smith, Adam Steinbrecher & Dania Tanur
Judaic Studies Award sponsored by the Sylvia & William Epstein Golden Wedding Anniversary Fund
Hanna Liebermann Talia Klein Yonah Taurog
Gabbai Award for exceptional service
and dedication to religious ritual.
Dalya Romaner Itai Guttman
Thoughts from Dr. David Portnoy, Head of School,
to the members of the Class of 2014
Shanee Abouzaglo ~ Boston University
"You are compassionate, determined and so very kind. Focused on your future and driven to succeed, your contributions to Yavneh have been exemplary and you will be missed."
Niv Avneri ~ American University
"You are kind, insightful and deeply ethical in everything you do. Thoughtful and loyal to Yavneh, we will miss you even more than you think you will miss us."
Sarah Barnett ~ Ithaca College
"While your incredible sense of humor has been your calling card during your high school years, we will remember you also for your love of others, your generosity, good manners and your genuine inquisitive nature."
Ella Baum ~ Beloit College "Focused, bold and intellectually curious, you have enhanced the education of those around you - students and teachers alike - every bit as much as they have informed your thinking. We know we will hear great things about your success in the years ahead."
Benjamin Calmenson ~ University of Maryland
"Guided by your deep commitment to Jewish values and learning, you are an especially dignified young person - always appropriate and gentle in your interactions. Thank you for your terrific leadership at Yavneh."
Jordan Cope ~ University of Texas, Austin
"Knowledgeable and wordly - you exemplify the notion of Torah L'Shema - learning for learning's sake. You are courteous, sensitive and kind - with a huge season-ticket holding fan base - and we thank you for all you have given to Yavneh."
Hannah Delagi ~ Rhodes College
"A free spirit deeply grounded in your Judaism, you are sweet, fun and conscientious - a uniquely winning combination that ensures your success every step of the way. Please keep us posted as you progress!"
Jason Epstein ~ University of Texas, Austin
"As I have said many times, "On paper, Jason just doesn't make sense." You have done it all - and then some - with humility and grace, and a steadfast focus on those around you. Thank you for all you have done for Yavneh."
Jacob Feist ~ University of Missouri
"A great addition to the class, you are passionate about current events, politics and the greater Jewish world. You are poised for success in law and business, and we will look for you among the future Jewish community leaders."
Michelle Friedstadt ~ Tulane University
"You are reflective, deep, mature and focused - all while being fun-loving and family-oriented. Your weeks in Israel following the March of the Living helped you to "pull it all together," and we look forward to keeping in touch with you."
Daniel Granat ~ University of Nevada, Las Vegas
"Live from New York..." You are so entertaining, clever and creative - all of us here are privileged to say "we knew you when." And you are also sensitive, empathic and kind to such a great degree. All the best."
Nathasha Guaqueta ~
University of South Florida
"A mature and responsible friend and family member, you have shown kindness and resilience at every turn, all while being a great friend, family member and classmate to everyone here. Best of luck - and keep us posted."
Itai Guttman ~ Yeshivat Reishit Yeshiva University
"Devoted to learning and constant self-improvement, you have emerged as a terrific leader in the class. It takes tremendous talent to be able to grow from one's life experiences, and you have become a true role model for Yavneh students to emulate."
Zachary Harmon ~ University of Texas, Austin
"You are so very bright - a unique thinker and talent whose gifts have begun to flower during your time at Yavneh. We have every confidence that you will succeed - and look forward to hearing all about it."
Adam Karnett ~ Young Judaea Year Course Indiana University
"You are a person of character. You are both passionate and humble, and deeply respectful of those around you. Talented and insightful, you will go far. Keep us posted, Captain."
Talia Klein ~ Midreshet Moriah University of Maryland
"Bright, sensitive and caring, you have the ability to set goals and limits to maximize your God-given gifts. You are a young woman of principle, and we are grateful for your time at Yavneh."
Sam Kleinman ~ University of Missouri
"You make us all smile. A talented student, a gifted athlete and a great friend, you will continue to thrive in every setting you find yourself - how lucky Yavneh has been to be your second home for the past four years."
Gary Levine ~ University of Texas, Austin
"A true gentleman and leader, you have worked hard to develop a worldliness and a sensible approach to the world around you. Thank you for sharing your talents with us at Yavneh - and good luck in the future."
Hanna Liebermann ~ Midreshet HaRova Hendrix College
"A free spirit, a gifted writer and a creative soul, you have accomplished great things at Yavneh, developing a resilience and an optimism that will stand you in wonderful stead as you head off to Israel and college. Thank you for being you."
Valerie Lopez ~ Machon Maayan
"Yours has been a wonderful journey of Jewish self-discovery. You are persistent and talented - and your outer brightness reflects a can-do inner attitude that will carry you far. Best of luck in Israel, and please stay in touch."
Logan Luskey ~ Texas A&M University
"You are an amazing artist and student, blessed with a work ethic that is second to none. You are smart and knowledgeable and you know what you want out of life. We wish you great hatzlacha in achieving all that you deserve."
Alexis Riche ~ George Washington University
"You are a true intellectual. You have taken on more academic challenges than anyone else in the class, and succeeded with flying colors. We look forward to hearing of your future scholarly and professional successes, and we will miss you."

Dalya Romaner ~ Aardvark Israel Brandeis University
"You are a generous and capable leader - perhaps the most organized person we have ever known. Your unique gifts enable others to collaborate with you in ways that make for a better world always. Kol tuv - all the best."
David Rudomin ~ Indiana University
"Rudy, you are a smart, kind, caring young person - who has enriched the lives of those around you. We all look forward to hearing about your achievements in the future. There will be many - and we are proud to know you."
Osher Saboni ~ Indiana University
"You have impressed us all with your goal to finish at Yavneh and get to Israel without undue delay. Which you clearly accomplished! Shalom, Chaver - and please keep in touch as you continue to thrive."
Adam Schor ~ University of Texas, Austin
"They call you the "gentle giant." Another great addition to the Class of 2014, you are brilliant, humble, and - I understand - quite funny. Thank you for joining us at Yavneh - and stay in touch, please."
Lauren Siegel ~ University of Michigan
"You are a talented artist, an energetic leader, and a force of nature. Because of you, schoolchildren across Dallas have received tutoring and special attention - and Ann Arbor and the rest of the world anxiously await your cue."
Erin Smith ~ University of Georgia
"You are bright, gentle, and have really come 'into your own' during your time at Yavneh. A wonderful student and a terrific photographer, you have made us all look good - and we are in your debt. Best of luck going forward, and try not to forget us too soon."
Adam Steinbrecher ~ University of Texas, Austin
"When describe you to others, I am almost at a loss for words. From academics to athletics, from student leadership to AIPAC, to your many entrepreneurial ventures - you are destined for success and we hope you will always remember where you came from. "
Dania Tanur ~ American University
"You are a true powerhouse. An exceptional student, a gifted athlete and a leader in so many ways, you exemplify the Yavneh student activist. You are also a sensitive poet who knows who she is - a deeply spiritual and connected person who we know will do great things in college and beyond."
Yonah Taurog ~ Yeshivat Yesodei HaTorah Yeshiva University
"When you came to us just last year, we weren't sure what to expect. With a high energy level that included running up walls - you have matured into a young Jewish man committed to Torah and mitzvot, and we are a richer school because you attended."
Michael Teplitskiy~ University of Texas, Dallas 
You are so bright and mature. With a twinkle in your eye that lets your teachers know you understand everything, to your pushing yourself to achieve in advanced math and other areas, we are so glad you were here at Yavneh - as we wish you
and your entire class Briut and Hatzlacha - good health and good luck always."
Underclassmen Awards
Academic Success ~ General Studies
Louis Cohen '17 Zev Burstein '17 Ariella Cohen '17 Amitai Abouzaglo '16 Mira Roosth '16 Serina Romick '15 Austin Jacoby '15
Academic Success ~ Judaic Studies
Sammy Zoller '17 Sarah Wilensky '17 Avi Baynash '16 Carolyn Smith '16 Erin Wernick '15 Jacob Herstein '15 Academic Success ~ Hebrew Sarah Wilensky '17 Zach Epstein '17 Joey Goldman '16 Amitai Abouzaglo '16 Erin Wernick '15 Jacob Herstein '15 Ruach Awards Rosie Bernstein '17 & Meir Epstein '15 The Principal's Award Jonathan Kravitz '15
The Bulldog Award Erin Wernick '15 & Jacob Herstein '15 
Brandeis University designated "Social Action & Civic Engagement" Honoree Jacob Herstein '15
Closing out 2013-2014
A Visit from the Southwest Jewish Congress ~~
In preparation for Graduation this past week, our seniors
were privileged to hear Drew Alyeshmerni, the new Executive Vice-President of the Southwest Jewish Congress, discuss the emergence of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activity on college campuses.
Ms. Alyeshmerni shared her personal story and history of activism in Israel and the U.S., and she will continue to connect with many of them as they head off to college.
Farewell to Faculty ~Many thanks to our Faculty members, leaving Yavneh Academy ~ our best is with you always.
A Peek to Yavneh Leadership: 2014-2015
Congratulations to Student Council Executive Board, and Representatives who will lead Yavneh in the 2014-2015 year. Representatives (bottom row): '17 ~ Aaron Minsky & Eliana Schuller-Podbilewicz '16 ~ Adina Romaner & Sammy Weyser '15 ~ Grant Prengler & Sophie Lynn Executive Board (back row): Co-Presidents ~ Erin Wernick & Serina Romick Vice-President ~ Amitai Abouzaglo Secretary ~ Carolyn Smith Trea$urer ~ Tommy Erlich
Mazel Tov to ~ Yavneh's longtime English teacher, Peggy Leeman-Ramirez, who was selected as the 2014 Phi Delta Kappa Distinguished Service in the Educational Field honoree, by the Texas A&M Commerce Chapter of the organization. "Mrs. Leeman-Ramirez received many, many glowing recommendations by her students, many spanning her 60-year career," said Dr. Kriss Kemp-Graham, President of the chapter. "She has been an inspiration to the many students, her hard work and dedication has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated." In receiving the award, Mrs. Leeman-Ramirez said that she has learned more from her students than they have learned from her, and that she loves working with their bright minds. Former faculty member, Raffi Rosenzweig, who received his JD at Harvard Law School (and to his sons Moe and Raanan, who got a "high five" and handshake from the Dean of the Law School, and to Ilana, a former Yavneh teacher, and the whole family, a " bruchim habaim," as you return to live in Dallas at the end of this month. Ilana will be teaching JTL at Yavneh, and Raffi will soon begin work at Locke Lord LLP.

Sara Jane Goldenberg '11, who has joined the IDF, and is now serving in a combat field intelligence gathering unit called "Isuf Kravi" (איסוף קרבי). Sara Jane made aliyah last December, believing it is her duty to protect Israel, the place that is her homeland. To you Sara Jane, and all of your fellow soldiers, toda rabah, be safe and be well!
Mazel Tov to Yavneh's alumni as they complete their university and post-graduate degrees ...
University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
BS/Supply Chain Management BS/Marketing
Peter Bokov '09 University of Texas BA/Government BS/Biology
Arielle Burstein '10
Barnard College of Columbia University
BA/Film Studies
Noah Donnenfield '10
Texas A&M University
BS/Sports Management
Sefi Elbaz '10
University of Miami
Daley Epstein '10
University of Texas
BA/Plan II Honors
Sophie Geller Herskowitz '10
Stern College at Yeshiva University
Aliza Greenberg '10
Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Southern Methodist University
BA/Religious Studies
Joshua Karnett '10
Syracuse University S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
BS/Broadcast Journalism Minor/Political Science
Zoe Klein '09
University of Maryland
Minor/Global Poverty
Paige Koeppel '10
University of Texas
BA/Corporate Communication Laura Kreditor '09 Boston University BA/Psychology
Joseph Lerer '10 Harvard College BA/History & Literature
Aaron Liener '09
University of Texas
BA/Hebrew Language &Literature
Certificate in Business Foundation
Rebecca Lipinsky '10
American University
BA/Psychology Alexa Meyers '09 Laboratory Institute of Merchandise BPS/Fashion Merchandising
Jaclyn Peiser '10
Cum Laude
Goucher College
BA/American Studies
BA/Communication & Media Studies
Ezekiel Quittner-Strom '09
Tufts University
Minor/Computer Science
Rebecca Schisler '10
Wesleyan College
BA/Studio Arts - Painting
Ethan Waranch '09 University of Arkansas BS/Psychology Shayna Weinberg-Gordon '07 Brooklyn Law School - JD
Solomon Weiner '09
With Honors
Guilford College
BS/Community & Justice Studies
Happy Summer Birthdays to ~~
8 Naomi Schrager 10 Nikki Friedman 11 Samantha Harris
12 Logan Luskey & Grant Prengler 17 Megan Lacritz
22 Rabbi Michel Lomner 24 Rachel Boim 25 Noah Weiss
28 Austin Jacoby & Sammy Zoller
29 Heather Behr
6 Adam Karnett9 Liad Guttman & Dr. David Portnoy 10 Yonah Taurog
13 David Rudomin 15 Zach Harmon 18 Justin Gluckman 20 Max Feist
22 Mimi Zimmerman 23 Ethan Pearson 27 Allyn Schmucker
28 Hannah Delagi & Tammy Schisler
1 Hanna Liebermann 3 Macy Golman & Sara Laizerovich 5 Ed Durant
15 Rachael Abrams & Mira Roosth 16 Peggy Leeman
18 Sam Kleinman 22 Zach Lampert 25 Erin Smith & Noah Weiss
30 Sarah Barnett
12324 Merit Drive
Dallas, TX 75251
214.295.3500 www.yavnehdallas.org Shalom Chaverim ~ Yavneh Academy's Etone has been written, photographed, and produced by
Deb Silverthorn
Director of Communications
Community Liaison Yearbook Adviser