MAY  30  2014
1  SIVAN - 5774

From the Head of School ~
   Dr. David Portnoy

Dear Yavneh Family,


As I write this, the Schultz Family Gymnasium is being decorated for our 19th Commencement  - the second graduation ceremony to be held on our campus.


To those of you who have never attended a Yavneh Academy graduation, it is unique in many ways, with each graduating senior speaking, and each one being addressed directly and personally by me as Head of School.


It is the culmination of their years of hard work at Yavneh, and is as dignified, warm and personal as any graduation ceremony I have seen.  As such, it serves as a reflection of our deepest goals and values: academic rigor, Jewish dedication, community cohesiveness, and individualized attention.


My wife Shira, son Maury and I were so happy to welcome the senior class to our home this week (see below). While I have the privilege of teaching them and seeing them every day, they each remarked to me how impressed they were with the maturity, good manners and menschlekeit of these outstanding young Yavneh leaders, soon to become our newest crop of alumni.


Chodesh Tov, Shabbat Shalom from all of us - and see you at Graduation on Sunday at 3pm!


Shabbat Shalom from all of us!


Dr. P. 

Many thanks to Janyce Steinbrecher
and Yavneh's Maintenance  Crew for
keeping our students snacked and
hydrated during Finals Week.

Anyone wishing to volunteer to help on Monday and Tuesday, please contact

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1 ~         Class of 2014 
            Schultz Family Gym

2 - 3 ~ Final Exams continue 
4 & 5 ~       Shavuot
          SRCampus closed 
YOU make  the difference!


a.m. - Social Studies Exams
p.m. - No Afternoon Classes

a.m. - Science Exams
p.m. - No Afternoon Classes - Erev Shavuot

Shabbat Shalom v' Chag Sameach Shavuot 

to download a dvar Torah from 
Naomi Schrager,
Associate Principal/Judaic Studies Programming
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach from Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum,
Naomi Schrager, 
and the Judaic Studies Faculty

Yavneh in Review

Yom Yerushalayim:  

         Jerusalem's Reunification in Ruach  


Yavneh's students and faculty celebrated Yom Yerushalayim, the anniversary of the June 6, 1967 (28 Iyyar) reunification of the city of Jerusalem, in style with davening, learning, and joy.  Impromptu dancing and rejoicing filled the Beit Midrash, and a meaningful lesson from Naomi Schrager, who calls the occurrences of that date "a most obvious sign of Hashem's hand on our lives," and who provided the following learning:

In Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah), the prophet speaks of a time when Hashem will renew the joy in the streets of Yerushalayim - it will go from being a desolate city to one where we hear the voices of joy, gladness, brides and grooms, and the voice of people bringing thanksgiving sacrifices to the rebuilt Temple.

The Rabbis used these verses for one of the Sheva Brachot which are recited at a chuppah- but they took out the part about the thanksgiving offering and replaced it with a line about children playing their instruments. Why the change? Rav Yehuda Amital (OBM) suggested that the Rabbis were nervous that if they left in the part about the korban, people would despair. They would think there are only two possibilities - complete destruction or complete redemption. No possible interim or middle ground.

Rav Amital said that the Rabbis needed us to know that there is a possibility of partial redemption- today, thanks to the miracles that Hashem performed in 1967, the streets of Yerushalayim again ring with the sounds of joy, gladness, children playing and brides and grooms.

We of course still pray for the final redemption when we will again server Hashem as one people in Yerushalayim, but we must never despair - we must not think that what we have now is insignificant - after 2000 years, with the help of G-d, we restored the capital of our people and our faith. 


Hanging at HOS House!

                  photos by Dr. Portnoy 

Head of School (HOS) Dr. Portnoy hosted the entire senior class at his home this week, in what has become a Yavneh tradition.  From saying hello to the three ducks at the pond in front of the Lander-Portnoy home (Huey, Greenie and Tex), to enjoying snacks and a wide variety of coffee and tea choices, the seniors relaxed, reminisced and began their pre-Graduation celebration. 

After Dr. Portnoy spoke with them about Graduation and their parts in it, his wife, Rabbi Dr. Shira Lander - who will be directing Jewish Studies at SMU starting this summer, after five years at Rice University - spoke with the students about college-level studies in religion and Judaism, and how it compares with the kind of courses they would have experienced in high school.  She also spoke about the challenging situation on many college campuses, with anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents, and ways to constructively deal with being students on diverse demographic campuses.  


Then, Dr. Portnoy's son, Maury, a recent college graduate (Haverford College) spoke with the students about his experience as an undergraduate, from choosing courses and majors ("keep an open mind") to getting enough food, sleep and exercise.  Finally, Mrs. Schmucker gave the seniors some parting words of advice, noting that we at Yavneh are "always here for you."

March of the Living - Remembered 
photos by Sarah Barnett, Talia Klein, Jay Kleinman,
Hanna Liebermann, Logan Luskey, Dalya Romaner &
Dania Tanur 

Heritage, heart, and hope come together on the March of the Living tour and for the 2014 participants from the Yavneh Family, they came together knit-tight.  On Tuesday night students and chaperones shared memories, screened a scrapbook video, reliving the impact on themselves, while making an impact on everyone who attended.


From April 23 to May 7, the group traveled to Poland and Israel, joining the ranks of 150,000 youth from around the world who, since 1988, have marched the path from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day.


"The students are remarkable - kind to each other and those they'd just met, they are smart, articulate and generally wonderful to be with. They spoke about the appreciation they feel for having been sent to Jewish school, one describing Yavneh as the place that developed his moral character," said Pam Fine who has coordinated Yavneh's MOL for 12 years. "It was an incredible experience of growth, sharing and introspection and I have great confidence in the future of the Jewish people with them as our upcoming leaders."


Yavneh seniors participating were  

Niv Avneri, Sarah Barnett, Ella Baum, Benjamin Calmenson, Jason Epstein, Michelle Friedstadt, Daniel Granat, Nathasha Guaqueta, Itai Guttman, Zachary Harmon, Adam Karnett, Talia Klein, Sam Kleinman, Gary Levine, Hanna Liebermann, Valerie Lopez, Logan Luskey, Dalya Romaner, Adam Schor, Erin Smith, Adam Steinbrecher, Dania Tanur, Yonah Taurog, and Michael Teplitksiy.  Holocaust survivor Max Glauben, and Yavneh's Associate Principal/Judaic Curriculum Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum, who, like Mrs. Fine have chaperoned the program for many years returned, while Jay Kleinman,  

Yavneh Associate Principal/Judaic Curriculum Naomi Schrager, and  

Dr. Karen Suttle made their first venture.


Also joining the group, were Alexandra Aronowitz, an Akiba Academy alumna and a recent graduate of Episcopal School of Dallas, and Jacob Schwartz, who lives in San Antonio and attends International School of the Americas.


"I wanted to go on the March with people who would impact me, not only with the raw emotion of the trip, but who would challenge me also Jewishly," said Jacob.  "In the Yavneh students, I made friends for a lifetime, I found a group of people who brought me in with open arms." 


"I didn't get to go to a Jewish day school but every year I go on the March, I have the best teachers - and they are all many years younger than I.  They've taught me more than anyone," said Max, who has chaperoned nine of the last 10 years, had not returned to the region until his first with the Yavneh students.  "I am a better Jew because of them.  I know for sure that religion is in your heart, and you must tailor it to meet your own needs and you will be fulfilled."


At 13, Max was sent to Majdanek, to Budzyn, Mielec, Wieliczka and Flossenburg before being liberated, by a Jewish soldier, while on a death march to Dachau. Later serving in the U.S. Army, in the Korean War, he ultimately made Dallas his home. " When I was a little boy, I wondered how G-d could understand what I was saying in Hebrew. 
I realize I made up many of my own words, and now, I know He listened then, and he listens now."


In Majdanek, the group walked through the gas chambers and then into a barrack filled with thousands of old shoes, where Max told of the murder of his father and brothers. At the crematorium, the group recited the Kel Maleh Rachamim, the prayer for the soul of the departed, on behalf of the members of Max's family who perished there, just outside, a rose garden present.  For many of the students, the beauty in a place where horror occurred, did not go unrealized.


"It's hard to put together the amount of life and death that comes from the same place," said Dania, crediting Jay Kleinman with identifying that it's not the location that's bad, it's what happened there that is bad. Echoing many, Dania said "seeing a flower blossoming at the door of a gas chamber, I found myself holding Max's hand.  The powerful image, of this happiest man I've ever known, standing where so many of his generation perished, is a lesson I will never, ever forget."  


 For Hanna Liebermann, the March brought her childhood forward, as her grandfather, a Holocaust survivor himself, had brought her a book about "Hana's Suitcase" when she was just six-years-old.  "On the trip, we stood before what seemed like hundreds or more suitcases, and there, before me, were three different red ones, all with Hanna, H-A-N-N-A, spelled out," she said.  "On the March, you do not walk alone, you walk in masses of Jews, still, just a drop in the bucket compared to those who were killed." 


The group visited the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva where Daf Yomi, the daily study of the same page of Talmud by Jews around the world, was pioneered.  In Cracow, they visited Plaschow and Zgody Square where Rabbi Tannenbaum, led a tour behind the Remu's Synagogue where his own ancestors are buried, and they visited Treblinka, where an estimated 800,000 Jews were killed. There, the students sat amidst the grave markers, reading letters their own families had written.  For all, the blessings of their own lives, were not undermined.   


  "I always inherently knew the importance of the March of the Living for our students, but now, having gone myself, I truly believe this is something every Jew, 18 or 100, should share in," said Mrs. Schrager.  "It gives everyone who attends a grounding of the fact that there is something so much bigger than ourselves."


"In Chumash and Gemara classes we talk about being a part of a chain of tradition and in these two weeks each of us was instilled into that timeline," said Mrs. Schrager, "What we experienced isn't just the truth of the death of so many millions, that alone is the ultimate horror, but what we experienced was the complete upheaval of what it meant to be a Jew - and even I couldn't have understood that from listening to others, or studying from afar."


At the synagogue in Tykotchin, the travelers found whitewashed walls on which of the major prayers were beautifully stenciled, Yavneh's young ladies joined those from a school in Israel dancing and bringing Jewish life to light.  The group then traveled to an adjacent forest, where more than 1400 were killed over a three-day period, once again noting the jarring contrast between the beauty of place, and horror of the actions which took place now more than 70 years ago. In Warsaw, the group visited the new Jewish Museum where they visited with a group of Polish teens.


With 11,000 others, the group linked arms and marched out of Auschwitz under the " Arbeit macht frei" sign, arriving at Birkenau to mark Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day and the seventieth anniversary of the deportation of the Hungarian Jewish community.  The Hungarian president taking responsibility for the government's involvement in the destruction of Hungarian Jewry and Chief Rabbi Yisrael  Meir Lau, a child survivor, spoke and a tribute to Hannah Senesh and Raoul Wallenberg who saved many Jewish lives before their own deportation, was made.


  Rabbi Tannenbaum, providing insight, prayer leadership, and depth asked the group to touch the walls in the gas chambers, making sure to remember the moment when they later touched the Kotel Wall in Jerusalem. 




In time for Israel's Memorial Day and Israel's sixty-fifth Independence Day, the group

visited many exciting places and ancient sites, including Jerusalem, Masada, the Sea of Galilee, Tel Aviv, the Negev Desert. On Yom Hazikaron, students took part in ceremonies honoring Israel's soldiers who gave their lives in defense of their country, and together, with Israeli's a grand celebration  honored the establishment of the State of Israel.





As with each year, each tour, each group of Yavneh students blessed to make the journey - comparisons of then and now, ashes to renewal,  

are never lost. Am Yisrael Chai!








In Respecting Memorial Day ~  

                            Recalling a Visit from One Who Serves ~

As we began the week remembering those who gave their lives for our country, we are proud here to honor SGT Colten Baitch, a 27-year-old member of our community, his parents Sara & Larry and their family associated with Congregation Shaare Tefilla, since 1987.


SGT Baitch and his new bride Shayna were in Dallas for Pesach, readying to move to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, where he will be stationed with the 101st Airborne unit.  The couple visited Rabbi Michael Friedman's class, with SGT Baitch sharing his history in the service, including three combat tours of duty, each lasting a year.   


He has been to Khadar, Afghanistan, Iraq on two occasions - conducting nightly raids in capturing Hezbollah, Iranian Special Groups, and Shia Militia outside of Baghdad, and in assisting the 2nd Marine Division in taking the city of Ramadi.  He partnered with the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Task Force, conducted raids and sniper missions with the US Navy Seals, and capture key terrorist leaders and financiers, assisting the CIA and multinational coalition task forces - these experiences, these heroic acts of defending our country - all the while davening, keeping kosher, holding his kippah high, and as best to his ability, remaining a strong modern Orthodox Jew.

To SGT. Baitch, and to your bride beside you, we wish safety,  good health, peace, and honor. 


          Well Wishes & Mazel Tov  ~ 
Happy Birthday to ~


 2   Elvira Levi    5  Heidi Kravitz & Sarah Wilensky    


Mazal Tov to ~




Zak '15, Gaby '16, Samuel, Max, Andy & Kathryn Schultz, and the entire Schultz Family on the birth of baby James David Oren Schultz, born Saturday, May 24.  James is the grandson of Leslie and Howard Schultz and Carol and Tom Payton. The bris will be held on Monday, June 2 at 12:15p.m. at Congregation Shearith Israel, in the Aaron Family Main Sanctuary, followed by light refreshments in the Kaplan Auditorium.  







Abby (Feinstein) '08 and Eric Bates

on their marriage last weekend.  Blessings and congratulations to the bride, groom, and their entire family.  





photos courtesy Abby Feinstein Bates

Yavneh's MOL students are greatly appreciative of our community's support of the program.  Yavneh's MOL travelers have partnered with  World WearProject,to provide shoes and clothing for those in need while raising funds for their experience.    


The collection bin which can accept items including shoes, clothing, belts, purses, wallets, hats, caps, backpacks, stuffed animals, hard toys and pots and pans is located in the Yavneh parking lot against the back fence.


For more info about Yavneh's MOL tour, visit   


College Cues ~~    
                                                    Allyn Schmucker 
                                                            Director of Guidance/College Counselor

Class of '14 University & Israel Program Acceptances 
Kol Hakavod to the following students who have received college acceptances and scholarship offers.  Updated acceptances are in bold.   Seniors, be sure to send notice of your
acceptances to so that we can share your news.


Shanee AbouzagloBoston University/Trustee Scholar,
                                               George Washington University/University Honors Program                    
                                               Northeastern University/Honors Program,  
                                               Tulane University/Honors Program, University of Miami,
                                               University of Texas/Austin - Health Science Scholars Honors Program                                              
Niv Avneri ~ American University, Indiana University, IDC Herzliya College,
                            University of Denver
, University of Miami 
Sarah Barnett ~    Bradley University, Eckerd College, Goucher College, Ithaca College,  
                                     Knox College, Muhlenberg College, Stern College/Yeshiva University,
                                     University of Kansas, University of Tampa
Ella Baum ~
Beloit College, Guilford College, Hendrix College 

Ben Calmenson ~ Texas A&M, Tulane University, University of Illinois,  University of Michigan,
                                      University of Kansas, University of Maryland
Jordan Cope ~  American University/Honors Scholar Program, Brandeis University,
                               George Washington University, 
Tulane University/Honors Program,
                               University of Texas/Liberal Arts Honors Program                                 
Hannah Delagi ~ American University of Paris, College of Charleston, Rhodes College  

Jason Epstein ~
Emory University, Northwestern University, University of Michigan,
                                 University of Texas/Plan II, Washington University in St. Louis
Jacob Feist ~ Indiana University, University of Alabama, University of Arizona, University of Kansas

Michelle Friedstadt ~
Bradley University, College of Charleston, Indiana University, 
                                            Tulane University, University of Georgia,
University of Missouri                                    

Daniel Granat ~  Hofstra University, Lynn University, PACE University,
                                  University of Kansas, University of Nevada/Las Vegas

Tash Guaqueta ~ Florida Atlantic University, University of South Florida

Itai Guttman ~ 
University of Kansas, University of  Maryland,
                                  University of Massachusetts/Amherst, Yeshiva University, Yeshivat Reishit

Zach Harmon ~ Indiana University/Kelley School of Business, Texas A&M Mays Business School,  
                                 University of Colorado/Leeds School of Business,                                          
                                 University of Massachusetts Amherst/Commonwealth Honors College,
                                 University of Miami, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin


Adam Karnett ~ Indiana University, University of Denver, University of Kansas 

Talia Klein ~ Midreshet Moriah, Stern College For Women/Yeshiva University
                           University of Maryland/Honors College

Sam Kleinman ~
Indiana University, University of Kansas, University of Missouri  

Gary Levine ~ Indiana University/Kelley School of Business, University of Georgia,
                               University of Maryland, University of Miami, University of Michigan,
                               University of Texas

Hanna Liebermann ~ Austin College, Bar Ilan University Israel Experience,
                                            Hendrix College, Midreshet Harova,  Southwestern University, Stern College 
Valerie Lopez ~ Machon Maayan, University of Texas/Arlington

Logan Luskey ~ Colorado State University, Louisiana State University, Oklahoma State University,                                   Texas A&M

Lexi Riche ~  George Washington University,  
                            University of Miami/
                                      Ronald A. Hammond Scholars and Foote
Fellowship programs                                           
Dalya Romaner ~
  Brandeis University, Lewis & Clark College, Northeastern University,
                                        Tulane University, University of Texas/Liberal Arts Honors Program  


David Rudomin ~  Indiana University, University of Colorado/Boulder 

Adam Schor ~ University of Georgia, University of Texas/McCombs School of Business     

Lauren Siegel ~ Indiana University, Northeastern University/NUiu
                                 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Tulane University/Honors College 
                                                                             University of Illinois, University of Michigan,  
                                 University of Wisconsin at Madison/L&S Honors College   

Osher Saboni ~  Indiana University, University of Kansas

Erin Smith ~
Indiana University, Texas A&M University, Tulane University, University of Georgia 


Adam Steinbrecher ~ Indiana University/Kelley School of Business

Dania Tanur ~    American University/Global Scholars Program,                                
                                  George Washington University, Indiana University,
New York University,
                                  Northeastern University/NUiu,
University of Miami,
                                  University of Southern California, University of Texas
Yonah Taurog ~ Lander College for Men/Touro College, University of Texas/Dallas, 
                                         Yeshiva University, Yeshivat Reishit, Yeshivat Yesodei Hatorah
Michael Teplitskiy ~ University of Texas/Dallas

For more information on any of the programs  

of Yavneh's Office of College Guidance, email  

Allyn Schmucker at

Please send all news and updates for Yavneh Academy's Etone to:

Yavneh Academy of Dallas
12324 Merit Drive   Dallas, TX 75251
Unless otherwise credited, Yavneh Academy's Etone
is written, photographed, and produced by
Deb Silverthorn
Director of Communications & Community Liaison

Yavneh Academy is a beneficiary
and partner agency of the
Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas

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