School of Communication & Media Newsletter
Volume 2, Issue: 2 - November  2014
Graphic Facilitation by Dr. Bakelaar of SCM
Film Forum
November 18
"The Rule"  
Documentary & 
Directors' Discussion 


November 25
Pankaj Rishi Kumar, Filmmaker

SCM Colloquium
November 19
Nicholas Valente
MSU class of 1977
Strategies for Effective Social Media

The Inequality Project
Making Sense of Prison Reform Needs in New Jersey 
On October 30th, special guests Charles Rosen (New Ark Farms) and Professor Jessica Henry (Justice Studies Department, Montclair State University) joined SCM for a memorable colloquium discussion on prison reform issues within the Garden State. 

Read the full story here 
School Of Communication & Media Highlights
Student Spotlight
Alumni Spotlight 
Faculty Spotlight
Silas Kezengwa
WMSC Program Director
Lisa Marie Latino, BA '06
Founder, Long Shot Productions
Kelly Whiteside
Renowned Sports Journalist Joins SCM Faculty 
Click Image for Story
The Center for Cooperative Media

SCM on the Media

Lessons Learned

Students, Faculty, and Journalists Cover NJ Election
Dr. Christopher McKinley Addresses Current Health Communication Issues 
SCM Alum, Joel Torrres, Elected to Jersey City BOE With Lessons From SCM
Veteran's Day 2014
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. 

John F. Kennedy

Dr. Harry W. Haines contributed to an essay for the Creative Research Center for Veteran's Day.
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