In this edition of the Voices & Visions Star:
  • A Hanukkah Message 
  • Distribution of 12,000 Proudly Jewish posters
  • Proudly Jewish Debuts at JCamp180
  • Poster Exhibition at Elms College
  • Presentation at Symposium for Socially Engaged Art
Happy Hanukkah from Voices & Visions!

Hanukkah commemorates a war - the last victory a Jewish army won on Israeli soil from 160 BCE until 1948, a span of over 2100 years.

But the Rabbis shifted the focus from warfare to life after the spears were laid down, when the Macabees re-entered the Temple and were greeted with the miracle of the oil.

Similarly, in this Proudly Jewish poster, Golda Meir's reflection and Chana Helen Roseberg's artwork shift the focus from warfare to the miracle of modern Israel, from bombs and guns to cotton and strawberries.

We hope this Hanukkah season is peaceful and joyful, letting in the light and the miracles.

"We hate war. We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown, and when strawberries bloom in Israel." - Golda Meir

Distribution of 12,000 Proudly Jewish Posters 

Sets of Voices & Visions' new Proudly Jewish poster series have been gifted to Federations and JCCs across North America, and distribution to Reform and Conservative synagogues is well underway. Over 12,000 posters have been mailed since the series was printed in July.   

The quotes and artwork of the new series exemplify Judaism's core values and ideas.

Voices & Visions loves to partner with all Jewish organizations. Please contact us if you are interested in receiving a complimentary set.

Educators admire a Proudly Jewish poster at the recent 
conference of Reconstructionist Educators of North America

See the Proudly Jewish series in our GALLERY

Proudly Jewish Debuts at JCamp180

At the JCamp180 Conference held in Springfield MA in November Jewish camp professionals and lay leaders were taken with the beauty and wisdom of the new Proudly Jewish posters, and expressed their excitement about using the posters at their camps this coming summer.

Complimentary posters - a set of large posters for hanging and a set of smaller laminated posters for sharing and discussing - will be mailed to Jewish camps in January-February 2016, and a JCamp180 webinar will be held to guide senior staff in using the posters with campers, counselors, and boards.


Voices & Visions Exhibition at Elms College

An exhibition of Voices & Visions' Masters Series posters was mounted at the College of Our Lady of the Elms in Chicopee, MA in October-November 2015. This unique display, which included earlier drafts of posters to highlight artists' creative process, was the first Voices & Visions show at a Catholic college.  

Representatives of various faiths were invited to the opening event, and keynote speaker Rachel Raz, Director of the Early Childhood Institute at Boston's Hebrew College, shared how she has used the posters to spark discussion on interfaith tours in Israel.

Following the success of the exhibition, Masters Series posters will be gifted to Religious Studies programs at colleges and universities across North America. 

See other Voices & Visions exhibitions in EVENTS.

Presentation at Symposium for Socially Engaged Art

A pioneering symposium - "Creative Catalyst Symposium for Socially Engaged Art" - was hosted in early November in New York City by the organization Art Kibbutz, with participating artists, curators, and social and environmental activists.

Voices & Visions was invited to present our program's evolution, goals, and impact to the full symposium, and to encourage participants to use the posters as a vehicle for promoting social justice. 


See creative uses of Voices & Visions posters in the EXCHANGE.  

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