at the Art Institute of San Antonio
January 1, 2013 Issue # 9 



Opening January 7th through March 2013
Reception TBA

We are splashing into this new year and season! This newsletter is a special one as it covers the work our members have contributed to the Flora and Fauna: Exquisite Quilt installation at the Art Institute of San Antonio. This exhibition is a collective body of artworks, uniform in size and format, creating a comprehensive singular work representative of the talent that is GAGA. 

Our regular newsletter features such as Poetry INsession, Dear Georgia and Cartoon Buffoon, etc.,will return in February.  

You might ask, "What the heck is an Equisite Quilt?"  Well, lemme tell you!

Once upon a time, 
there was a group of really crazy people galled the DADAists who raged magnificently against the evils of the first World War. They were the precursors to modern art as we know it... I guess we could call ourselves today, the GAGAistsAnyway, this crazy post-World War One group did all kinds of things, started all kinds of innovative thinking, including laying the ground work for the Surrealists who created, among other things, collaged statements that made no sense. 

You see, the Surrealists would get together and write stuff randomly and then string it together. I guess it was an early way of channeling divine energies or, in the very least, a way of engineering new thoughts that were unfamiliar to society. Anyway, these collaged sentences became known as exquisite corpses. As time went on, this group got bored with just words and started incorporating images. Drawings were placed together randomly to make new world visions. These visions were often bizarre.

So here we are post millenium... and GAGAists are creating a womanly thing, an exquisite quilt. It is made of wooden cradled panels randomly strung together in keeping with the tradition of the Surrealist's corpse. 'Cept, we thought the word corpse sounded a little harsh. So in the process of creating ours, we abandoned convention--keeping the word exquisite and introducing the word quilt. We got rid of the word corpse. Of course, we could have played on another altogether different word and called it corps... Oh well. That would have worked also by referencing our organization of talented women artists.

The Art Institute of San Antonio is hosting the Flora and Fauna Exquisite Quilt. It is a huge, site-specific installation by any stretch of the imagination. Created through an all members artist call, it represents the artistic contributions from many GAGAists living in the greater San Antonio area. 

We are extremely grateful to AISA for giving us the opportunity to exhibit this installation that calls to mind a historical art movement as well as the time honored artistic tradition that the Surrealists invented.   

Please stay tuned for the reception date. AISA is also a culinary institute and their receptions are exceptional! They are prepared by AISA's newly forming chefs-to-be and promise to be a lot of fun. They are also deliciously visual, and exquisitely palatable! We hope you will join us for this wonderful feast!

Sylvia Benitez, President and Founder/GAGA
Elizabeth Payne


These are paintings of Monument Valley, Utah. These "Three Sisters" and Butte have been carved away. It is the opposite of the Grand Canyon, positive versus negative space.

Anne Burtt


Transforming discarded glass, 'recycling', into beautiful art is my current passion. These works are made from a discarded tempered glass shelf and colored powdered glass.


Beatriz Fedele 


As an artist, I like to explore the bonds that connect us with the cycles of the natural world. I aim to visually capture nature both on a large and intimate scale. It is my hope that viewers of my work will come to appreciate the wonderful complexities of nature.


Bibi Saidi

This year I lost three friends. These paintings are a meditation about endings.


Golden hearts surround me and carpet the paths in the November garden; their shape and color continue to change as December rolls on. My photographs of their dying glory inspire a series of watercolors; the leaves are rendered wet-in-wet, the background follows their fate with multiple layers.


Diane Bazaldua


Most of my work is done in scratchboard.  Scratchboard Art is

a 2-dimensional, subtractive medium that involves the use of sharp 

or abrasive tools

to directly remove a surface layer of dark color to 

expose a secondary layer of  white clay.  Different colors may be added to 

the exposed white clay to give the artwork depth and contrast.
Mary Overstreet
I enjoyed working on this project because I love to garden. I am always taking photographs of flowers in my yard.  


Ruth Mulligan 


Mulligan is an abstract painter.

Small details are important to this work as color and texture set the layered background of each piece.


Stefani Job Spears


Stefani Job Spears' work crosses various media boundaries.  Her watercolors, prints and oil paintings reflect her love of the delicate fractal beauty found in nature. 




Kari Roberts-Sackmann
Dionaea Muscipula is the celebration of the evolutionary and adaptive genius of the plant more commonly known as the "Venus Flytrap". 
It is the ultimate representation of Flora and Fauna; a Darwinian turning of the tables that is embodied in a wickedly beautiful form beckoning beyond its two dimensional plane.



Ligia Bedenkop


While visiting Dauphin Island in south Alabama, I felt the urge to paint the brown pelican, and share my experience of utter awe, watching these majestic birds nose diving into the gulf for a meal. When I painted the sandpiper prowling in a swamp at dawn, I was taken to a very peaceful space.


Lori Crockett
As quoted from Crockett-
dhsof os [oif [saopifj asiofjjf [apojf pqofjpofjspfoj pofjpfjwpfjppfj pfjiof opfj woifj w[oifj [oif [oi w[ifoh we[ofiw[oiw[ofi we[oiifh [eoifhoih[ofih[wofkh w[ofi! 
Roberta Buckles

I am drawn to the Guadalupe River  when I need to be alone with my own thoughts, slow down and hear the quiet wisdom of the river.  Each flattened color shape acts in concert with the next (like the interaction of the quiet sounds of nature at the river). In so doing, they form the visual tapestry of my thoughts and memory. 

Sandy Freeman

Living with and loving dogs my entire life, has left me with a desire to capture their humorous and endearing spirits.  My work does not reflect high realism but rather a bold, expressive style, using broad strokes and bold colors.  
Susan Jean Micheal


Susan Jean Michael paints in an abstract flowing style, working with layers of color and form to create an emotional response in the viewer.


Loretta Young Medellin


With this work, I imagine myself becoming very small. Like Alice in Wonderland, I partake of the drink that shrinks my body so that I am able to enter the picture plane. 


Maggie Morawietz
Making jewelry means living in a world of miniature everything and absolute precision. "Winging it" is rarely an option; "soaring" happens when not melting anything down. Necklaces: embossed metal on wood. 


         THE EXQUISITE FLORA AND FAUNA                 QUILT    

Participating artists

Terry Gay Puckett
Anne Burtt
Chelle Delaney * Sally Astleford
Ruth Mulligan
Bonnie Kirkley
Rosa Vera
Jean Laman
Kari Roberts-Sackmann
Carole Greer
Lesta Frank
Maggie Morawietz
Loretta Young Medellin
Susan Jean Michael
Barbara Felix
Jennifer Polnaszek
Virginia Lukefahr
Deborah Keller-Rihn
Louise Craig
 Sandy Freeman
Roberta S Buckles
Lori Crockett 
Ligia Bedenkop
Stefani Job Spears
Elizabeth Payne
Mary Overstreet
Kathleen Baker Pittman
Diane Bazaldua
Bibi Saidi
M. Guadalupe Marmolejo
Beatriz Fedele   
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Terry Gay Puckett


This painting is inspired by my research on Mexican folk art and the work of French artist Henri Rousseau. Fantasy art is a safe place for a mermaid to dance with a dog, and a welcome escape from daily life in a fractured world; a way to share joy with others, including both flora and fauna.


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Click the active, underscored white link above to zoom over to GAGA Headquarters! Thank you.



Carole Greer 


The catalysts for making these images are circumstances

in life, an experience we all share. 


Symbols used here are color, textures and collaged images. They represent friends,

family, myself. Also Sam-






M. Guadalupe Marmolejo 

A recurring theme for me, Nature and it's roots, it's mother. Replicating itself everywhere and always. Here it begins.
Jean Laman

Quilted lines invite the viewer to conjure up images of exotic plants thriving in a strange environment. Unexpected color combinations appear as you travel through the maze. You wonder why they exist together. A dusty palette recalls flowers pressed in a book or sachets placed in a drawer. The texture suggests the passage of time. Memories are stirred.


Kathleen Baker Pittman


In this painting I continue my exploration of floral forms. I photographed the flower, drew it in color pencil, and created a color lithograph. Each exploration reveals different nuances. 



Chelle Delaney

Nature's textures, colors and juxtapositions are fascinating

and I'm constantly working to capture them through my lens.




Sally Astleford


"The landscape was in my  arms as I worked." Helen Frankenthaler 



Louise Craig


Studies of the texture and color of an Asian pear, and two single leaves. Each component in the fused glass "painting" is made separately using glass sheet, rods and frit (ground glass). Components are arranged and surrounded by clear glass pieces and fused to create the final composition.


Deborah Keller-Rihn



This is a photograph I took in India in the spring of 2012.

The photograph will be transferred onto wood panel and

enhanced with paint and gold leaf.





Virginia Lukefahr


In "Interaction Of Color," Joseph Albers writes about seeing color action as well as feeling colorrelatedness. The vision of contrasting cool and lukewarm colors have been

developed into a Monet-inspired landscape.





Jennifer Polnaszek

My painting "Faux Fauna" is a reflection on the things of our childhood. For me, it evokes sweet memories.






Rosa Vera


These paintings represent an abstracted view of flora. They are layered: vines that 

twist and wind, flowers bloom and nature is buzzing. 



Lesta Frank

This work's mediums are watercolor, gouache and glitter on textured clayboard. The bird symbolizes the universal spirit that is the essence of who we are. It brings a lantern to light our paths of progress into higher awareness and consciousness in this auspicious time of awakening in 2012 and 2013.


Barbara Felix


This whimsical painting is inspired by watching my dog, Starbuck. Through him, I see

the great hunter inside our domestic canine friends, and

their love of the natural world 

and the simple things it has to offer.  



 Bonnie Kirkley

My work is inspired by the beauty and intelligence of the natural world. Most pieces begin as an image in my minds' eye or as a concept I want to express. I am currently experimenting with oil, integrating techniques acquired as a commercial illustrator.




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                     The Gentileschi Aegis Gallery Association is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization