National Cancer Institute
Epidemiology and Genomics Research
May 2014

About Us

Funding Opportunity
Core Infrastructure and Methodological Research for Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts (U01)
Application due dates: July 8, 2014; November 10, 2014; March 11, 2015; July 8, 2015; November 10, 2015; March 11, 2016; July 8, 2016; November 10, 2016; and March 10, 2017
Expires: March 11, 2017

Enabling Resources for Pharmacogenomics (R24)
Application due dates: September 25, 2014; September 25, 2015; and September 25, 2016
Expires: September 26, 2016

Genomic Resource Grants for Community Resource Projects (U41)
Application due dates: June 30, 2014; September 25, 2014; January 25, 2015; May 25, 2015; September 25, 2015; January 25, 2016; May 25, 2016; September 25, 2016; and January 25, 2017
Expires: January 26, 2017
Grants Policy AnnouncementsGrantsmanshipAnnouncements
NIH Launching New System and Procedures for Reporting Sex/Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Information to the NIH

Transition Plans for Reporting Sex/Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Information in Non-Competing Type 5 Progress Reports
NIH Will Open the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) for All Type 5 Non-SNAP Progress Reports on April 25, 2014

NIH Will Require the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) for All Type 5 Non-SNAP Progress Reports on October 17, 2014
Job OpportunitiesJobOpportunity
Program Director, Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Branch

Program Director, Host Susceptibility Factors Branch

Cancer Research Training Award Fellow, Cancer EpidemiologyCohort and Consortia Coordination

Cancer Research Training Award Fellow, Clinical and Translational Epidemiology

Cancer Research Training Award Fellow, Knowledge Integration

Cancer Research Training Award Fellow, Nutritional Epidemiology
Upcoming Seminars & WorkshopsEvents
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting
May 30-June 3, 2014 in Chicago, IL 7th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference
June 18-20, 2014 in Atlanta, GA

North American Association of Central Cancer Registries Annual Conference
June 21-26, 2014 in Ottawa, Canada

Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting
June 24-27, 2014 in Seattle, WA

NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration
June 25-27, 2014 in Baltimore, MD

International Association of Cancer Registries Annual Conference
June 26-28, 2014 in Ottawa, Canada

5th Annual Science of Team Science Conference
August 6-8, 2014, in Austin, TX

AACR Integrative Molecular Epidemiology Workshop
August 11-15, 2014 in Boston, MA

IEA World Congress of Epidemiology
August 17-21, 2014 in Anchorage, AK

International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
August 24-28, 2014 in Seattle, WA

International Genetic Epidemiology Society Annual Meeting
August 28-30, 2014, in Vienna, Austria
Abstracts due: June 4, 2014

Annual Meeting of the American College of Epidemiology
September 7-9, 2014 in Silver Spring, MD
Blog PostBlog
The Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program (EGRP) in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)funds research in human populations to understand the causes of cancer and related outcomes.

The Program fosters interdisciplinary collaborations, as well as the development and use of resources and technologies to advance cancer research and translation of this research, which serve as the basis for clinical and public health interventions.
Send Us Your IdeasSendUsYourIdeas
EGRP encourages readers to submit items of interest to Cancer Epidemiology Matters E-News.  EGRP reserves the right to decide whether or not materials are appropriate for inclusion.
Contact UsContactUs
Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
9609 Medical Center Drive
4 East, MSC 9763
Bethesda, MD  20892
(240) 276-6730

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Rockville, MD  20850

Recommendations for Transforming the Practice of Epidemiology in the 21st Century: An UpdateTrendsUpdate

In May 2013, the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program (EGRP) announced the release of eight recommendations for advancing epidemiologic science and translating discoveries in epidemiology into individual and population health benefits.

The recommendations were meant to be a blueprint for researchers, professional organizations, and funding agencies to stimulate dialogue among various stakeholders.

A year later, the recommendations have informed EGRP discussions, actions, and directions. Staff have developed funding opportunities, tools, and collaborative projects to respond to the recommendations. Below are a few recent examples of activities within EGRP, NCI, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that have the potential to transform epidemiology.

1.    Extend the reach of epidemiology to include development and evaluation of clinical and population interventions, implementation, dissemination, and outcomes research.

The OncoArray Network grew out of NCI's Genetic Associations and Mechanisms in Oncology (GAME-ON) initiative, which consists of epidemiologists, basic scientists, and clinicians collaborating on follow-up investigations of genomic regions that have been implicated in susceptibility to breast, prostate, colon, lung, and ovarian cancers. The Network--which developed a new custom genotyping array that includes approximately 570,000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers--is being used by investigators to gain new insights into the genetic architecture and mechanisms underlying multiple cancers. See the OncoArray Network page on the EGRP website for more information on the project and how to become a member.

2.    Provide greater access to data, metadata, and specimens to foster collaboration, ensure reproducibility and replication, and accelerate translation to population health impact.

EGRP manages NCI's Extramural Data Access Committee (DAC), which is charged with implementing the NIH data sharing policy for many NCI-supported and -conducted genome-wide association and genomic studies. The DAC reviews all requests from the research community (including NIH intramural staff) for controlled access to genomic data, as well as to other cancer-related datasets for which it is responsible. The Committee has reached out to investigators to encourage new submissions to the Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) and to invite feedback on the NIH genomic data sharing policy that currently is being drafted. The DAC also expanded the table of genomic datasets for cancer research to include more details and allow users to sort and filter by cancer type, data type, etc. Additional efforts in data sharing in epidemiology beyond genomics are forthcoming, including a workshop in October 2014 and the establishment of a descriptive and metadata database for cancer epidemiology cohorts.

3.    Expand cohort studies across the lifespan and include multiple health outcomes.

High-quality, population-based cohort studies can provide a foundation for epidemiology across the cancer continuum, from etiology to survivorship. A reissued NCI funding opportunity (PAR-14-160) invites grant applications for targeted infrastructure support of the core functions of cancer epidemiology cohorts and methodological research. In addition to continuing support of large cancer epidemiology cohorts, the reissuance also will support smaller studies of cancer patients and survivors and familial cohorts. Visit EGRP's cohort web page to learn more about this funding opportunity and currently funded cohorts.

4.    Develop, evaluate, and use novel technologies to quantify exposures and outcomes on a large scale and assess multiple factors in complex diseases.

NCI's Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) program supports the development, maturation, and dissemination of novel and potentially transformative next-generation technologies based on balanced but targeted innovation to support clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic research on cancer. The IMAT Program has funded many products that have been commercialized successfully, such as RNAlater, Affymetrix GeneChips, Illumina bead platforms, and quantum dot labeling technology. All of these success stories were considered high-risk ideas at inception. Their current widespread use and applicability to multiple clinical and basic research settings, however, indicate the significance of such transformative technologies in the field of cancer research, including cancer epidemiology. Four new R21 and R33 funding opportunities currently are available through the IMAT Program; visit the IMAT website for additional details.

5.    Develop systematic approaches to manage, analyze, display, and interpret large, complex datasets.

To enable biomedical scientists to capitalize more fully on the "big data" being generated by the biomedical research community, NIH has committed $24 million annually for the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative. BD2K aims to develop new approaches, standards, methods, tools, software, and competencies that will enhance the use of biomedical big data by supporting research, implementation, and training in data science and other relevant fields. More information about current BD2K funding opportunities can be found in the April issue of the EGRP newsletter.

6.    Expand knowledge integration to drive research, policy, and practice.

The Cancer Genomics and Epidemiology Navigator (CGEN), launched by EGRP in September 2013, is an integrated, searchable, and regularly updated knowledge base intended to facilitate cancer epidemiologic research. CGEN can be used by cancer researchers to navigate existing resources and to integrate available information from NCI-funded research projects, publications, and evidenced-based guidelines, and link them with other data sources. Forthcoming improvements include linking CGEN data to a relational database containing descriptive data and derived meta-data information for EGRP-supported cancer epidemiology consortia. A previous post on our blog describes the features of CGEN and its usefulness in facilitating cancer epidemiologic research. You can try it out for yourself on the CGEN website

7.    Transform epidemiology training by emphasizing team science, multilevel analyses, knowledge integration and translation.

The Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (BCERP), a joint effort co-funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and NCI, supports a multidisciplinary network of scientists, clinicians, and community partners. The BCERP's overarching goal is to better understand the role of environmental exposures and genetic factors underlying breast cancer risk and subsequently advance breast cancer prevention. One of the major priorities of the BCERP is to ensure that new findings are appropriately translated into messages and preventive strategies for at-risk girls and women. Towards this goal, the BCERP has supported a wealth of community engagement forums and produced numerous outreach products. More information about program activities and findings is available on the BCERP website.

8.    Develop and design rational, cost-effective resources to optimize funding for epidemiology studies, accelerate translation, and maximize health impact.

A forthcoming EGRP webinar series, "Transforming Epidemiology through Advanced Methods (TEAM)," aims to foster an online community through which epidemiologists who focus on complex diseases can:
  • Discuss cutting-edge methods that can be incorporated into existing epidemiology studies;
  • Learn about new tools, methods, and resources that can facilitate epidemiologic research;
  • Share best practices from other epidemiology studies; and
  • Explore challenges, identify gaps, and brainstorm solutions to improve the efficiency of practice and extend the reach of epidemiology into the 21st century.
The first speaker in the series will be Dr. Dana Rollison, who will discuss the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center's MyMoffitt Patient Portal. More information about the speakers and topics will be available soon on the EGRP-sponsored workshops page and via the @NCIEpi Twitter feed.

This is a small sample of the activities that EGRP and our partners are participating in to advance the science of cancer epidemiology. More funding opportunities, workshops, publications, and collaborations are being developed, so be sure to read this newsletter and the Cancer Epidemiology Matters Blog for updates.

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