February 2015

In This Issue

Authenticity in Leadership

   How Leaders
Create Trust

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We're off and running in 2015. It is hard to believe that we've completed January of the new year and we're already looking at the middle of the First Quarter for 2015. This edition of Pathways to Success continues the discussion of Leadership development that we began in October of 2014. This month's issue discusses Authenticity in Leadership and highlights several Harvard Business Review articles on the topic of being your authentic self as a leader. Complementing this discussion on Authentic Leadership is the second article on how Leaders can create Trust: the external expression of authentic leadership.


I hope that you find these articles insightful and they give you a pause for reflection. Please forward this email to colleagues and friends if you found them valuable. And, if you haven't done so already, please sign up on my website to receive continuing editions.



Steve Terusaki, President of SEIDO Consulting
Steve Terusaki  
SEIDŌ Consulting
Authenticity in Leadership

John Donahoe, president of eBay Marketplaces and former worldwide managing director of Bain, was written about in the Harvard Business Review article, "Discovering Your Authentic Leadership", February 2007 by George, Sims, McLean & Mayer. He stressed that being authentic means maintaining a sense of self no matter where you are. Donahoe stated, "The world can shape you if you let it. To have a sense of yourself as you live, you must make conscious choices. Sometimes the choices are really hard..."


George, et.al. in their February 2007 HBR article write that authentic leaders have a steady and confident presence. They do not show up as one person one day and another person the next. Integration takes discipline, particularly during stressful times when it is easy to become reactive and slip back into bad habits. John Donahoe feels strongly that integrating his life has enabled him to become a more effective leader. "There is no nirvana," he said. "The struggle is constant, as the trade-offs don't get any easier as you get older." But for authentic leaders, personal and professional lives are not a zero-sum game. As Donahoe said, "I have no doubt today that my children have made me a far more effective leader in the workplace. Having a strong personal life has made the difference."


Authenticity is both external and internal in its expression. Being self-aware and true to oneself is the internal. Developing self-awareness is a process and a continuous effort to reflect, gain meaning and understand how to integrate one's past personal history into actions and behaviors that are expressed today. Self-awareness is a key EQ (emotional intelligence) attribute and an important soft skill to be mastered in becoming an effective leader.



How Leaders Create Trust

People choose to buy from you, offer help, and grant rewards based on trust. Here are ways to increase your success by creating trust. While we already do most of these things, missing even one of them can ruin it all.


 Be Dependable

  • Deliver what you promise, and promise only what you can deliver. Report delays immediately.
  • Be on time. Leave early for appointments. Set realistic deadlines allowing for the unexpected.
  • Show courtesy by returning phone calls.
  • Be predictable. Use self-control; anger repels and scares others.


  • Show interest and respect by paying attention to what the other person is saying.
  • Ask questions. Then make it easy to answer them.
  • Accept the other person's ideas as valid, even if you disagree. Avoid listening through filters of what you want to hear.
  • Be open to new ideas. Realize that you could always know more.

Be Honest

  • Tell the truth. Lies demean the teller more than they fool the listener.
  • Act with integrity. Make decisions as if you had to deal with all of the consequences.
  • Treat others with respect and choose actions that add value for everyone.

Provide Data

  • Tell stories that show past achievements. Quote compliments.
  • Collect data. Keep a victory file of successes, testimonial letters, and other good news. If necessary, ask for testimonials, references, and compliments.
  • Create data. Plan good deeds that lead to complimentary stories.

Take the High Road

  • Help others perform at their best. Give without expecting a return favor.
  • Do good things because that makes the world a better place.
  • Show courage during uncertainty.
  • Seek the good in others.
  • Trust others because this shows that you expect to be trusted.