July 2012

In This Issue
Pursuing the American Dream
The Driving Force of Personal Goals
Courage to Succeed

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The 4th of July is with us and it has been a time of reflection about one fundamental item in our lives as Americans. Many of my clients are seeking to find that most elusive quality in life: happiness. We are unique in the world in that the pursuit of happiness is foundational to our values as a nation and as a society. Thomas Jefferson in the summer of 1776 wrote into the Declaration of Independence,

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

However, there seems to be a question of whether Hope and Happiness will continue to be a part of American society of the future; and whether the American Dream is still a reality.

This month's articles offer a perspective into pursuing happiness and the American Dream. Ultimately it rests with our own individual commitment. Are you willing to do your "push-ups" to ensure that Hope and Happiness continue to be a part of your future?

I hope that that you will find some take-away's in these articles. Please forward this email to colleagues and friends; and if you haven't done so, please sign up on my website to receive continuing editions. Enjoy reading!

Steve Terusaki, President of SEIDO ConsultingSteve Terusaki
SEIDŌ Consulting
Pursuing the American Dream
read moreAs we move into July and the debate that comes with election year politics, there has been a much press these days about the reality of the American Dream: Does it still exist? What's keeping us from pursuing it? Are there macroeconomic and societal conditions that are precluding a large segment of America from aspiring to it: can the average middle-class citizen reasonably expect to be the next Horatio Alger?read moreContinue reading ...
The Driving Force of Personal Goals
read moreUnfortunately, many people go through life without ever identifying what they want, where they want to go, or who they want to become. They wonder why they feel frustrated, never achieving anything significant. What they should realize is that the difficulty is in finding something you've never visualized, or returning from somewhere you've never been. People who have no goals, have no direction, and are almost always very busy, but rarely achieve what they want to achieve.read moreContinue reading ...
Courage to Succeed
read more"Success is determined by our willingness to achieve and the spirit upon which we assume risk and responsibility."
- Jan DeLory

If you read this quote and focus on the words that were selected, it packs quite a powerful punch. Success is defined in very individual and personal ways. Some people define success financially, some by the success of their children, some by professional title and status, and some by material items such as the size of the house or the brand of the car sitting in the driveway. How you define success is important to you and to you alone. read moreContinue reading ...