April 7, 2016

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The SEBS and NJAES Newsroom is your one-stop shop for information about the school and experiment station. Visit our website for stories, news, and event information. To get daily updates, subscribe by email or follow our RSS feeds.

Latest Stories:

Congratulations to graduating seniors, Taylor Palm, Bill Cornelius, Cortney Flynn and Rebecca Tonnessen in the IFNH Student Ambassadors Program, who were all successfully matched for dietetic internships on the highly anticipated "Match Day" on April 3. Read More »

The Rutgers 250TM tomato is the featured Breed of the Month for April, during which NJAES showcases the storied history of Rutgers' tomato breeding program. The NJAES Breed of the Month feature is part of the year-long university commemoration of Rutgers 250th anniversary. Read More »

Alumnus Carl Safina, who earned a doctoral degree in ecology from Rutgers, coupled his personal observations of wildlife with the best field research available to produce an insightful study of animal behavior in his new book, Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel. Read More »

Brooke Maslo, assistant extension specialist in wildlife ecology and assistant professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, provides us with important insight and tips. Read More »

The 400-acre plus preserve, whose programs are guided by faculty director Rick Lathrop, serves as a living laboratory for Rutgers students as well as New Jersey high schoolers, like those in the annual Rutgers Summer Science Program, facilitated by the Department of 4-H Youth Development. Read More »


This newsroom digest is a service of the SEBS and NJAES Office of Communication and Marketing.


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