Executive Dean's Message

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The Executive Dean's Message is a service of the Office of Communications, a unit of the Office of the Executive Dean.

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Dear Cook Community, 


Two months ago, Rutgers President Bob Barchi announced the start of a strategic planning process that will involve all members of our university community. The process is in the early stages of gathering information and, as important stakeholders, we all have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion that will shape the direction of our university for the next decade and beyond.


The faculty and staff strategic planning survey is now closed (the student survey remains open). A leadership retreat, in which I participated with several other faculty and staff leaders from the school, was held on March 6. A recent Rutgers Today video offers a glimpse of the retreat and captures the engagement of the participants.



The next step, which is ongoing, is a series of Town Hall meetings, in which I strongly urge you to participate. A follow-up retreat is scheduled for April 25.


Some members of the Cook community have also been specifically invited to serve on a series of Advisory Groups whose input will be sought throughout the strategic planning process.


The goal is for the university to finalize the Strategic Plan by Fall 2013. I will write on this topic again when we are ready to launch the school-specific strategic plan in Fall 2013. To learn more, visit the university's strategic planning website. 


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57 U.S. Highway 1  |  New Brunswick, NJ  |  08901-8554

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