Executive Dean's Message

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The Executive Dean's Message is a service of the SEBS and NJAES Office of Communications.

Welcome to the first edition of my newsletter in its new format. The newsletter is drawn from an array of news, stories, events, and other information posted to our Newsroom, a new website launched by the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. This newsroom is a gateway for faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the various communities we serve to connect to our research; our faculty, staff, and student achievements; the multitude of events we host; and the work we do locally, nationally, and internationally. I urge you to visit the Newsroom regularly!


Kay Bidle
Kay Bidle Wins Moore Foundation Award
Marine scientist Kay Bidle received a Marine Microbiology Initiative Investigator Award, joining 15 other colleagues from institutions like Harvard, Cal Tech and MIT. Read More. 

Mark Robson
Mark Robson Among Newest Rutgers AAAS Fellows
Mark Robson, professor and extension specialist in entomology was recently elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Read more.


Patent Awarded for Rutgers Asparagus Hybrid
For the male asparagus hybrid they developed, Steve Garrison, Chee-Kok Chin and John Kinelski were recognized with a 2012 Patent Award by the R&D Council of New Jersey. Read More.


Naa Oyo Kwate Naa Oyo Kwate Named RWJ Foundation Young Leader
Naa Oyo Kwate, associate professor in the Department of Human Ecology, was named a winner of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Young Leader Award. Read More.

Gediminas Mainelis Environmental Health and Safety Grant to Gediminas Mainelis
NSF grant to study consumer exposure to airborne nanoparticles was awarded to Gediminas Mainelis, associate professor of environmental sciences, and co-investigator KiBum Lee of SAS. Read more.


Research in Brazil Symposium in Brazil Expands Student Research Opportunities
Rutgers students strengthen their global education through participation in four-day scientific research symposium held in Brazil from October 22-25. Read More


Chi-Tang HoChi-Tang Ho Recognized for Contributions to Flavor Industry
The 2012 Excellence in Flavor Science Award was presented to Chi-Tang Ho, professor of food science, by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association.  Read more


Elwin Orton Plant Breeder Elwin Orton Newest NJ Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee 
Famed plant breeder, Elwin Orton, professor emeritus of plant biology and pathology, has been inducted into the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame. Read more. 



Jim Simon Scientific Excellence Award Given to Jim Simon for Agricultural Research in Africa
Jim Simon, professor in the Department of Plant Biology and Pathology, was recognized for his work helping small-scale farmers in AfricaRead more.

SEBS and NJAES Office of Communications  |  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
57 U.S. Highway 1  |  New Brunswick, NJ  |  08901-8554

Phone: 848-932-7000  |  Fax: 732-932-9838  |  Email: sebsnjaesnews@aesop.rutgers.edu 


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