RA News
July 8, 2016
Reston Association's Weekly Newsletter




Reston Station
The Silver Line provides rail transportation from Dulles International Airport to downtown Washington. The first phase of the Silver Line opened on July 26, 2014. Click here for more information on the Silver Line and the Wiehle-Reston East station.


On the Rise
New projects and construction continue around Reston. Keep up with all the latest news by visiting the Development & Future of Reston section of RA's website.


Click the icon above to sign up to speak at a Board of DIrectors' meeting.

Board Agenda Packets

(painting services discount for RA members)


Paid advertisements are published weekly in RA News. To run your business logo in this space, please contact Mike Leone. Click the logos above to visit the advertiser's website.  


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For general inquiries about RA services and amenities, please contact the Member Services team or call 703-435-6530.

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gmcGarlic Mustard Challenge Winners
Volunteers who participated in the 2016 Garlic Mustard Challenge pulled 3,320 pounds of the invasive plant this year, which exceeds last year's total by 2,186 pounds. The winners of the challenge include the following:

Individual Category Winner
Patricia Wagner: 2,360 pounds

Small Group
CA Technologies: 354.7 pounds

Large Group
Reston Environmental Action: 176 pounds

garlic mustard challenge promo Garlic mustard spreads rapidly and displaces native or other desired plants. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds, which can be spread by wildlife, humans, water or other means. Garlic mustard is native to Europe. RA and its Habitat Heroes volunteers work to remove as much of the invasive plant as possible each year through the challenge and other events. 
fabulousFabulous Fireflies
Friday, July 15
7:30-9 p.m.
Brown's Chapel, 1575 Brown's Chapel Road.
$6/person RA members, $8/person non-members
All ages.
Reservation required by July 11.  Email naturecenter@reston.org or call 703-476-9689
Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, are fascinating fluorescing insects. Discover what makes them glow and why they blink their lights on and off. Find out what they eat, how they grow and where they live. Learn how to attract them to your yard. Play a firefly game and take home a fun craft.
campfireCampfire Folklore
Thursday, July 21
7-8:30 p.m.
WNC Campfire Ring, Soapstone Drive between Glade Drive and Lawyers Road.
$7/person RA members, $9/person non-members
All ages.
Reservations required by July 18.
Email naturecenter@reston.org or call 703-476-9689. 
The campfire has always been a great place to gather and hear stories of past and present. Did you know that many a lesson has been passed down from generation to generation while sitting around the fire? Hear a few fables and share a story of your own if you would like. Roasting marshmallows will be part of the fun.
kneeKnee Deep in a Creek
Saturday, July 23
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Walker Nature Center, 11450 Glade Drive.
RA members, $7/person non-members.
Ages 3-5.

Reservations required by July 20. 
Email naturecenter@reston.org or call 703-476-9689
July's hot days are perfect for dipping  your feet into the cool water. Explore Snakeden Branch stream looking for frogs, tadpoles, minnows and other aquatic creatures. Wear your wading shoes and clothes that can get dirty. We will provide nets and buckets.
volunteer logo new
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 RA's volunteer program consists of members in our community working in a variety of capacities. Volunteers are RA's strongest line of communication with the community. Each year a diverse group of RA members donates thousands of hours to the association. Through their dedication, we are able to provide a wide range of high-quality programs, services and events that make Reston a great place to Live, Work, Play and Get Involved.  

Review of Tetra Buy, Renovation
Reston Association is seeking RA member volunteers to assist the Board Governance Committee in its selection of a firm to review the budgetary, administrative and governance aspects of RA's purchase, planned use, and renovation of the Lake House property (formerly known as Tetra), including the recent capital cost overruns associated with renovation of the facility.

Candidates with professional experience in  accounting, auditing, law, construction project management, governance, and internal controls are encouraged to apply.
Applicants should submit a r�sum� and brief letter of interest to stadele@reston.org no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, July 15. Candidates will be interviewed on Monday evening, July 18. For more information, call 703-435-6570.

If selected, volunteers will meet with the RA Board Governance Committee in July and August to review responses to RA's request for proposals and provide recommendations to the Board of Directors on firms in August.