Jubilee Christian Center

September 30,  2014
Dear JCC Family and Friends, 
Beginning Oct 5 Pastor Bill will begin a 4 part series on what do you do when an unexpected crisis hits. He will be sharing things he discovered when hit by a 6 day hospital stay that led to a medical miracle. In this unpredictable world we live in, crises are a part of life.  A wise man prepares ahead of time and recognizes how God works so we can identify the signs of a miracle in the making. Invite friends to join us.  

This past Sunday morning we heard the final message in a three installment series "A Call to Serve" as part of our September "Ministry Fair month". There is a place for everyone to grow into a person as Jesus said, is "the greatest among us - servant of all".  Thanks to all of our willing volunteers who helped out with the Kairos meal on Wednesday, the Youth "See you at the Pole" prayer and the BTL Youth Retreat.  A great big thank you to our many ministry leaders who made the  "Ministry Fair" displays and manned their stations in September.
JCC will be presenting a Tim Buck original Christmas Play this year. There  are ways you can be involved in presenting the Gospel in a very creative way.  Contact our church office for details.  Be a part of this exciting original presentation Dec 5, 6 and 7.

This Sunday we will gather to Worship together at 8:45 & 11am   We will receive communion, our monthly missions offering and our "My 2 cents" offering to help our children meet their missions giving goal.  Sunday School life groups meet at 10:10am.

Oct 5  Lifechain -  2 -3 pm at Paul VI high school in Fairfax City

On Sunday evening at 6 pm Pastor Abtew Kebede will be preaching at our monthly healing service.     BTL Youth Ministry will be meeting as well as JCC Kidz.   It will be a great day here at JCC!
  See you this Sunday!  Bring a friend or neighbor.

8-9pm  Continue to spread the word through the red wristbands, window decals, personal words and social networks.  Prayer can change our world!  Remember, if you cannot join us at JCC, pray the prayers of agreement in the prayer focus between 6 and 9pm found on "wearethepeople.me" website, Facebook or twitter or the insert in the Sunday bulletin between the hours of 6 and 9 pm every Sunday evening.

Family Nite is Wednesday at 7:15 pm.  There are boys and girls clubs, college/Young Adult Kairos and an adult bible study through the book of 2Kings. We have excellent leaders at JCC and plenty of room to expand these ministries.  If you have children 3 -18, encourage them to be involved and to invite friends to join them.

 Next Offering is this Sunday October 5 
2 cents 
Pastor Bill proposes that each of us give two cents for every meal we eat (usually 3 per day) to support BGMC to reach thousands of people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are asking that you bring your pennies, cash, check, or use PayPal on the website on the first Sunday of the month - a large Buddy Barrel will be in the lobby area where you can deposit your offerings.  "I'll put in my two cents - for what it's worth!"  How about you?   Thank you for your faithfulness in helping our children to reach around the world with the love of Jesus through JCC Missions.   We didn't quite hit our goal in 2013 but we did help the children raise well over $5000 to reach the world with the Gospel.  Now that we are in the habit let's continue to help our children develop a heart for reaching the world for Jesus Christ.  Thanks for your faithful support.

Every Tuesday unless otherwise noted  9:45 am Womens Bible study at JCC - child care is provided.
10:30  am - noon Mens "Band of Brothers" meets every Tuesday at JCC


Every Thursday evening there is Co-Ed Volleyball at 7 pm at JCC.  Need exercise? You will find a great place to get it Thursday evenings at JCC. 
Friday Oct 3  9:30 am  MOPS meet @ JCC (Mothers of Preschoolers)

Saturday Oct 4  8:30 am  Men's Breakfast @ JCC. It's free and we will hear a timely message from Milo Miles. Invite a friend to join us for this faith-building time together as men of God. 


"Down the Road" in October
Oct 9  JCC Ladies Out to Lunch Bunch, noon at Asian Grill, Springfield

Oct 11 All church Hayride at Valley View Farm, Delaplane.
 $6 per person, $20 family max. Sign up online with Volunteer Spot or contact the office or reply to this email.

Tiffany Dawn
Oct 15  Wed. 7:15  Tiffany Dawn, a young adult musician and speaker, who has experienced the hand of God in her life being set free from life controlling habits, will speak on the subject of "Seasons" in life.  Invite friends to  join us. 

Oct 17&18  Mens Honorbound Conference at Trinity A/G Lutherville Md.

As an investment in your spiritual growth, JCC will underwrite the cost of the registration and hotel room. Register by signing up with JCC soon.



Oct 19  Sunday Royal Ranger Stew Dinner Fundraiser @ JCC following  11 am gathering


Oct 24 &25 District Women's Conference at "River of Life" church in Spotsylvania Va -

As an investment in your spiritual growth, JCC will underwrite the cost of the

registration and hotel room. Register by signing

up with JCC by Oct 10


Oct 25-26 Royal Ranger Hiking Trip 


Oct 29  NO Family Nite Activities due to Trunk or Treat on Friday 


Oct 31  "Trunk or Treat" Halloween Alternative  6:30 pm -8:30 pm - volunteers needed!   

"A Peek into November" 
Sun Nov 2  8:45 & 11 am and 6 pm Randy Hurst, Director of Communications and Special Projects with A/G World Missions will be preaching at JCC.  Randy is a powerful communicator of God's Word and the Lord will confirm His Word with signs and wonders. Invite friends and plan to be at JCC for a special day in the Spirit.

Sun Nov 9  8:45 & 11 Communion, and our annual Missions emphasis and Faith Promises for the new year.
Saturday Nov 8 & 15  9 am - 3 pm  "Living Free Seminar @ JCC. There will be a $25 fee for each session to cover the cost of the workbook. Jubilee will provide the luncheon.  The first session will focus on how to help people live free from life-controlling habits. The second one deals with starting a church-based ministry.
Sunday November 16  6 pm "Men of Honor, Women of Virtue" Rite of Passage Ceremony at Jubilee Christian Center.
Wednesday Nov 27  7:15 pm  "Thanksgiving Eve" worship gathering and Fellowship with holiday goodies.

Two major ideas for prayer and action at J.C.C.  First, I believe God can use us to reach many more people whom we already have a relationship with and the people are either unsaved or they once walked with Jesus but are not currently. If we all pray and establish a relationship with just one person we will exceed this "faith goal" for 2014.  We announced that we are launching a new initiative "Equipping and training" this year in order to be ready for the influx of people returning to the Lord and new believers. Statistics say 70%  of Americans will attend a church service or event if asked.; "Just sayin".

Help our Youth Ministry 
See the Youth Dept leaders for information about the new Scrip fundraiser to help with youth expenses.
There are many things we buy on a routine basis available with Scrip.
Sign up at www.shopwithscrip.com and use JCC's enrollment code, FFBB598137535. Questions? Contact Rich Brown at 703-372-2353 or jccscrip@yahoo.com

Cars for Friends
There is a great need for vehicle donations to the church, in order to provide replacement vehicles for some members of the congregation.  Several congregants have asked for help in this matter and as the body of Christ, this is certainly within our job description.The need is for vehicles that are running and passes VA State & Emissions inspection or in need of minor repairs. Please contact the church office with any information about a possible donation, as soon as possible.In addition, if anyone is willing to donate any mechanic work to help congregants, please let the church know. You will be given a donation receipt that can be used to get the best tax deduction possible.