14th Masonic District of Ohio


September 2014

Secretaries:  Please share this email with your Lodge


Here is an update from the Fabulous 14th District:

In This Issue
Food & Fellowship Around the District
V A Visit
Masonic Ties for Sale
14th District Picnic
District Officers Seek Help at Worthington Market Day
Cornerstone Ceremony Planned in 14th District
14th District Quarterly Meeting
14th District Golf Outing
Lodge Dues Notices Being Sent Out
DDGM / DEO Installation Dates
District 2014 - 2015 Inspection Schedule
York Lodge Moves to New Home
Linden DeMolay Changes Meeting Nights
York Golf Club NEW Entrance
Camp Chase Memorial Marker
West Gate Lodge Activities
Fall Scottish Rite Reunion
Aladdin Shriners Vote to Relocate
LLWS 2014
Youth Organizations
Coming Up In The District
Enjoy Some Great Fellowship
Come out for one of the many breakfasts or dinners around the District and enjoy some great food & fellowship
Fork & knife degree
First Saturday at Lockbourne Lodge:  Breakfast, 8 - 10a
First Saturday at Blendon Lodge: Breakfast, 8 - 10a 
First Saturday at Grove City Lodge: Breakfast, 8 - 10a

Second Saturday at Rickly Lodge: Breakfast, 8 - 11a


Third Saturday at Groveport Lodge: Breakfast, 7:30 - 10a

Last Saturday at Reynoldsburg Lodge: Breakfast, 8 - 11a


September 1 - Labor Day
VA Hospital Visit

V A Flag


    The VA Visitation is Sunday September 7th, with the Lodges assigned: Avery #493, West Gate #623, Luther B. Turner #732, and Arts & Sciences #792.


    The visit is from 1:00 - 3:15 p.m. The 1st Lodge listed is the organizational lodge and will contact the representatives of the other Lodges to arrange what to bring. Refreshments of six dozen of each of Apples, Oranges, Bananas, and about 12 - 15 dozen cookies are appreciated for the patients.


    Next Visitation - Sunday, October 5, - Lodges assigned: Reynoldsburg #340, Columbus #30, Hiram #18, and Sparrow #400

Ties Almost GONE!
Masonic Ties
   VERY FEW TIES ARE LEFT! The ties left include Black with Gold accents, Blue with white accents, Yellow with black accents, and Green with white accents.  Find them at District Meetings, or contact a District Officer.
    They are $20.00 per tie and also being sold are the grey with maroon accents are in regular Bow Tie or Clip-on Bow Tie. There is also the complimentary grey with maroon accented vest and the vest sells for $30.00.
    Money raised helps the Grand Lodge Officer fund of the 14th District.

Once these ties are gone, they will not be re-ordered.
Picnic Fed Many in the 14th District
Burgers and Dogs
     A nice warm day supplied the setting as the 14th District Annual Picnic was held on Sunday, August 10th this year at Blacklick Woods Metro Park, 6975 E. Livingston Ave., Reynoldsburg at the Butternut Shelter House. The 14th District continued to provide the hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, and soft drinks, and water. Those attending from the district added to the picnic by bringing a side dish, salad, or desert to share. 

    The District fed over 110 that included brethren and families. The food was enjoyed and the fellowship, plentiful. WB Aaron Wycoff, District Chaplain was the Chair of this year's picnic and is to be commended for this work. He appreciated all the help he received as this activity was again a highlight of the 14th District. He was supported by the District Officers and WB Harold Tucker, WB Phil Clouse, and RWB Jeff Rannebarger, all Past Presidents who grilled burgers and hot dogs. The afternoon was filled with laughter, fellowship and fun and we hope that those attending had a good and fulfilling day.
    Lady Rebecca Cokonougher, wife of RWB Cokonougher shares her sincere appreciation for all who participated in the Brown Bag silent auction during the day.
    Set your calendar for August 9, 2015 as the date for the Picnic next year. It will be held at Highbanks Metro Park, 9466 US Rt. 23 N., Powell south of Powell Rd. It will be held at the Northern Shelter.  
District Seeking Assistance at Worthington Market Day
    The Fourteenth District Officers are seeking help selling their well known Fried Bologna Sandwiches at the Worthington Market Days on Saturday, September 13th. They will be set up in front of New England Lodge on N. High Street starting from 7:30 a.m. and going until 5:00 p.m.
    The District Officers are asking that if you're able to come and help raise funds for the District by taking orders for the sandwiches, or selling bottled water and soda for about 3 - 4 hours, it would be appreciated. It's a great time to fellowship with the brethren of the District while helping support the District Officers Association.
    If you're able to help, please contact Sgt. at Arms, WB David Hall at olds55dad@aol.com or his cell number is 740-272-2107.
    We hope you can join us on the 13th and if you're not able to help, join us by stopping by for a FBS (Fried Bologna Sandwich) prepared and cooked by the District Officers!
Cornerstone Ceremony Scheduled in 14th District by RWB Brian Bolyard


    The Grand Lodge of Ohio has been asked to perform a cornerstone ceremony at Ricart Ford at 4255 S. Hamilton Rd. on Saturday, August 30, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend as we would greatly appreciate a large attendance of Master Masons for this event. Please communicate this information to your membership through your Lodge Newsletter, phone calling committee and electronically.

District Quarterly Meeting
    The 14th District quarterly meeting will be held on Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. It will be held and hosted by Reynoldsburg Lodge #340 at 7350 Broadway Ave. in Reynoldsburg.

    All brethren of the 14th District are welcomed to attend and it is the responsibility of each Lodge in the District to have a respresentative in attendance to report the happenings of your Lodge as well as take information back to your Lodge.
14th District Golf Outing 

    The 14th District has planned the Third Annual Golf Outing for Saturday, October 4th at the York Golf Club in north Columbus, north of Worthington (270 / High Street). A flyer has been sent to the Masters and Secretaries of Lodges and this outing is open to Brethren and Non Masons as well so if you are aware of friends that aren't members of the Fraternity, please invite them. 

    The outing is $100.00 per person which includes a round of golf and golf cart, lunch starting at 11:00 a.m. with tee off at 12:30 p.m. followed by a steak dinner. For those that want to join for the steak dinner but not golf, the fee for dinner is $25.00 per person. Hole sponsorship is $100.00 per hole. For further information and to register, please contact the WB Tim Rice at 614-209-3175 or ricetim@hotmail.com , or WB David Hall at 740-272-2107 or olds55dad@aol.com . Checks are to be made payable to 14th Masonic District Officers Association!

    Prizes will be included for Longest drive, closest to pin, and longest put. Reservation deadline is September 20th, please register early!
Lodge Dues
Square and Compasses
    The summer recess has concluded for many lodges that traditionally take the break between June and September. With the Lodges in the 14th District returning to their labors, all Masons will soon be receiving notices that their Lodge Dues are needing to be paid by the Lodge Annual Meeting, (the first stated meeting in November).

    Lodge dues are important as those funds received are incidental to help maintain the financial stability of YOUR Lodge. Sometimes when a man petitions the Lodge and the initiation fee is mentioned, the explanation of continuing Lodge Dues is forgotten or not explained, thus the potential new brother isn't aware that he needs to pay to support HIS Lodge on an annual basis. Some brethren are under the misconception that when they reach a certain age or year of service, they are exempted from paying Dues to support their Lodge. Some lodges remit dues for brethren in the cases listed above, but, some lodges are having to re-think that position. Lodges are not initiating the members they once did and many of our senior members are struggling with healthcare and other issues which cause them to have to decide whether to pay Lodge Dues or have certain medications. Just as the costs go up in our lives, so the costs of lodge membership increases. Paying utilities, costs for cutting grass, or snow plowing the lot, replacing bulbs that burn out, or a boiler that quits, those things take money.
    Understanding that a brother may have concerns paying his dues makes a difference but the Secretary of each Lodge NEEDS to know that on a case by case basis. We need to make it a point to note that to maintain our membership in Freemasonry, it is necessary to take care of our financial obligations to our Lodges.
    One Treasurer several years ago mentioned about the potential of a Lodge suspending in upwards of close to 40 members for "NPD" (Non Payment of Dues). The District Deputy while going over records of the Lodge during the Pre Inspection mentioned that if notifying those members that if they could pay the Per Capita (amount assessed by Grand Lodge), and the Lodge could make it without the additional dues needed for the Lodge, that might reduce the number suspended. The Treasurer replied that several of those members vacation over the winter in other parts of the country so it wasn't a matter of affordability. Good communication throughout the year to your members helps when it comes time for sending out dues notices.
    Please help your Lodge by paying the dues of your Lodge when you receive your notice.
DDGM and DEO Installation Dates

Grand Lodg Seal                    

    The 14th District is pleased to announce the dates for the District Deputies Grand Master and District Education Officers for the 2014 - 2015 term.


The dates for the Installation of District Deputies are Wednesday, October 22nd and Friday, October 24th, 2014.


    The dates for the District Education Officers are Wednesday, October 29th, Thursday, October 30th, and Sunday, November 9th, 2014.


    The locations and times will be announced in future newsletters. Please add this to your calendars and please share these dates with your Lodge members.  



2014 - 2015 District Inspection Schedule
Faith Hope Charity
    Please check the 14th District Inspection Schedule below for the coming term. It shows that the inspection season starts in December 2014 and goes through June 2015. Most Dinners are planned for about 6:15 and the Degree starts at 7:00 p.m. More information will be provided as the inspection season gets closer.

Linden #637 - December 11 - EA Degree
University #631 - January 6 - EA Degree
Magnolia #20 - January 9 - EA Degree
Sparrow #400 - January 22 - EA Degree
Triangle #748 - January 29 - EA Degree
Arts & Sciences #792 - February 19 - FC Degree
Hiram #18 - February 24 - FC Degree
Capital City #656 - February 27 - MM Degree
Lockbourne #232 - March 5 - MM Degree
Ralph R. Rickly #670 - March 13 - EA Degree
Sunrise #783 - March 17 - EA Degree
Blendon #339 - April 6 - FC Degree
Neoacacia #595 - April 8- EA Degree
Groveport #240 - April 14 - MM Degree
York #563 - April 20 - FC Degree
Avery #493 - April 28 - FC Degree
West Gate #623 - May 4 - FC Degree
Columbus #30 - May 5 - MM Degree
Goodale #372 - May 11 - MM Degree
Community #684 - May 12 - FC Degree
Grove City #689 - May 18 - EA Degree
New England #4 - May 26 - EA Degree
Whitehall #761 - June 3 - FC Degree
Reynoldsburg #340 - June 16 - MM Degree
Luther B. Turner #732 - June 17 -MM Degree
South Gate - Potter #782 - June 24 - FC Degree

York Lodge To Move to New Location by WB Adam Michael
Square and Compasses
    The brethren of York Lodge #563 will be moving to their new location starting with their first meeting in September (September 1st). Their new meeting location is at Northwest Masonic Temple located at 2436 W. Dublin-Granville Rd. west of Linworth.

    They will continue to meet on the first and third Monday nights of each month at 7:00 p.m. The only change will be the location and the brethren of York Lodge are excited for this transition.
Linden Chapter DeMolay Changes Meeting Schedule by WB Ken Cohen
DeMolay Logo
    Effective with the August Meeting, Linden Chapter, DeMolay International has voted to move their meetings to the first and third Sundays of each month with a meeting time of 3:00 p.m. The meetings for September are Sunday, September 7th and Sunday, September 21st, again starting at 3 p.m. Linden Chapter will continue to meet at the North West Masonic Temple at 2436 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
    Any Master Mason is welcomed and encouraged to attend Linden, or Groveport DeMolay meetings, and to visit the Bethels of Job's Daughters or Columbus Assembly which are in the 14th Masonic District.

York Golf Club NEW Entrance by WB Greg Brewer

    With the road construction on U S 23 (High Street) north of I-270 north of Worthington, the entrance of York Golf Club has been affected. Not only have several holes been reconfigured, but the old York Temple Dr. access off of High Street has CLOSED PERMANENTLY! The new access has been installed and is now open as of May 7th.

Effective 5/7, access to York Golf Club is off W. Campus View Drive (NEW ACCESS DRIVE) at Rt. 23 (High Street).




You must turn right (east) onto Dimension Dr. (between Bob Evans and Ruckmoor), and proceed west to High Cross Blvd, then turn north (left) onto High Cross to E. Campus View Blvd turning east (left) onto E. Campus View and straight through High Street to W. Campus Blvd to York Temple Dr.


Please be aware that this will be for the next 2 years as the construction will be tunneling a new roadway in that area. 


Camp Chase Historical Marker Placement by WB Steve Shepherd

    A historical marker designating the main entrance to Camp Chase will be posted in front of West Gate Lodge#623 on Saturday, September 6 at 11:00 a.m. Mayor Michael Coleman, Mayor of the City of Columbus and several Grand Lodge Line Officers have been invited to attend as well as the media. It would be great to have a large assembly of our members witness this event. The Lodge will be open for those wishing a tour.
West Gate Lodge Activities by WM Gary Jones
West Gate Lodge
   Garage Sale Slated -

    West Gate Lodge #623 is holding their annual Garage Sale on Friday, September 19th, and Saturday, September 20th. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m. both days. This is one of West Gate's best fundraisers of the year. Most everything will be there including tools, children's toys and kitchen items. Items donated should be in good condition and still working.
    Donated items can be brought to the Lodge at any time. If you find yourself quantity of Labor Day cleaning, please call WM Gary Jones at 614-519-8149 for pick up arrangements.
    Contact Art Groves at 614-879-8884 if you have questions or are able to volunteer your help with the sale. If you have thingamajigs, contraptions, doodads, or other whatchamacallits, bring them to West Gate and we'll fine them a new home.

    Chili Supper and Corn Hole -
    West Gate Lodge #623 is hosting a Corn Hole Tournament on Saturday, October 11th. This is open to all brethren of the 14th District members. There will be prizes for first place. It will be a "draw for partners" single elimination tournament. All ages are eligible to play. There is an entry fee of $5.00 per person of which 100% goes to Special Olympics. We will hold the event inside on the 2nd floor ballroom. It will start promptly at 2:00 p.m. with doors opening at 1:00 p.m. Chili will be served at 4:00 p.m. Come join us at West Gate for an afternoon of fun on the 11th of October. Please contact WM Gary Jones for questions at 614-519-8149.
Scottish Rite Reunion is November 1st

Valley of Columbus AASR                    

    The Fall 2014 Valley of Columbus Scottish Rite Reunion is scheduled for November 1st at the Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Rd. Columbus. Now is the time to get your petition in.


    RWB Steve Cokonougher, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, 33rd Degree Mason, and Past Commander-in-Chief of Scioto Consistory is the Honoree for this Reunion and we should show our support in attending and welcoming him for receiving this honor.


    The petition can be obtained by contacting ANY Officer of the Valley of Columbus, or calling the office at 614-766-2272 or 1-800-344-9741. The cost to join is $100.00.


    There are a couple of incentives to help your decision. The first is that if you are a Lodge leader / Officer, included are Past Masters, your fee to join is reduced by 50%, indicate that on the petition. The second incentive is for the general membership. If you are the FIRST LINE Signer of just ONE petition for the Fall Reunion, for November 1st, your dues will be credited with $90.00, to be used for current or future membership fees. This incentive is good only for the Fall 2014 Reunion and there is a limit of one $90.00 credit per member.


    If you're planning to attend the Reunion at Aladdin Shrine, you can pay your dues for next year on November 1st. The staff will be able to help you make it easier retain your active status that Saturday.


 Aladdin Shriners Vote to Relocate
Shrine Logo
    Illustrious Potentate Garol Rogers gaveled the special meeting of the Nobles of Aladdin Shrine to order on August 18th. The purpose was to discuss and vote on sites presented to the nobility for relocation as the present facility on Stelzer Rd. has been sold to Georgetown Development in January.
    Over 480 Nobles attended the meeting to hear the report presented by James Russell, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Pizutti Company and other company representatives which was hired by Aladdin Shrine to help with that process. He reported over 80 locations had been looked over before being narrowed to four final sites. Each was presented to the membership with questions being posed to representatives from Pizutti and Illustrious Sir Rogers.

    A motion was made, seconded and the vote taken. The location selected by the Nobles of Aladdin Shrine is on Gateway area / Grand Oaks building near I-71 / Stringtown Rd. in Grove City. With additional plans for the facility, it is hoped and expected to ready by later 2015.

    Illustrious Sir Rogers has asked that all Nobles "please not approach anyone associated with the property or try to gain access to look around until the contract is signed. Any interference at this time might jeopardize the ability to purchase the property."
LLWS 2014
    Foreword - This has nothing to do with the 14th District or let alone Freemasonry.

    As Summer nears the end of the season, August represents an special time for many young people. Saturday, August 23rd was the date that anyone familiar with the initials above in the title waited for. It was the International and United States Championships of Little League World Series.
    For the close to 2 week period leading up to those championship games, 11-13 year olds from the different regions in the world met for the 75th Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA. where Little League was started in 1939. That was when gas was .10 / gallon, and bread was even less. Lou Gehrig finished his career with the New York Yankees and Ted Williams was in his rookie year. The World Series Championship game has been played since 1947.
    The International Game had South Korea winning over Japan by a score of 12-3. The United States Championship game was between the Mountain Ridge Little League of Las Vegas of the West Region and the Jackie Robinson West Little League from Chicago representing the Great Lakes Region. The young men of the south side of Chicago won the game coming from a 3-0 deficit early in the game to win 7-5.
    Over 28,0000 attended the game that brought South Korea and Chicago together for the overall 2014 Championship game on Sunday, August 24th. South Korea won to be the overall Champions by a score of 8-4. South Korea has not lost in their three trips to Williamsport, in 1984, 1985, and 2014 extending their record to 11-0.
    Some items of interest; over 400,000 people attended the 10 days watching 16 teams to a town of about 30,000 in an area about midway between Pittsburg and Philadelphia in northern Pennsylvania. Members of the Long Island team representing the Champions of 50 years ago, the 1964 New York team remembered and talked about their win. Also, this year had 2 young ladies play, Emma March covered first base for Canada. The other was Mo'ne Davis, a 13 year old pitcher for the Pennsylvania team from Philadelphia who made the cover of Sports Illustrated and met the new Commissioner elect of Major League Baseball, Rob Manfred. These young people made the unofficial motto of Little League "Summer Forever" so appropriate!
Youth Update
Attend & support our youth



    The 14th Masonic District support our Masonic Youth!  If you know of any youth events taking place, let us know and we'll add it in the Newsletter  

  • Linden Chapter, Order of DeMolay: Stated Meetings - 1st & 3rd Sundays at 3:00 PM
    • North West Masonic Temple - Linworth 
  • Groveport Chapter, Order of DeMolay: Stated Meetings - 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:30 PM 
    • Groveport Masonic Temple - Groveport
  • Bethel No. 22, Job's Daughters: Stated Meetings - 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
    • Moore Masonic Temple - Delaware
  • Bethel No. 28, Jobs Daughters: Stated Meetings - 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:00 PM
    • North West Masonic Temple - Linworth
  • Bethel No. 45, Job's Daughters: Stated Meetings - 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 7:00 PM
    • Avery Masonic Temple - Hilliard
  • Bethel No. 69, Jobs Daughters: Stated Meetings - 1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM
    • Sunrise Masonic Temple - Gahanna
  • Bethel No. 71, Job's Daughters: Stated Meetings - 1st & 3rd Sundays @ 2:00 PM
    • Groveport Masonic Temple - Groveport
  • Columbus Assembly No. 172, Rainbow for Girls: Stated Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 7:00 PM
    • North West Masonic Temple - Linworth
Submit Your Lodge Articles


    The submission deadline for the October edition  is September 10th. 


    Email your article to us by clicking here.  If photos are included please provide them in JPG or PNG formats.


Do you have a topic you'd like to write about that would be of general interest to Masons around the 14th District?  We'd love to publish your article, and we're happy to help with editing, spell checking, and anything else you might need.  Help us provide interesting content to Masons around Franklin & Delaware counties by sharing your knowledge and interests in an article in this newsletter. 


Enjoying the new newsletter?  If this newsletter was forwarded to you from another Brother, you can sign up to receive it directly by clicking on "Join Our Mailing List" on the right side of the screen.  Your Lady can also stay informed by signing up too.  Your information will only be used to send a copy of the 14th District Newsletter directly to you.




RWB Brian A. Bolyard 

RWB Glenn F. Stoots

RWB William E. Estell

RWB Timothy Wheeland

District Deputies Grand Master
14th Masonic District of Ohio

14th Masonic District of Ohio
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Community Dental Smile
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Valley of Columbus AASR
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Quick Links
14th District Website

Grand Lodge of Ohio



Coming Up Soon 


District Quarterly Meeting
Reynoldsburg Lodge

Grand Lodge Communication
Sharonville Convention Center

DDGM Installation

DDGM Installation

DEO Installation

DEO Installation

DEO Installation

Linden Lodge
Inspection - EA Degree

Past Master Convocation
District Annual Meeting
South Gate - Potter Lodge
Canal Winchester

14th Masonic District Communications Committee

 WB N. Crowell Shane

Committee Chairman

RWB Jeff Rannebarger
Newsletter Editor 

WB Michael Saum 
 RWB Charles Dyer
District Webmaster
WB Ken Cohen
