Salisbury Academy students and staff joined in prayer and song with millions of students around the world today for our annual "See You at the Pole" rally. Eighth grade students accompanied by younger student peers led the school community in prayers for our country, leaders, community, and school. Read more from the Salisbury Post below!
Jag Weekly
October 2, 2016
Fall Fundraiser Season: Go team SA! 
Dear Salisbury Academy Parents,

Our fall fundraiser sale officially kicks off tomorrow and runs through October 24. Salisbury Academy is excited to partner with Genevieve's and their wide selection of wrapping paper, candies, and gift items for the sale.
These quality products are a great way to ask a neighbor, co-worker, or family member to support Salisbury Academy. The sale is also a wonderful opportunity for your children to show their SA pride and have a hand in supporting their school!

I would like to thank Carrie Bardinas, our parent volunteer, for her time and help with this fundraiser. Sell online by sharing the below link with friends and family. The site is live and orders can be placed as early as today! 

School ID #: 14146

Beverly Fowler, Head of School
The Joy of Giving: JK/K Giving Parties
On Thursday of this week the JK/K classes celebrated their first giving party of the year. Giving parties are held every three months in honor of the students who have birthdays that quarter, and at each party students bring in "gifts" for the birthday students to open.
Important Dates

Thurs., Oct. 6
Senior Athlete Recognition Night
at 4:15 p.m. in the gym, for all fall athletes in 8th grade

Fri., Oct. 7
Staff Workday
No school for students

Mon., Oct. 10
Fall Holiday
No school for students or staff

Fri., Oct. 14
Grandpersons' Day
Noon dismissal 

Fri., Oct. 14
Environmental Film Festival at SA
6:15 p.m. Come with a blanket and spread out on the lawn! 

PSA Dress-Down Day
Fri., Oct. 28
Students in grades 1-8 will enjoy a non-unifom day by bringing in $2 and a canned good.

What makes the parties so meaningful is that the gifts are all donations for a community cause, and the party activities all revolve around educating students on the needs of others. Gifts at this week's giving party were canned goods and non-perishable items to be delivered to Rowan Helping Ministries. 

Students also made bean soup mixes for families in need and decorated bags to deliver the food in while listening to a story about a soup kitchen. While these young students are still quite small, they are already making a big impact on the surrounding community! 

Because SA Knows No Limits

At $22,788 in Annual Fund pledges, we are on our way to our goal of $70,000. 
Now, we need YOU to help us reach our goal! 

Middle School Matters
"The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." 
                                          -Thomas Edison

Grandpersons' Day, October 14

Grandpersons' Day will be held on 
Friday, October 14

 Invitiations have gone home to grandparents. SA families, please feel free to invite a neighbor or other special friend in place of a grandparent. 

ASK on Grandpersons' Day: A minimum of 5 students will be required in order for extended day to be offered on Grandpersons' Day. Cost for extended day will be $20. RSVP by October 3 for extended day on Grandpersons' Day by contacting Elizabeth Bergsma:

SA to Host Environmental Film Festival: evening of October 14 
Join Salisbury Academy for a fall celebration and environmental film festival! 

Friday, October 14
6:15 p.m. at the SA soccer field

Bring a blanket or campfire seating and spread out on the lawn to enjoy a premier outdoor adventure and environmental film! Festivities will kick off with pumpkin decorating and other fun fall activities for the children, with the film festival beginning at 7:00 p.m. 

SA in the News: See You at the Pole
Salisbury Academy Celebrates "See You at the Pole"

A foggy morning was brightened with song and prayer at Salisbury Academy's "See You at the Pole" gathering early Wednesday. Held annually on the fourth Wednesday of September, the student-led rally brings millions of students together in prayer across the globe. 

Lunch Menus
Mr. Gatti's will provide hot lunches Monday through Friday to our students enrolled in grades 1-8 during the 2016-2017 school year.

This week's chapel speaker will be Joanne Lahey of Genevieve's, sharing on the exciting selection of prizes available to students participating in the Fall Fundraiser sale. 

Chapel is held on Thursday mornings at 9 a.m. Families are welcome to join for this special community time! 

Booster Club
Upcoming fall Booster Club Pizza dates: 
Oct. 28, Nov. 18, Dec. 9

Booster Club Pizza payments are now being accepted:
Lower School: 9 months for $54
Middle School: 9 months for $63

Come Tickle Our Ivories: This piano can be yours!

The "Come Tickle Our Ivories" piano has made it back to SA after an exciting tour of downtown Salisbury, and can be taken home by the first interested SA family at no cost! Contact Lizzy Roy if interested, at


  • Booster Club Volunteer Schedule: Please note the home game volunteer schedule. If you are not able to fulfill your duty please find another volunteer. Thank you! Click here for the full volunteer schedule.
  • Annual Sports Passes: $70 - What a deal! Any family who has student athletes will save money by purchasing an annual sports pass.

  • --------------------------

    Monday, October 3  
    • Cross Country Practice: 3:05 - 4:00 p.m.
    •  Girls Tennis Practice: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. @ CCS for 4th graders and tennis only players
    • JV Volleyball Game @ Sacred Heart 4:00 Players need to arrive by 3:30 for warm-ups
    • JV Soccer Game @ Sacred Heart 4:00 (Blue Jersey) Players need to arrive by 3:30 for warm-ups
    • Varsity Volleyball Game @ Sacred Heart 5:00 Players need to arrive by 4:30 for   warm-ups
    • Varsity Soccer Game @ Sacred Heart 5:00 (Blue Jersey) Players need to arrive by 4:15 for warm-ups
    Tuesday, October 4
    • JV Volleyball Game VS Concordia 4:00
    • Varsity Soccer Game VS Concordia 4:30 (White Jersey) Players need to arrive by 3:45 for warm-ups
    • Varsity Volleyball Game VS Concordia 5:00 Players need to arrive by 4:30 for warm-ups
    Wednesday, October 5  
    • Girls Tennis Match VS Sacred Heart @ CCS 4:00 Tennis players need to arrive by 3:30 for warm-ups
     Thursday, October 6  
    • **Senior Recognition Night for fall athletes in eighth grade: 4:15 p.m. in the gym **
    • JV Soccer Game VS North Hills 4:00 (White Jersey)
    • Varsity Soccer Game VS North Hills 5:00 (White Jersey) Players need to arrive by 4:15 for warm-ups
    • Varsity Volleyball Game VS North Hills 5:00 Players need to arrive by 4:30 for warm-ups
    Friday, October 7 - No School

    The Green Space

    Did you know: 

    The Montana Glacier National Park has only 25 glaciers instead of 150 that were there in the year 1910.