2014 has wrapped up and we are ready to celebrate 2015 by ushering in the Chinese New Year~
Recapping, 2014 was a busy time for SCC.
Simonton work went 'full steam ahead', assisting hundreds of patients and participants with SCC programming and counseling and this continued through our annual fund raiser in December, raising nearly $25,000 - the most we have ever raised! Thank you to all our Spartan Simonton Saints that made this possible. Photos of the race are below.

And thank YOU!, our donors, for supporting the work of the Simonton Cancer Center!

On a sad note, we lost our good friend and SCC Medical Director in a random biking accident- once again emphasizing the need to value every day. He is sorely missed.
We also lost our Stella - SCC mascot and Carl's favorite...everything.
We gained a Board Member and an Advisory Member, held one of our most exciting training programs, graduated a terrific new intern and held SCC's first International Directors Conference in Ireland. 

You also might have noticed, we have a new logo -- the kite. 
We are 'trying it on for size' and would appreciate your feedback. 
Many of you may remember the importance kites played early on in Carl's life and how they were incorporated in our Play Day during patient sessions. When he passed, we found over 200 kites he had stored. It seemed a fitting symbol. On the wall of our SCC office is one of his favorite quotes.
It reads :

 "A certain amount of opposition is of great help to a man.
                                   Kites rise against, not with, the wind."


May life be treating you kindly,

Karen Smith Simonton
Executive Director SCC


      Get out of the COLD and SNOW !!!!
If you or a loved one has considered attending a Simonton Program, spring is one of our most beautiful times of the year.

MARCH 22 - 27, 2015

We know it can be a challenging journey.  
Let us help.
If you wish to attend our March program and are in financial need, please remember SCC has
scholarship funding available through the Terri Koller Kaplan Memorial Fund.  Apply today!
Call Today!   800 459 3424
                                                                                                 Ross Koller with his mother, Terri
Dr. Edward Gilbert 1944-2014
We are shocked and saddened to announce the passing of our wonderful friend, colleague and Medical Director, Dr. Edward Gilbert, due to a biking accident.  Ed, a graduate of Stanford University, had been a leading voice in radiation oncology for nearly four decades. He served as Director for the Northpoint Cancer Center in Dallas, Texas, in addition to his service at NIH, and the United States Air Force. Ed was the first to implement Simonton work in a conventional hospital setting- the Eisenhower Medical Center in Colorado- and was granted the Aesculapius Award for Distinguished Service. One of Dr. Simonton's closest friends, Ed had been involved with SCC since 1978 and had served as Medical Director since 2010.
May his warmth and care continue to be present in our work and in the hearts of all he loved.
Inner demons love the dark...


Insomnia rates are two to three times greater for cancer survivors, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Lack of sleep inhibits healing and can result in additional health issues. 
Getting out of bed and doing something restful (such as reading in low light) may help. Stay away from using electronic devices.

It may also be a good time to get out your belief work!


                       Wonderful talk on the critical importance of "Emotional Hygiene"
Click below:


The Simonton Cancer Counseling Center is proud to be recognized as one of the top rated nonprofits in 2014!

Wash your fruits and veggies!
Apples knocked out strawberries this year in the new EWG report on fruits and vegetables containing the most pesticides.

The Dirty Dozen for this year includes
(in order) 

1. Apples                   7.Spinach

2. Peaches                8. Sweet Bell Pepper
3. Nectarines             9. Cucumbers
4. Strawberries        10. Cherry Tomatoes
5. Grapes                  11. Snap Peas
6. Celery                   12. Kale/Collards 


Elizabeth SImonton, Captain of the Simonton Saints/Spartan Fundraiser
View More Pictures Here!
We are also saddened to report the passing of our very loved and very wonderful companion, Stella.
Stella... loyal friend, SCC mascot and Carl's most used example of 'joy' in his life. Together again.
Researched Health Benefits of 'Re-Writing' Your Own Story
(for those of you who journal)

Key word here (as in all writing) is in the re-write.
Examining your initial entry or your self expressive writing and re-writing
your story as you would have desired to see it happen, can have a significant impact in your well being and productivity.
(Wonderful exercise for children too!) 
Message from our Advisory Board Member, Jeannine Walston:

Jeannine Walston Cancer Survivor and Cancer Coach
Jeannine Walston Cancer Survivor and Cancer Coach
Join Us!
March 22-27, 2015
"Getting Well Again" New Patient Program
800 459 3424
Learn scientifically proven ways to improve your health and enhance your cancer treatment for better outcomes!

Amazon Smile :)  Foundation

You know you're going to buy it anyway, so why not

'Purchase for a Cause!'

If you have an Amazon Prime account, just list the Simonton Cancer Center as    your designated charity and Amazon will 'give back' .5% of your purchase to                                                       Simonton Cancer Center!                                                           

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