Oregon Tea Party                                                                                              June 2013

Sestak. Solyndra. Pigford. Fast & Furious.  Benghazi. IRS targeting conservatives, leaking their personal information. DOJ targeting reporters. HHS shaking down health care companies.  EPA discriminating against conservatives, leaking private info to radical environmentalists. State Department covering up internal scandals from sexual assaults to drug rings.  
Federal Employees insider trading.  NSA illegally spying and collecting data on innocent citizens. 
Had enough yet?  It's long past time for We The People to hold our government accountable!  Find a Tea Party affiliated group near you (or better yet, start your own Tea Party chapter, with our help) and join the fight for liberty! 


Oregon Tea Party
IRS Targets Tea Party Groups

An IRS campaign to apply additional scrutiny to conservative groups went beyond targeting "Tea Party" and "patriot" groups to include those focused on government spending, the Constitution and several other broad areas.  

Obama Admin. Scandals Finally Coming To Light

The dam has broken, the curtain has been lifted, and the flood of scandals coming to light is finally beginning to open people's eyes.
Read More >> 

Still Time To Stop Obamacare? 

There are limited but very important opportunities to prevent Obamacare from being implemented in 2014.  Read More >> 
This Month's MUST READS:
The Fight For Liberty In Oregon
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CATO: How the NSA Spies on Americans



Why Collect So Much Information if Obama Refuses to Use It Against Terror? 


Here's Why the Obama Administration Wanted the NSA Data-Mining Program Kept Secret 


Sen. Paul: NSA Scandal Would Not Be Happening Had Obama and Congress Obeyed the Fourth Amendment 


We Should Have Listened to the Libertarians


Wake Up, America: You're Letting Your Privacy Slip Away

Mark Levin: 'We have the elements of a Police State here'

About Face: Candidate Obama debates President Obama on Government Surveillance

Judge Napolitano To Shep Smith: NSA Leaker An 'American Hero' Who Exposed 'Extraordinary Violations'

What's to worry about?   It's not like they'd abuse this information to target political dissidents or anything.  Oh, wait...

Meet some of the everyday Americans who decided to organize groups to fight for their liberties, and found themselves the targets of an abusive, politicized IRS:
Emotional Testimony of Becky Gerritson over IRS Scutiny before Congress Committee
Karen Kenney Testifies at Hearing on IRS Abuses of Power


Watch: Gallery Erupts During IRS Hearing After Paul Ryan Calls out a Dem Rep Who Says Victims Deserved To Be Targeted

OTP Fundraising

Disclaimer: Paid for by Liberty Coalition PAC dba Oregon Tea Party  (www.OregonTeaParty.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.