FPA of Northern California

Summer 2016 Issue
President's Message
Membership Corner
FPA BE Baltimore 2016
Programs Corner
NexGen Corner
FPA Far West Roundup
Pro Bono Corner
Advocacy Corner
Upcoming Chapter Meetings
2016 Chapter Sponsors

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Congratulations to Board Member, Landon Tymochko, for Earning the CFP� Certification!!!

Revised FPA PlannerSearch�, 6 Free CE hours through FPA webinars, Best of the Journal of Financial Planning and, Auto Renewal Option for Membership

President's Message - Orlando Batturaro, RICP�, CFP�
Orlando Batturaro, RICP�,CFP�
Greetings fellow FPA of Northern California chapter members. If you haven't had a chance to interact with our 2016 board, then you may be missing several opportunities to participate in a diverse group of activities in our community. Here is just a sampling of significant past and upcoming events.

* Two opportunities to connect and network with other professional organizations in the area. Joint mixers with the South Placer and Sacramento Estate Planning Councils gave members opportunities to meet and share expertise. Both organizations encourage attendance at their meetings. In order to do so at the Sacramento Estate Planning Council, you must be sponsored by a member.
* The upcoming Ethics course will be followed by a mixer on August 25th. This promises to be a unique experience as we are holding the event at the location of one of our Gold Sponsors - Networking Solutions. We are so thankful for their participation in our chapter but also for their hospitality in opening up their office to our members. Please mark your calendars for this event from 2 PM to 4 PM (Ethics) and 4 PM to 7 PM (Networking Mixer). Continue reading here

Membership Corner - Matthew Page, CFP� & Karen Miller, CFP�
Thank you to everyone who joined us for FPA's second mixer of the year: the Summer Mediterranean Mixer at La Provence in Roseville on June 21st hosted by the South Placer Estate Planning Council (SPEPC). The SPEPC members include attorneys, real estate specialists and financial professionals. They were very welcoming and the whole event was lots of fun.  It was a great way to meet new people and catch up with old friends in a relaxing atmosphere.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event later this year!

Matthew Page, CFP�

Karen Miller, CFP�


FPA BE Baltimore 2016 - Advance Registration Ends 7/29!

The FPA Annual Conference is the largest gathering of CFP� professionals and thought leaders financial planning. Attendees, speakers and partners are among the most innovative folks in the industry who come together to connect and share ideas. The conference is built around sharing practical knowledge and strategies for attendees to take back to their practice for immediate implementation. 

Register before July 29th to save $200 on registration.
Use Promo Code CHBE16
which gives members $25 off registration and a $25 rebate to the chapter with the opportunity to send board members to the conference for free. 

Programs Corner - Jenny Hood, CFP

Jenny Hood, CFP
What have you enjoyed the most about the programs so far this year? Is it that five out of our six meetings thus far have had CE credit? Have you enjoyed the topics? Or the fact that in April we shook things up and had a lunch meeting in Roseville? Based on the increase in meeting attendance I would venture to say that we have had something in the programs calendar for everyone! It has been such a treat to see our meetings bustling with energy from familiar faces and new faces. In July, our assumptions were challenged by Don St. Clair with his thought-provoking presentation on money and banking. Usually in August we take a break. However, one of our new sponsors, Networking Solutions, will host the Ethics Course on August 25th followed by a Networking Mixer. The month of September will bring a presentation on Medicare, followed by a practice management topic. The details of the November meeting are still being worked out, but I'm looking forward to a pertinent topic and possible offsite location. The Membership Co-Directors and I are also working on finalizing the specifics for the December meeting. We want to close the year out with a very special and celebratory meeting. I look forward to you joining us next month!

NexGen Corner - Alexandria Cole
Alexandria Cole
What is NexGen? - It's a community within the Financial Planning Association designed to support and be a space to help next generation planners from the age of 36 and younger or the career changers new to the industry. Your local leaders have been pushing to begin this community within FPA of Northern California by organizing mixers, events, and volunteering opportunities.

Scholarship Winners for NexGen Gathering of 2016
I recently attended the FPA NexGen Gathering held in Dallas which is a conference for NexGen planners around the country. They come together for a 3 day conference and host several topics that are troubling NexGen like: Finding a career path, starting a new firm, or looking into different options for business succession with a senior planner. The conference was amazing and very inspirational and you leave feeling like you were in the best career/profession. To all NexGen and young planners, I highly suggest you attend this conference to see what other young planners are doing across the country. During my time at the NexGen Gathering, I was awarded a "NexGen Gathering Scholarship Award" which was an honor to be recognized among my peers. They offer the scholarship every year to a NexGen individual which helps in getting them to the conference. Continue reading here

27th Annual FPA Far West Roundup - August 11-14, 2016

The Far West Roundup
is an informal retreat for financial planning practitioners and those intending to enter the financial planning profession. It is held on the campus of UC Santa Cruz.  We eat in the cafeteria and we sleep in the dorms.  The campus is beautiful, the food is good (considering it's cafeteria food), and the accommodations are a long shot from the Ritz.  Needless to say, this retreat is wildly popular in spite of its downscale venue.  The appeal is the informal setting where planning practitioners can exchange ideas and have fun.

This is an informal learning environment.  The Roundup is also unusual in that there are no sponsors.  Most of our speakers are fellow planners or professionals in related fields who have been recommended to us by past attendees. Register Here!  
Pro Bono Corner - Landon Tymochko, MBA, CFP
Landon Tymochko,
Ok, well, 2016 is officially past the halfway mark. Can you believe it? Here's a quick update on the various things happening related to Pro Bono:

Financial Planning Days:
We are officially starting the planning for Financial Planning Days, which is scheduled to occur on Saturday, October 22nd from 9am - 3pm at the West Sacramento City Hall. Please mark your calendars if you would like to participate as a volunteer. Many of you have participated in the past, and know that we need a lot of volunteer support. Help is needed from CFP Professionals to provide individual advice and presentations, as well as from other FPA members and CFP candidates to help run the program. If you would like to help make this, our 6th year, another great event, please reach out to myself or anyone on the board. Continue reading here  
Advocacy Corner - Dusty Hoetger, CFP

Dusty Hoetger, CFP�
As you may know, FPA of California was formed in 2012 to be an advocate on behalf of our members and their clients regarding issues that impact our clients' financial success and the financial planning profession. In addition, FPA of CA seeks to be a resource for California's elected and appointed officials, offering an informed, professional perspective on legislative and regulatory issues.

FPA of CA is the coalition of thirteen California chapters of the Financial Planning Association and represents roughly 3,000 members and serves over 300 thousand California constituents. Each local chapter has one board member who sits on the council.

How can I get involved you ask? Well, you can participate in our upcoming Advocacy Week taking place starting September 19th, 2016! Details can be found here but be sure to attend the local chapter meetings for updates! And by attending a chapter meeting you get a chance to network, learn, and engage with other planners. And we are a great group! Additionally, you can reach out to me at dhoetger@avisensecurities.com and I can answer any questions you may have. Continue reading here 

Advertisement - Employment Opportunity
Upcoming Chapter Meetings  

Date: August 25, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Ethics Course) / 4:00 pm - 7:00 (Networking Mixer)
Title: CFP Board's Code of Ethics Program & Networking Mixer
Location: Networking Solutions (Sponsor), 950 Fulton Avenue, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA

Date: September 9, 2016
Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am
Title: Medicare
Speaker: Art Allen, United Healthcare
Location: City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA

Date: October 14, 2016
Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am
Title: Business Planning
Speaker:  Elyse & Kari
Location: City Hall, 2729 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA

Date: October 20, 2016
Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Title: NexGen Kick Off Summit
Location: CSUS, Alumni Center, 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA

Date: October 22, 2016
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Title: Greater Sacramento Financial Planning Day
Location: West Sacramento City Hall, 1110 W Capitol Ave, West Sacramento, CA

Please visit the chapter's website
  for the complete 2016 Calendar of Events

Thank You to Our 2016 Sponsors!







FPA of Northern California
PO  Box 188293
Sacramento, CA 95818
Phone (916) 443-4237
Email holly@fpanc.org
Website www.fpanc.org