

Roasted Butternut Squash and Israeli CousCous Salad  


Roasted Butternut Squash and Israeli CousCous Salad-


30 - 45 mins


6 to 8





-1/2 cup arils from Pomegranates
-1 garlic clove, peeled
-1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
-1 tablespoon champagne vinegar
-1/4 teaspoon black pepper
-1/4 cup olive oil or vegetable oil blend



-1/2 cup arils from Pomegranates 
-1 cup Israeli Couscous, cooked according to package directions
-1-1/2 cups butternut squash, peeled and medium-diced
-1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
-1 cup Swiss chard, cut into ribbons
-1 tablespoon vegetable oil
-1 teaspoon kosher salt
pinch of black pepper
-3 oz. feta cheese, crumbled




1. Prepare fresh pomegranate arils, if necessary.* 

2. Place the garlic and salt in a mortar and pound into a paste with the pestle.

 3. Add 1/2 cup of arils to the mortar and gently crush, releasing the juice.

4. Transfer the contents to a medium size bowl and add the champagne vinegar and black pepper.

 5. Slowly drizzle the oil into the mixture while continually whisking to form the vinaigrette.



1. Preheat oven to 400�F. 

2. Toss the butternut squash with the extra-virgin olive oil and spread onto a cookie sheet.

 3. Place in the oven and roast for approximately 15 minutes or until fork tender. 4.Remove the squash from the oven and set aside.


To Finish: 

1. Heat a medium skillet with the vegetable oil over high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the Israeli couscous, Swiss chard and butternut squash.

2. Saut� for approximately 3 minutes to wilt the greens and heat the couscous and squash. 

3. Once the mixture is warm, transfer to the vinaigrette bowl and gently toss.  

4. Season the salad with the chopped parsley, kosher salt and black pepper. 

5. Transfer the salad to a serving platter and sprinkle with the feta cheese and the remaining 1/2 cup of arils.


*To prepare fresh arils, score 1-2 large POM Wonderful Pomegranates and place in a bowl of water. Break open the pomegranates under water to free the arils (seed sacs). The arils will sink to the bottom of the bowl and the membrane will float to the top. Sieve and put the arils in a separate bowl. Reserve 1 cup of the arils from fruit and set aside. (Refrigerate or freeze remaining arils for another use.)


Gaia Sagrada Retreat Schedule



 " They (the classes)  slowly but steadily helped me raise my dominant emotional state. I realized that there is no limit to happiness, and therefore no limit to being in alignment with God. With every meditation I got more and more aligned to that which I really am. My life has been completely transformed as a result."


-George Lizos


 " The meditations and spiritual exercises have given me the tools to custom make a daily ritual that equips me in my life for perpetual growth and consistency."


-Kosta Kourabis




 "The Bachelors has tied all the metaphysical ends together for me! I have accumulated a massive wealth of knowledge and great academic visualization. I'm happy, great material, quick responses, great support."


-Julian Greenstein

Christine Breese, Ph.D.
Check out our founder, Christine Breese's
Newsletter looking for Student Submissions-

Do you have a submission for our monthly newsletter?


Ideas? Comments? Feedback? Questions?    


We publish our school newsletter every month around the new moon, and are super excited about this publication as a way of sharing thoughts and inspiration from our students, and keeping our network aware of our goals and happenings. Please feel free to submit any work you feel might be appropriate (such as poetry, artwork or articles) to the email address, newsletter@umsonline.org.  


We look forward to receiving your submissions and integrating the knowledge and creativity of students into our publication.

UMS New Moon Newsletter October 23, 2014
Dreaming Into Being-by Alecia Rostad
Painting by Binah Zing
Title: Gene Key 21 as Laurel Kitten
Click here to view the
Website dedicated to the Artist
(Photo by Laurel Kitten )

Happy New Moon! The Sun and Moon are entering the first degree of Scorpio and we are experiencing the alignment of a partial solar eclipse. The rain is pouring, the veil is thinning, and we are rapidly approaching Samhain. We honor the end of the harvest season and welcome the darkness that winter brings. This time of year beckons us to draw inward and nourish our connection with the spirit world and our ancestors.


In honoring this eclipse season, I'm reminded to reflect upon the last set of eclipses we experienced in April. For me, the timing of these two sets of eclipses is sychronistic as the April full moon eclipse fell near my birthday and now the October new moon eclipse is on my partner's birthday. We were born 6 months apart; he's a Scorpio and I'm an Aries.


In April, I was embarking on a deepening understanding of the dream realm through Dream Lodge mugwort cere- monies. The intention with the Dream Lodge is to use the mugwort's magical properties and the sacred space of the tipi to induce a heightened dream state. We honor the ancestors and their ability to connect with us during this time and show us what we do not see in our waking lives: solutions to our problems, alternate pathways to our goals, hidden emotions that need to be acknowledged. Within the portal of the Dream Lodge we pray, make offerings to the fire, and give voice to our dreams and visions. We laugh, the inner child in each of us giddy with the excitement and joy a slumber party brings. We cry, not always knowing why, but thankful for the release.


On the April New Moon Dream Lodge, we journeyed to the ocean, watching the waves ride in like galloping horses as we could barely hold our ground in the whipping wind. We tucked behind a large piece of driftwood, circling for our ritual, the tide coming closer and closer and the rain drizzling down on us. We purified ourselves in the cleansing salt water as the sun went down and then returned to the tipi in the dark of the new moon night.


Back in the Dream Lodge, our mugwort brewing in the cauldron over the fire, we sip our tea. We smoke mugwort as well, to amplify its effect. One by one, in our own perfect timing, we place mugwort under our pillows and enter our dream time with reverence. In the morning, we write in our journals and share our dreams.  We give thanks for the insights that we've gained, knowing that the lessons will continue to be revealed in the days and months to come.


This October New Moon, the ancestors whisper to me to remember my dreams. Just the other night, I had an amazingly vivid dream. It was shown to me, upon request, by a sister of our ever expansive Moon Lodge circle, Binah Zing. She has recently made her journey to the spirit world through the death gate and although I did not know her in physical form, I feel her presence very strongly now.  I dreamed of a large tipi with a buffalo hide canvas and the most amazing, solid poles. I am down by the river and there are men jumping onto horses and galloping off. One man is riding backwards and waving at me! Then I am on a bridge, crossing the river and the bridge starts to crumble. I'm dangling from a rope above the water, trying to pull myself up to the other side and a friend is yelling at me: "Reach for your third eye, Alecia!"


I awaken, this phrase echoing in my mind. I shared this dream with some of my Moon Lodge sisters and immediately felt the waves of healing rippling out. I remembered that I had asked Binah to show me a dream before I went to sleep and this dream came through. I'm in awe of the great mystery and full of gratitude for the infinite capacity for connection with the spirit world. I am open to receiving messages and support from the ancestral realm in whatever form they may come; in rainbows, visits from the animals, synchronistic moments, and dreams.

The Power of Circling-
-Elizabeth Erenberger
Where is it that a human can know the power of belonging and cast away the illusion of isolation? 
Where is it that an individual can understand the power of holding personal space, enjoy being accepted by others, safely explore the possibilities of self and investigate the greater purpose of one' life path?
In this age where our closest neighbors are often barricaded away by tall fences and dividing walls, how do we continue to remember the ancient powers of community involvement?

There are so many reasons throughout history for which humans may choose to come together for the sake of circling. There are many sacred ceremonies emphasizing the idea of waiting patiently for items to move around a circle (e.g. water, medicine, food, talking stick), holding gratitude for that blessing which one is about to receive. In these ceremonies we can often find ourselves joined in deep, inspiring transformation with the young, the old, those relatable to our path, and those with different motivations and dreams. Spirituality, prayer and social immersion can be tools which speed up our growth and development, not only internally, but externally as well. 

By becoming immersed in a spiritual community, whether it be a single event, or an ongoing connection, we begin to see ourselves for the unique perspectives and gifts we bring into our surroundings. Through the divine reflections of those whom we have been intentionally brought to know by universal forces, we begin to see our potential to act as teacher, role model, mentor and friend. Our patience is tested, our communication skills perfected, and our deepest desires vocalized and visualized. In order to fully manifest our highest visions, it is crucial that we share our gifts with the world around us.
Circling allows us to connect with wisdom: the ancient, the new age and future possibilities. Being witnessed by others in the honesty of our struggles and joys can create an aura of self acceptance and an intrinsic drive to create change. Being witnessed consistently by a spiritual community can create a platform for moral and ethical contemplation beyond our own limited view, and bring in a greater awareness of our power, our strengths, and the skills we are still developing.

Whether the focus is food, prayer, a new baby, or a loved one passing, we find comfort in the circles of those we hold most dear. This is a huge part of the human experience, knowing the great oneness of universal love, and identifying individuality. 

How can we create more opportunities for all people in our communities to have a space, to be accepted, and to feel heard? How can we open our hearts to the gifts of those we do not understand? How can we make time to share our gifts and receive the gifts others surely have for us? Circle up!!

Are you feeling alone in your practice? Are you feeling isolated and alienated from others in your community? Why not manifest a circle of your own? Some of the largest circles started small, perhaps with one person imagining and inviting in the support they truly want in their life. Do not be attached to any expectations of whom might appear, for assumptions may lead to overlooking the blessings of one who is devout, committed to the circle and your mutual forward growth. When we put out into the world those things we hope to receive, we often find that what we have been looking for has been right under our noses all along.

As we can create our reality with our thoughts, we can also choose not to believe that we must be alone in our understanding of self, spirit, or power. Why not take a moment to test the powers of manifestation, and the law of attraction? Would a circle be beneficial for you and those in your community?

Perhaps your circle is focused on crafting, mealtime, music, gardening. Whatever your vision, move into the experience with deep reverence for the relationships in  your life. These are your angels on earth, sent to show you the pieces of your self which have hidden in shadow awaiting expression. These are your teachers, your students, and your companions, heaven sent for your learning and enjoyment.
Dia de los Muertos- Day of the Dead 
by Elizabeth Erenberger 

As November quickly approaches and all the North American children scramble for the Halloween costumes of their fancy, the people of Latin America are preparing for a holiday that honors the ancestors which are no longer living in physical form.

November first is the official celebration of the Dia de los Muertos festival, which happens throughout Hispanic culture every year. The origins of these festivities are associated with Mexican culture, and relevantly celebrated on the same day as the Christian holidays
All Saints Day and All Souls Day, both minor holidays of the Catholic Church.

On this day, skulls are prominently used in decorative display and are symbolic of the mortality of humanity.
In the forms of masks, sweets, dolls, and other treats these skulls, also known as calacas or calaveras become a distinct and recognizable part of the holiday's memorabilia.

Throughout Latin America, there is a strong belief that the dead would not approve of sadness and regret regarding their lives, or their passing. Participants joyously celebrate the lives of those who have passed by feasting, enjoying libations, dancing and music, and participating in the activities that deceased loved ones once enjoyed.

To integrate this day into your spiritual practice, build an alter, paint your face, or just celebrate life with those you love. Give thanks for another year of sacred breath, and hold deep gratitude for the lessons learned from those who have passed on. May your day be full of vibrant colors and precious memories. Have fun and be safe! Happy Dia de los Muertos!
Featured Student Project- October 2014
Need some inspiration? Check out this beautiful artwork by one of our amazing students!

 Title: Cornucopia, horn of plenty   by Helena Botman
"During a meditation about this project the Cornucopia popped up in my mind. My own explanation was that we are living in a time where there is plenty of spiritual knowledge. But when I read more about the Cornucopia, I learned that this symbol is used for Thanksgiving (a day we are not familiar with in the Netherlands). The origin of Thanksgiving is to thank the spirits for the harvest."


"I think it is very symbolic to use the Cornucopia for this creative project. I feel very privileged to live in this time, where we can reach the highest consciousness that is possible. And I am the spirits very grateful for everything I have accomplished in my life. So, the Cornucopia is a tribute to all the spirits who are guiding me among my path."

Diving Deep by Devon Love

Image by Erika Craig, For more info click here: Erika Craig Art


Close your eyes for a moment, and become aware of the layers of our experience.

There is the outward reality, the daily living, breathing, eating, sleeping, drinking, working, playing, touching, and interacting with the physical world. This level of awareness is very easy to describe, as we experience it though our physical body and senses, this remarkable system designed specifically for the purpose of perceiving, and interacting with, the physical world. This in itself is absolutely mind blowing, and we do it every day, taking it for granted, thinking we have a clue what it's all about. But do we really?  


Let's go a little deeper into our experience. All this that we are aware of, we think about. We don't stop at perception. We think. We see connections and patterns, we categorize and discern. We question. We organize, we predict, we judge. Through this process we communicate. We speak, converse, discuss, debate, gossip, and complain. We pray and we sing. Wow. We create characters with amazing super powers, while not noticing our own incredible gifts.


And we go deeper. We feel. We experience a rainbow of emotions, octaves of color added to our perceptions. If we were an orchestra, this is where the violins come in...we love and fear and rage and bubble with joy. We feel passion and emptiness. But who are we?


Deeper still. Some go no deeper. But the invitation is a longing in every heart. Here we give up knowing. We toss out believing in our perceptions. We are reborn in no mind. Truth is, we know nothing if we do not know source. Here we meditate, listen ever deeper, and wake up every morning to the absolute wonder of being. We surrender our lives to the mystery, and never stop diving...


The Power Of Dog Medicine        by Elizabeth Erenberger

Even as a child, I've always felt a deep and sacred connection with the dogs in my life. As I have grown into womanhood, I have become painfully aware that not all humans have the same appreciation for the benefits of the loyalty of canine companionship.

To this day when I gaze into their round wet eyes, or feel their presence lingering at my feet silently pleading for a moment of appreciation, I cannot help but feel inspired by their undying devotion, and their honest expression of the desire for physical attention.

Dogs can be powerful teachers for us concerning forgiveness of the faults of others, unconditional love and the benefits of pack mentality.

Whether old or young, large or small, there is an ancient connection between man and dog which is undeniable. A symbiotic relationship of the highest kind; one can rely on the other to ensure survival, stand beside each other in battle, and protect ferociously what is held dear.

Throughout many parts of the world there are only specific breeds which can be found, but here in America we have such a broad spectrum of dog population many appear to have nothing in common.

I would like to suggest that it is the heart of the dog which holds this uniting factor for which all canines can be grouped. Attachment to family, excitement about life and the desire to please are often most consistent in the persona of a happy, healthy dog.

It is a spiritual bonus that dogs inevitably satisfy that age old human need for undying affection, trust and loyalty when they are treated with compassion by their power people. And in this day we see more and more people with emotional and physical challenges turning to the comfort of these companion animals for all that they can provide the human psyche.

Even if you have trouble connecting with dog medicine in the physical realm, I invite you to meditate on the powers of wild dog: trotting through rugged landscape, lapping from the fresh cold rivers, hunting for nourishment, playing and toying with mysterious entities, and howling at the moon. Every animal has something to show us, perhaps dog will give you some insight into your own ferociously protective nature, or the needs of your loving cuddly side which may be secretly screaming for a good old fashioned belly scratch.
Student Writing-
Poems by P.J. Pennington

The Dark Night of the Soul-

I have heard that the "dark night of the soul"
Can descend like a curtain.
It is a time for your personal battle
Against doubts, fears, anger,
Or anything else that stands
Between you and the lover of your soul.
It is the time to sort out the past
From the present,
A time to discern who you really are.
Do not run in fear,
But treasure the time of discovery.
When the darkness is so deep
That you can scarce see your foot
Let alone, know where to put it,
take heart.
Light returns, ever so gently at first.
As time progresses,
The light will ever increase,
Until you see that hope and love
Are what guide your path.
Mercy and Compassion
are ever your companions.
Such that when there is darkness
All around you, once again
The light from within
will illuminate your path

   We are so thankful for the outpouring of support and submissions we have received from students. We need your input to keep our newsletter fresh and inspiring! Please keep the submissions coming. By sharing your art  with the world, there is so much to be gained.

-Blessings and Gratitude, Elizabeth 

Blessed Are They-


It is easy to be kind to someone who loves you. 
Be kind when someone is screaming at you.
Love the one who hates you.
A wounded animal bites.
Do not take it personally.
It is easy to give from your abundance.
Give then when you have little.
Generosity means something more then.
And what about giving to the person in need,
Who does not say thank you?
Are you giving for the "thanks"?
Or because it is the right thing to do?
How would you want to be treated?
Do not think too much of yourself.
You are no more or less than your neighbor.
Treat each person
As if God were wearing their skin
Regardless of how they behave.
Anyone can make war.
Be a peacemaker.
Hearts will open to you. 
Gaia Sagrada, Shamanic Retreat Center-
  Looking for a spiritual experience to warm your soul and ground your being? Longing for a chance to indulge in the bliss of sacred community? Need to get in touch with nature and experience the soothing energy of peace and tranquility?
   University of Metaphysical Sciences wants to be sure you know about our affiliate retreat center, Gaia Sagrada, in Cuenca, Ecuador. Founded by Ms. Christine Breese, the center continues to grow in popularity as participants from around the globe share the stories of their magical experiences. Now holding monthly retreats, Gaia Sagrada retreat center boasts a plethora of healing practices and principles, with special focus on the well-being of all who attend. Delicious vegetarian food, hot tubs, and sweat lodge are just a few of the self pampering modalities Gaia Sagrada has to offer to those who venture into our midst. Meet others also walking the "red road", explore ancient rainforests, and clear out old emotional baggage in this transformational life experience which is sure to refresh, revive and inspire all those who attend.
Come visit our Gaia Sagrada website at gaiasagrada.com. 

Check Out This New Book From One of Our Students:

A note from Cathy, the author:


It is great joy to share this book of inspiration, love and yes, these inspirations can be used as meditations. My time with UMS has been a treasure that continues to expand. It is with deep love and respect to each that have given beyond any possible expectations in this wondrous journey of learning, healing and best of all the amazing evolution process that brought this book forth.


A sample message:


As we have chosen to put both feet on the ground and to remove any debris that may lay in our path, we are also electing to step out and away from any illusions that may cloud our mindful thinking process. Should there be any hesitation no matter how minute, use the practice of the Three "P's". Pause, Ponder, Pray. The Three "P's" will catapult you to where you can see beyond the horizon in removing debris from your path. You are the beloved child of God, Source, Buddha and or our Creator. You can at any given moment change up to yet another layer of your being-ness. Walk in eternal truth as you have so many times before. You dear one are magnificent. Welcome to the dance. The Mystical Rainbow embraces you.


To purchase this book visit this website Angelic Light Publications.