Social Security Disability &
  Special Needs Planning News
 Sheri R. Abrams, Attorney at Law
In This Issue:
Social Security Now Allows Claimants To Check Application & Appeal Status
Estate Planning Checklist for January
Picture of Sheri Abrams
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Happy New Year!

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February 8, 2017
7:00-8:30 PM


The Ins and Outs of Qualifying for Social Security Disability, SSI and DAC Benefits
Special needs planning attorney and adoptive mom Sheri Abrams will discuss Social Security Disability, SSI and DAC (Disabled Adult Child) benefits, who qualifies for them (with emphasis on families of children with special needs) and how the application and appeal process works. 

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Source: Reprinted from the January 2017 Newsletter of Sheri R. Abrams, Attorney at Law,


Issue: # 94

 January 2017

Happy 2017! I hope you had a healthy and happy holiday season and that you are looking forward to the new year ahead.
I generally hate making New Year's resolutions, but I do use January as a personal time to set my goals and intentions for the year and identify ways that I can improve upon the successes (or tough lessons) from the past year.
One of my top goals in 2017 is to expand the level of education and resources that I'm providing those who read my newsletter... including you!
You know that life is constantly changing. Your financial situation could look completely different this year than it did in 2016. Your family situation could change. Your business could expand or evolve, requiring new levels of protection. Or you may have had a member of your family become disabled which has forced you to re-evaluate your estate or special needs planning.
None of us have a crystal ball, but I want to ensure you that with these newsletters I am prepared to provide you with the information you need to make great legal and financial choices, while helping you protect your family and everything you own-no matter what happens.
So, I'd love for you take two seconds to send me an email back and tell me how I can do that for you in 2017.
Are there any specific topics you'd like to learn more about or that you would like to see addressed in a future newsletter?
Do you know of a group that you'd like me to present to this year?
All I would like to know is how I can best serve you and your family and possibly your patients and clients as we head into 2017. 
I want to be sure you are ready for all of life's twists and turns, whether that involves using my services or not.
Again, when you have a second, just hit "reply" and share with me any thoughts or ideas that come up for you. I always enjoy hearing your feedback.
Have a great month!
Social Security Now Allows Claimants To Check Application & Appeal Status  

This month Social Security launched a new service for "my Social Security" account holders so that they can check on the status of an application for benefits or an appeal.

This service provides detailed information about retirement, disability, survivors, Medicare, and Supplemental Security Income claims and appeals, including, as appropriate:

Date of filing;

Current claim location;

Scheduled hearing date and time;

Re-entry numbers for incomplete applications;

Servicing office location; and

Claim or appeal decision.

The ability to check an application or appeal status is available online to everyone who has or opens a secure "my Social Security" account.

This account can be opened at

Estate Planning Checklist for January  

If you've already met with me or another estate planning attorney to put together your wills, trusts and powers of attorney,  then congratulations! You've taken a really important step toward being prepared for the future and making things easier on your family and friends should you pass away or become unable to make decisions for yourself.
In order to ensure that your estate plans still fit your needs, you should review them at the beginning of every year. There are certain life changes that can have a huge overall effect on your estate planning, so taking the time to accommodate those changes now will save a significant amount of difficulty later.
Have you experienced any of the following in the last year (or longer, if you haven't updated your plans in a while)? If so, you'll want to set up an appointment to meet with me right away.

1. Did you experience a change in marital status?
If you were married, divorced, or widowed in the previous year, then you will need to update your estate plans to reflect this. It may be necessary to change beneficiaries. Most people who go through a divorce will want to change their wills, trusts, and other important documents to remove the former spouse's name. In the case of a new marriage, the new spouse will likely need to be added. If you have been widowed, this may change how your inheritance will be dispersed.

2. Did you become a parent?
Whether you gave birth to a child, adopted, or became a step-parent in the last year, it makes sense to change your estate plans to reflect this change. Remember that you may want to change the beneficiaries listed on insurance policies and bank accounts, as well as to name guardians and if possibly or needed set up trusts to care for your child's future should you be unable to do so personally.

3. Has your disabled child or grandchild turned 18 or is approaching age 18? If so it is time to consider whether a guardianship is needed, apply for SSI benefits and have a Special Needs Trust added to your estate plan.

4. Have you or a family member retired or became unable to work? 

Your estate plan can change if you start receiving Social Security Disability or Retirement benefits. 

There are a number of changes that can impact your estate plan.  By working with an attorney, you can help to clarify what needs to be done to keep yourself on track and on target for your estate planning goals in 2017 and beyond.

Free Download of Sheri Abrams' Book "Don't Gamble With Your Social Security Disability Benefits"

Picture of Book
You can download a free copy: 

For more information please click here to read our Press Release.    

Our Office Location

The law firm of Sheri R. Abrams, Attorney at Law is located at: 

service source building


10467 White Granite Drive
Suite 306
Oakton, VA 22124
(571) 328-5795


This is in the "ServiceSource" building and there is plenty of free and accessible parking.

Our office is also accessible by public transportation.


If you know of someone who could use our legal services, please forward to him/her this e-mail newsletter or give him/her our telephone number: (571) 328-5795.


We provide legal services in the areas of Social Security Disability Law, Special Needs Planning, Elder Law, Special Needs Trusts, Wills and Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Advance Medical Directives, Guardianship, Disability Planning and Student Loan Discharge. 
If you, or someone you know, is involved with an educational event or support group that would benefit from a presentation on any of the areas of law for which we provide legal services, please call us at (571) 328-5795.  

Sheri R. Abrams PLLC | 10467 White Granite Dr. | Suite 306 | Oakton | VA | 22124