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stop being so darned professional and take a break today!
Issue No. 73                                         March 2014
Welcome! If you enjoyed last month you'll be craaaaazy about this month!
The purpose of this ezine is inspiration, humor, business, personal and just plain fun: aka the don't-take-yourself-so-seriously ezine.
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I Love This Book!
Creative Captions
Wonderful WEBSITEings
Mikki Mouth
Titillating Trivia
Social Media Guru Guy
Event Name
The Happy Cooker
He Who Laughs...
Visionary Volunteerism
Speakers School
Mikki on The Move
Mikki Williams, CSP
Mikki This past month had to be the craziest, busiest ever but with some really fun times. 


One surprise addition to my experience list - me, at Yankee training camp in Tampa, Florida. First of all I grew up on 161st St., in the Bronx so when I walked into the clubhouse and saw this sign,I almost cried out of nostalgia. 






If that wasn't enough, then... 

 I got to bat on their field, enjoy dinner in the clubhouse and have my photo taken with Yankee General Manager, Brian CashmanBrian Cashman (left) who also signed my Yankee shirt. Thank you, Ron Karr, President of NSA for making this happen. Woo Hoo! 




I was the co-Chair for NSA (National Speakers Association)

conference in Tampa, and took the liberty of bringing four of my favorite Vistage speakers to my professional world and in turn exposing the speakers to these Vistage all-stars from left: 

Mark Partridge (Vistage member and speaker), Gustavo Grodnitsky, Dave Nelsen, John Cremer (U.K.) and Michael Allosso. It was amazing!!


CE 429 retreat  





My CEO group (left) went on retreat to the hip Mondrian Hotel in South Beach and dined, wined and played at SoBe's finest. It was also the weekend of the SoBe Wine and Food Festival


My speakers bureau, Outrageous Orators is rockin', and I'm just back from Phoenix where I spoke and had booked three other speakers for MCAA (that's a dancer at their fabulous conference below!).


While in Phoenix I got to spend time with my favorite Canadian friends Todd and Barb Millar (right) Barb and Todd Millar

who now have a home in Phoenix, and also had time for dinner with one of my favorite clients and now friend, Joel Helle from Caremark (below).












In between all that I spoke for TEC Canada (aka Vistage) in Ft. Lauderdale (below) when the Chair couldn't get there because of this crazy weather, and they were so much fun! 



I also had a blast working for some great companies this month: Greenstone Farm Credit Services in

Wisconsin, Nika Architects and Engineers (right with Kabir

Chaudhary) and below with Joe Musella of MHM Innovations.








And finally, the photo of me and 

Reverend Marc Anthony Lord 

(right) was taken at the book launch party I hosted for him at my home. Be sure to read a review of his book in the "I Love This Book!" section below. 

"My Sam," my magnificent Director of Everything, is off to Paris for a few weeks, (I miss her already) where she will finish her second book, celebrate her birthday, do all things French (ooh la la!) and just have fun! 


I'm so grateful for my clients and friends, my good health and lots of diverse business, but happy to be home in Chicago...I think - I'm headed back to my Florida home 'til this winter is over, which will be soon, I hope.


So...have some green beer and 

enjoy your month! Green beer


Thou Shalt Not SufferThou Shalt Not Suffer

7 Steps to a Life of Joy

by Mark Anthony Lord


Many of you know of my spiritual journey over the past few years and finding my "home" at the Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago (the Bodhi tree is located in India, under which the spiritual teacher Buddha, is said to have achieved enlightenment, or Bodhi.) 

Reverend Mark Anthony presides over an uplifting, meditative, music filled, message-driven sermon every Sunday that I look forward to with great anticipation to end my week and to start another. His messages around forgiveness, acceptance, generosity and volunteerism so fill my heart and soul. And so, in the spirit of sharing, I hope you will gift yourself and others with his wonderful new book. 



Plan It of the Grapes 
(wine tours)
Yes, I have shoes in every color and for every holiday!Shoe


Sleep Cycle 

Sleep Cycle I am now totally addicted to this. Your phone goes to bed with you at night (some of you probably do that anyway, but that's another story) and it lulls you to sleep like a sound machine with your choice of sounds. Then, it wakes you gently with your favorite music that gets louder, then it calculates your resting heart rate. It has a readout of your sleep quality in more ways than I can list and all sorts of other amazing data which is unexplainable how that happens, but I'm loving it! 

Things I Wish I'd Said and Some I Did Say!
Mikki Mouth - 2 books

Enjoy a quote each month from my book - some funny, some poignant, some professional, some just darn cute!



"StPatrick's Day is a great day for the Irishbut just an okay day if you're looking for a quiet tavern to talkread or have a white wine spritzer." 

~ Jon Stewart 




Mikki speaking

Mikki Mouth Club    

NOW...not one, not two, but THREE divisions of 

The Mikki Mouth Club!

for more information

If you want Mikki's expertise at an affordable price on an ongoing basis The Mikki Mouth Club is for you.  

Questions? We've got answers!! 

Just call 312.664.8447 or  send us an email

St. Patrick's Day parade

Contrary to popular belief the first St. Patrick's Day parade took place in 1737 in Boston.

Dave NelsenDave Nelsen

Dave's formal title is President, Dialog Consulting Group

From 2005 to 2009 he was CEO of TalkShoe, a social media company now serving more than one million monthly listeners...and the fabulous company I use to produce my monthly teleseminars.    


Tag... They're It!


There's a powerful, new way to organize the information in your professional and personal life. It's called tagging. It's a radical departure from using hierarchical folders...within folders...within folders...whether in electronic (on your computer) or physical (in your filing cabinet) form.

Have you noticed that when you save a Word doc, an Excel file, or a PowerPoint presentation, that you can now add tags? It's on the same screen as the file name field when you "Save As." It's that important...or even more so.

YammerTags are also available in Yammer and Chatter (group texting services), Evernote and OneNote (your second brain), Things and Wunderlist (task Wunderlist managers that synch across all of your devices), and in so many other places...but alas, not in email, an unproductivity tool if ever there was one.

So what exactly is a tag? It's a keyword or phrase typically preceded by a '#' sign. Yes, in the U.K. they call that symbol hash, not pound. So we usually refer to these things as hashtags... as in #awesome (pronounced hash-tag-awesome).

There are two powerful concepts behind tags:

1)  Unlike any document/task/note which must exist in ONE specific folder, such content can be tagged with more than one phrase. Think: #Priority1 and #CustomerA and #SalesOpportunity.

2)  You can access all items tagged with a specific phrase using search whenever you need to. You can instantly see everything that is #Priority1, or that is related to #CustomerA, or that is a #SalesOpportunity without duplicating content in multiple locations (which would almost certainly create a synchronization nightmare).

Think about the tags that would be valuable in your world. What if your team started using some of these new tools (Yammer or Chatter, Evernote or OneNote, Things or Wunderlist) and tags?

Well, you'd find information 52% faster, eliminate 27% of your company meetings, and reduce total email by 30%. At least, that's what other companies are finding. Who wouldn't want to achieve that?



To book Dave for a presentation for your organization through Mikki's speakers bureau, Outrageous Orators, Speakers Who Rock, contact her at 312.664.8447 or



You can find more formal details here: 

To contact Dave directly:

Submitted by John Godoy 

John Godoy is a healthy lifestyle expert and professional speaker. Through Eastern wisdom, Western philosophy and American practicality, John's personal coaching, training and keynotes help people in developing and sticking to the healthy habits necessary to tap their bodies' enormous energy reserves - enriching their personal and professional lives. 

His website is


Energize with Power Naps!
Energize with power naps

To book John for a presentation for your organization through Mikki's speakers bureau, Outrageous Orators, Speakers Who Rock, contact her at 312.664.8447 or

That was the name of one of my businesses and oh, come on, Little girl chefI know guys cook, too.

Here's a simple 
way to cook your traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner. 1, 2, 3...and dinner's cooking!

Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage

Corned Beef

Servings: 4-6



4-1/2 lbs corned beef brisket

2 medium onions, quartered

1 head cabbage, cut in small wedges

1/2 teaspoon pepper

3 tablespoons vinegar

3 tablespoons sugar

2 cups water


Combine ingredients in crock pot with cabbage on top.

Cut meat to fit, if necessary.

Cover and cook on low 10-12 hours; high 6-7 hours or auto 6-8 hours.



Laughing baby
Senility prayer


Be Outrageous...

It's The Only Place That Isn't Crowded!

                                                                   ~Mikki Williams

God Made Dog

Visionary - adjective (esp. of a person), thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom   

People Touching PeopleI speak of volunteerism is my speeches. I tell stories to inspire and challenge audiences to volunteer as individuals, as responsible business and community leaders. as parents/grandparents, and to get their children involved early. By the way, volunteerism is the number one way to raise self-esteem. What are you doing in this visionary effort? Each month I will give you a link to a site where you can volunteer. Please send me a link to your favorite volunteer opportunity to post.   





Boatsie's boxes

The non-profit Boatsie's Boxes sends more than 50 

weekly care packages to soldiers around the world. You can bring a smile to the faces of our troops by donating much-needed items - 


and it's the small things that make a big difference.  

Click here  for a list of

what's needed. 

How about some bags of Starbucks? How easy would that be?



Speakers School logo
Only two spots left for Speakers School on April 24-26, 2014, so register  now to confirm your seat
And due to high demand we've added a school on July 24-26, 2014 and there are only a few spots left so sign up now. 
You will be learning from 
the NEWEST MEMBER OF THE CPAE SPEAKER HALL OF FAME which, in case you don't know, is a very big deal, and honor, for a professional speaker!  

 Speakers School video 





Favorite Speaker

Speaker Mag

Airplane Check out where Mikki will be speaking and piggyback your company or association event. Or just invite her to dinner or shopping!


Click here for her calendar:   

Mikki On The Move

Banner-25 years
Banner-10 years
Mikki Williams earned the dual designations of CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and CPAE (Council of Peers Award for Excellence) Speaker Hall of Fame from The National Speakers Association, an achievement attained by fewer than 1% of all professional speakers. She specializes in business dynamics and human potential. She has been named one of the top speakers in the country by Meetings and Convention Magazine along with Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Colin Powell, Lou Holtz and Mike Ditka. Mikki is also one of the top tier speaker resources for Vistage International, the world's leading executive organization, and Group Chair of two of their peer advisory boards in Chicago.
Her company Mikki Williams Unltd. produces Speakers Schools in Chicago, a monthly ezine: Hair She Is...! and a blog: Mikki Williams' Blah Blah...Blog. She is sought after for business, life and presentation skills coaching through her firm Coaching, etc... She also facilitates The Mikki Mouth Club, an annual subscription-based presentation skills coaching membership with three distinct divisions...Speaker Source, Accountability Academy and Keynote Kamp. If you need other speakers, she can book you the best through her Outrageous Orators...speakers who rock, an uncommon speakers bureau.


To hire Mikki or learn more about any of these services:

CALL ME: 312.664.8447

E ME: 


Thanks for spending time with us!
March 2011
Me and "the staff" at Mikki Williams Unltd., Samantha Hoffman, aka 'my Sam,' Director of Everything. When you have a director of everything, 
what else do you need?
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To unsubscribe please use the link at the bottom of this newsletter (but we'd rather you didn't!). All contents � 2012 Mikki Williams, except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide.

Duplication or reprint only with expressed permission from Mikki Williams. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. All contents provided as is. In our extensive research we've made every attempt to be accurate in attributing quotes, poems, jokes and the like, and want to apologize in advance if we have not given proper credit or given it erroneously. If you are the owner of the rights of any of this content, please contact us so we may arrange for appropriate permission and give credit.