About TIP Strategies

TIP Strategies is a privately held Austin based economic development consulting firm committed to providing quality solutions for public & private sector clients.

Talent-Driven Cluster Analysis

Typical workforce analyses focus on describing the available labor pool: the number of available workers, educational attainment levels, commuting distance, wage rates, and so on. The concept of talent goes a step further by considering the question of skills. As a result, a talent-focused approach adds a dimension not revealed by standard labor market data. Read more...

Data Visualizaiton: China Global Investment Tracker

China’s investment overseas is increasingly important to the United States and the international community. The China Global Investment Tracker created by The Heritage Foundation is a comprehensive dataset of large Chinese investments and contracts, accounting for over $100 million in all industries, including energy, mining, transportation and banking. Interact with the map to see investments by country, sector, and year. Read more...

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees they Need

Is our education system failing the economy? The Wall Street Journal reviews trends in corporate training patterns and offers some practical solutions for how employees can get the skills they need without requiring employers to invest in extensive training. Read more...

In Search of the South's Silicon Valleys

The Atlantic recently embarked on a road trip to highlight innovation in the South, with stops in Richmond, Raleigh, Durham, Savannah, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Shreveport, and New Orleans. The series is designed to provide communities and entrepreneurs with an opportunity to put themselves on the map--literally. Read more...



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