Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce
NGCP Updates
The National Science Foundation Highlights NGCP The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) has been highlighted on the National Science Foundation's (NSF) SEE Innovation website in an article titled "Strengthening Informal Science Programs for Girls". The SEE Innovation website highlights outcomes of NSF-funded research and the NGCP is honored to be included. While the NGCP has more recent results than those noted in the highlight, the summary is meant to "highlight" the diversity of outcomes from NSF-supported research rather than describe the most recent research news. http://go.usa.gov/bH7C
Collaborative Network Activities
TxGCP SciGirls Workshop Lubbock, TX Friday, July 26, 2013; 9:00 AM - 4:00PM The Texas Tech University T-STEM Center is hosting the Texas Girls Collaborative Project (TxGCP) for a workshop based on SciGirls, a PBS KIDS weekly series and website, out to change how millions of tween girls think about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Attendees will learn how to engage girls (ages 8-13) through research-based, high-quality activities, and resources. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/txgcp-scigirls-workshop-lubbock-0
Champions for Collaboration |
NGCP Champions Board members are selected to give the NGCP a balance of desirable expertise and regional representation, including industry representatives, informal learning educators, gender equity experts, science and mathematics education representatives, and educational policy experts. We are highlighting Champions Board members each month to inspire and inform your work to engage girls in STEM. This month we feature Jim Kahler. Jim provides program leadership to the 4-H Science Mission Mandate, which encompasses science, engineering, technology, and applied math, at 4-H National Headquarters, USDA.
What excites you most about your work? This is an exciting time to be involved in STEM education. With the increased emphasis from the public and private sectors, there are many new ideas, resources, materials, and opportunities available that make STEM learning engaging and exciting. There is also a growing body of research to help program providers to make our programs more successful and impactful. What really excites me is to watch a youth in a robotics or rocketry team work together toward achieving a designated objective, to see the interest grow as they discover something new in a science activity, or to watch their faces as they peer through a telescope at Saturn and realize it's the real planet floating in the sky overhead and not a photograph. These hands-on experiences make science real and relevant for young people.
Who are your role models? I've had several role models who have been important to me in my 4-H career. But I think the most meaningful role models were the parents who worked with our 4-H group to learn about insects, gardening, and horticulture. They weren't scientists, but that wasn't an obstacle. We collected books and went to the library (no Internet then!). We visited museums and talked to the scientists there. Most importantly, we all learned together. That has been a true lesson as I've worked with our staff and volunteers in science. While perhaps not role models, I like to watch TED talk presentations online. If you want a glimpse at what's coming in STEM - or to just be inspired and amazed - these people are great.
What advice would you give to the NGCP community? Many NGCP groups already know that community partners are essential. If you haven't already, seek out the 4-H staff at your local Cooperative Extension office. With their experience, resources, community connections and relationship to the land grant university, they can be valuable partners in your NGCP team.
Collaboration in Action
| This feature - Collaboration in Action - provides tips, resources, and highlights from successful NGCP collaborative projects.
July Tip: Be explicit about project benefits for each partner. In this way, you can continue to grow the relationship in ways that leverage the expertise of each organization. For examples you can use in your own program, browse project descriptions in the NGCP mini-grant database at: http://www.ngcproject.org/grants.
"Utilizing the expertise of [our partner organization] we were able to connect the participants with female scientists and allow the participants a wonderful leadership and networking opportunity with community leaders through the organization of the community forum at the end of the project."
-NGCP mini-grant recipient
FabFems Spotlight
| July is Park and Recreation Month and the National Recreation and Park Association is encouraging communities to share what they love about parks and recreation. What do we love about parks? The FabFems and many other professionals who are dedicated to helping society care for our national parks!
In honor of Park and Recreation Month, we would like to introduce you to Janice Eldvidge of Coulee Dam, WA. She is an Education Specialist with the National Park Service Lake Roosevelt National
Recreation Area.
Janice knew that she always wanted to be a Park Ranger. She was a Girl Scout and completed the First Class award. After receiving a graduate degree from the University of Washington in Forest Resource Management, she started working as a Park Aid for Washington State Parks. According to Janice, she wasn't very good at it - but she persisted.
She went on to do an internship at Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, which was, according to Janice, a lot of fun because she was allowed to hike into the crater of a volcano! Since then she has worked in numerous places, including Sequioia and Kings Canyon National Parks and San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. Today, Janice works with schools throughout northeastern Washington to explore the ecosystem health of the Columbia River Watershed. She connects students and teachers with resources, scientists, and specialists. To learn more about Janice, or to contact her, visit her FabFems profile at: http://www.fabfems.org/users/janice-elvidge
Visit the National Recreation and Park website to learn how you can engage your community in a discussion about the positive roles parks and recreation has on our lives.

Looking for a FabFem like Janice to connect with in your area?
Search the FabFems directory at: http://www.fabfems.org.
Upcoming STEM Events
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference
Quincy, MA
July 15-16, 2013
The CSTA conference provides professional development opportunities for K-12 computer science and computer applications teachers who need practical, relevant information to help them prepare their students for the future.
Register: https://www.softconf.com/d/csta2013/cgi-bin/scmd.cgi?scmd=people&pageid=0
STEM Think Tank and Conference: Girl Meets STEM: Developing the Next Generation of Professionals
Nashville, TN
July 17-19, 2013
This conference offers K-12 teachers, university faculty and administration, informal educators, and members of industry an opportunity to make new connections and share best practices on creating successful programs for girls. Conference strands include: Best Practices in Curriculum & Teaching for Girls, STEM Leadership, Getting Started in STEM, Changing the Conversation, and Community Outreach.
Register: http://www.stemefg.org/index.php/think-tank-and-conference/registration
National Marine Educators Association Conference Mobile, AL July 22-26, 2013 Attendees will have the opportunity to make professional connections, share innovative ideas, and learn about new resources, tools and technologies for use in classrooms, laboratories, and education programs.
Register: http://nmea.disl.org/register.html
Techbridge Summer InstituteOakland, CAJuly 31- August 2, 2013The Techbridge summer institute focuses on the development of STEM educators and offers strategies and curriculum for engaging girls in science, technology, and engineering. Participants will have the opportunity to explore inquiry-based activities and learn how to recruit and engage girls in a STEM program, implement Techbridge's hands-on curriculum for grades 5-12, plan field trips and visits with role models, expand family outreach, and integrate career exploration into their programs. Register: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5086720518?ref=ebtnebregn#
Serious Play Conference
Redmond, WA
August 19-22, 2013
Conference sessions will help educators identify the types of games and simulations that work best for students at the pre-school, K-12, and higher education levels. Participants will also learn how to use games and simulations for messaging and professional development programs.
Register: http://www.seriousplayconference.com/attend/register
Triangle Coalition for STEM Education Conference Washington, DC
September 11-13, 2013
The STEM Education Conference brings together STEM education leaders for a solutions-focused
dialogue on pressing issues impacting education, the workforce, and policy. Conference topics range from the current status of STEM education initiatives like the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), to policy discussions on Capitol Hill surrounding STEM legislation and related topics such as teacher preparedness, workforce development, and economic competitiveness. Early bird registration ends August 12, 2013.
Register: http://www.trianglecoalition.org/conference
Inspiring Women Scientists Forum
New York, NY
September 27, 2013
This forum aims to support women students, faculty, and professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and bring together faculty, staff, and students from institutions across the New York metropolitan area and region. The forum will feature keynote speaker, Dr. Jill Tarter, Director, Center for SETI Research, Bernard M. Oliver Chair for SETI at the SETI Institute, and Dr. Mary E. Kicaz, Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Register: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Inspiring_Women_Scientists_2013
Resources |
Ability in the Workplace: A conversation with Jenny Lay-Flurrie In this 6 minute video Jenny Lay-Flurrie, Senior Director for Accessibility at Microsoft, shares her passion for her IT career, information about her disability, the accommodations she uses in the workplace, and the importance of promoting the awareness of and discussions around disability inclusion. http://www.ngcproject.org/resources
The Alliance for Access to Computing Careers (AccessComputing) AccessComputing offers resources to help educators and employers make courses and programs fully inclusive of individuals with disabilities in computing fields. AccessComputing also provides resources on computing and IT academic programs and careers for students with disabilities. http://www.washington.edu/accesscomputing/index.html
Foundations for Success (FFS) FFS is an online, interactive resource for students, parents, and educators (grades K-9) who are interested in STEM fields. The website features STEM career information, educational games, and opportunities for students to interact with peers. http://www.foundations4success.info
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) NICCS is an online resource for individuals interested in cybersecurity. The website features the Cybersecurity Education and Training Catalog and the Cyber Competition Repository to provide users with information on internships, scholarships, training, and cyber competitions.
New Report on Long-Term Impacts of Informal STEM Experiences for Girls
Cascading Influences: Long-Term Impacts of Informal STEM Experiences for Girls, by Dale McCreedy and Lynn D. Dierking, summarizes National Science Foundation-funded research that investigated whether girls-only, informal STEM experiences have long-term influences on young women's lives. The authors documented young women's perceptions of their program experiences and the ways in which they influenced their future choices in education, careers, and ways of thinking about what science is and who does it. The report presents key findings of the study, barriers to success that were identified, and recommendations for informal STEM educators.
PBS LearningMedia
PBS LearningMedia, formerly known as PBS Teachers, provides educators with access to over 30,000 digital resources, including exciting and interactive STEM curriculum and activities. Resources are organized by subject, grade level (from pre-K to post-high school), and resource/media type. http://www.pbslearningmedia.org
Poster Design Contest
TopCoder and NoNameSite.com invite designers ages 18 and older to enter their $10,000 STEM Poster Design Contest. They are looking for a poster that entices girls (grades 6-12) into STEM and represents STEM subjects in a fun and welcoming light. Submission deadline is: August 31, 2013.
NGCP Program Directory - Search for Collaborating Programs or Register Your Program Today! The online Program Directory lists organizations and programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. When you sign up for the Program Directory, you will enter your program description, resources available within your organization, program and/or organizational needs, and contact information.
NGCP has created a publication entitled Build Your Collaborative Network with the NGCP Program Directory which provides an overview of the Program Directory as an effective collaboration tool to maximize impact for your program and/or organization. http://www.ngcproject.org/programs
Global Resources |
10x10 Fund for Girls Education International Day of the Girl Child Curriculum
Teachers can use this standards-aligned curriculum to encourage their students to think critically about important political, cultural, historical, social, religious, and geographic issues tied to educating girls - and how they, as global citizens, have a responsibility to create a more just world for all.
Contact Us
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit organization with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.