Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce |
NGCP Updates
March is Women's History Month The 2013 theme is "Women Inspiring Innovation through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics." This month we highlight contributions of women to events in history, as well as contemporary society and continue to promote diversity in the STEM fields.
National Women's History Project (NWHP) The resource section of the NWHP website includes a women in math and science quiz and this year's Gazette highlights honorees from every field of science and includes additional classroom resources.
NCWIT's International Women's Day in-a-Box: Raising Awareness, Igniting Change This all-in-one National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) resource is designed to celebrate successes and address barriers to women's full participation, and capitalize on women's innovative thinking and leadership potential. Use the contents to plan activities and events, and to establish a culture and expectation for broader diversity of thought. http://www.ncwit.org/iwd
Teaching Tolerance: Women's History Month Opens Path to STEM Teaching Tolerance is dedicated to reducing prejudice, improving intergroup relations and supporting equitable school experiences. This short article spotlights Women's History Month and includes resources that focus on female students pursuing STEM careers. http://www.tolerance.org/blog/women-s-history-month-opens-path-stem
Collaborative News
Great Plains Girls Collaborative Project Kick-Off Sioux Falls, SD March 21, 2013; 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Central Program managers, guidance counselors, business partners, educators, and representatives from professional organizations are invited to participate in this professional development opportunity and receive information about the Great Plains Girls Collaborative Project, which serves North Dakota, South Dakota, and parts of Minnesota. This initiative will provide mini-grants, professional development, and free resources to increase the participation of girls in STEM. Participants will learn more about the NGCP model, and identify collaboration opportunities. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/great-plains-girls-collaborative-kick
Texas Girls Collaborative Project: SciGirls Educator Training
SciGirls is an Emmy-award winning PBS television series and website dedicated to changing the way millions of girls think about STEM. Participants will practice proven strategies for engaging girls in STEM while building a device to measure wind speed, lighting up a room with dough creatures, and more. Participants will learn about the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, participate in hands-on activities, obtain curriculum that puts a creative twist on teaching STEM, learn how to modify activities to engage youth using the SciGirls Seven, and discover online resources to enhance teaching and learning experiences for all youth.
Waco, TX March 26, 2013; 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Central
Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/texas-girls-collaborative-project-waco-scigirls-educator-training
Tyler, TX March 27, 2013; 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Central Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/texas-girls-collaborative-project-tyler-scigirls-educator-training
San Antonio, TX
North Carolina Girls STEM Collaborative Kick-Off Conference Raleigh, NC April 15 - 17, 2013
The North Carolina Girls STEM Collaborative brings together organizations throughout North Carolina that are committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in STEM. The Collaborative will have a special presence at this year's SYNERGY Conference launching the initiative for girl-serving programs in North Carolina. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/nc-center-afterschool-programs-synergy-conference
NGCP Collaborative Mini-Grants NGCP mini-grants are designed to enhance access to and build collaboration between programs and resources. Mini-grant application resources, including a sample application, exemplary practices, project ideas, evaluation requirements, frequently asked questions and glossary are available online at: http://www.ngcproject.org/mini-grants. Grant opportunities are available in the following Collaboratives:
Collaboration Spotlight
Collaboration, as an interactive process, enables professionals across projects and communities to generate and carry out creative solutions and strategies that maximize benefit beyond what one project or community could accomplish. The NGCP model facilitates collaboration between individuals and organizations committed to encouraging and supporting girls and women in STEM using a number of strategic activities.
Each month, this new feature - the Collaboration Spotlight - will provide tips, collaboration related resources, and highlights from successful collaborative projects.
Archived NGCP Extended Webinar: Increasing Program Impact: Best Practices in Collaboration. This interactive webinar examined key elements of effective collaboration and provided lessons learned from NGCP staff, as well as provided examples of collaboration in action presented by leaders of successful collaborative projects.
"NGCPs model of building on existing programs to connect, expand and sustain gender equity in STEM is exemplary. The local, national and regional approach make a huge impact in increasing visibility, programs and resources around this issue and ensuring that it remains a high priority on the policy agenda." - 2012 Annual Survey Respondent
FabFems Spotlight

This month, the FabFems Spotlight is honoring the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). For over 60 years, SWE has been supporting women and giving them a place and a voice in engineering disciplines. The FabFems Role Model Directory is fortunate to have profiles from SWE members, who are enthusiastic about the engineering work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Visit FabFems to search profiles, connect with role models, and find resources on career pathways.
Meet Emily Camp, a mechanical engineer from Lexington, KY. Emily originally thought engineers were the people who drove locomotives and wore pinstripe uniforms. It wasn't until she had to declare a major for college and was researching different career fields that she stumbled upon engineering. She attended the University of Kentucky and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. After graduating she began working for Lexmark International, where she developed printers. Emily now works in the specialized field of Thermal Engineering where she focuses on infrared imaging technology and computational fluid dynamics simulation. She says, "The field of engineering affords graduates with a limitless variety of career opportunities, where you can be involved in many different fields." This variety keeps Emily's work life interesting and constantly evolving, and she is passionate about promoting these career opportunities to girls searching for their own career paths!
To learn more about Emily, visit her FabFems profile at: http://www.fabfems.org/users/emily-camp. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a FabFem, visit: http://www.fabfems.org.
Upcoming STEM Events |
Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department Labor Webinar: Why Green Is Your Color: A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable CareerMarch 27, 2013; 2:00 - 3:00 PM EasternThis free webinar will provide women workers and workforce professionals with information on hiring needs and challenges, training and entrepreneurship opportunities, and in-demand and emerging jobs in green industries. National, state, and local resources, including women's organizations and workforce practitioners are included in the guide. Register: http://wbgreenguide.eventbrite.com
NanoDays March 30 - April 7, 2013NanoDays is a nationwide festival of educational programs about nanoscale science and engineering and its potential impact on the future. Events are organized by participants in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) and will occur at over 200 science museums, research centers, and universities across the country. Resources are available for download and an online catalog features a variety of educational programs and activities, media, evaluation reports, and tools and guides. http://www.nisenet.org/nanodays
National Robotics WeekApril 6-14, 2013Robotics Week is a week-long series of events and activities aimed at increasing public awareness of the growing importance of "robo-technology" and the tremendous social and cultural impact that it will have on the future of the United States. Robotics is proving to be uniquely adept at enabling students of all ages to learn important science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) concepts and at inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM-related fields. Events held throughout the week will feature opportunities to interact with robots in a hands-on learning environment. Panel discussions, robotics competitions, introductory courses on robotics, educational workshops for businesses, demos, and tours of innovative labs will provide networking opportunities and expose many to the genius and wonder of robotics. To find and event in your area or to host your own event visit: www.nationalroboticsweek.org.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference San Antonio, TX April 11-14, 2013 The NSTA helps inform Congress and the public on vital questions affecting science literacy and a well-educated workforce. Conference participants will discover strategies for improving science teaching and learning, engage in professional discussions, receive the latest information on science education, and network with colleagues.
National Environmental Education Week (EE Week) April 14-20, 2013Hosted by the National Environmental Education Foundation, EE Week is a celebration of environmental education held each year, the week before Earth Day, and inspires environmental learning and stewardship among K-12 students. This year, as part of the multi-year Greening STEM initiative, the theme will be "Taking Technology Outdoors" and will highlight the new role that technology can play as a bridge to engaging students in meaningful and hands-on STEM learning. http://eeweek.org
BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) ConferencePalm Springs, CAMay 1-4, 2013The BOOST Collaborative is committed to creating opportunities for change in educational and social services agencies serving youth in the out-of-school time hours. Conference participants will have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school time programming, participate in networking and team building, as well as opportunities for targeted conversations and learning through Inspiration Stations. Register: http://www.boostconference.org/registration
Smithsonian Latino Center's 2013 Young Ambassadors Program
Washington D.C.
June 23 - August 2, 2013The Smithsonian Latino Center's Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) a college preparatory and leadership program encourages graduating high school seniors to explore a wide range of academic and career opportunities through the lens of the Latino experience. Students will be selected for an all-expense paid, interdisciplinary training seminar in Washington, D.C., and a four-week paid internship in a museum and cultural institution. Application deadline is April 12, 2013.Apply: http://latino.si.edu/programs/youngambassadors.htm
Resources |
Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards
Educators and students are invited to participate in the Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards, a global online youth media competition showcasing creative and socially conscious media from youth ages 13-19. Deadline is April 19, 2013. http://youthvoices.adobe.com/awards
Digigirlz DigiGirlz is a Microsoft program that gives high school girls the opportunity to learn about careers in technology, connect with Microsoft employees, and participate in hands-on computer and technology workshops by attending one-day events called DigiGirlz Day, held at multiple Microsoft locations worldwide, as well as DigiGirlz High Tech Camp which is a multiday experience that focuses on dispelling stereotypes of the high-tech industry. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/programs/digigirlz/default.aspx
STEMfinity's List of STEM Grants This list of Federal, Private Foundation, and STEM Afterschool grants provides short descriptions of each source of funding, along with a link to the application information. Many of these grants are women and minority-focused, with an emphasis on increasing diversity in the STEM workforce. http://www.stemfinity.com/STEM-Education-Grants
Whyville Game Design Contest Teachers interested in engaging students in technology and game design are invited to enter their class in this contest based upon Whyville's collaborative design platform that allows students to design games within an interactive, avatar-based interface. High school mentors experienced in game design will be available in Whyville to help students with the design and submission process. Submission deadline is May 1, 2013. http://www.whyville.net/contest/brochure.pdf
NGCP Program Directory - Search for Collaborating Programs or Register Your Program Today! The online Program Directory lists organizations and programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. When you sign up for the Program Directory, you will enter your program description, resources available within your organization, program and/or organizational needs, and contact information.
NGCP has created a publication entitled Build Your Collaborative Network with the NGCP Program Directory which provides an overview of the Program Directory as an effective collaboration tool to maximize impact for your program and/or organization. http://www.ngcproject.org/programs
Global Resources |
Global Marathon March 6-8, 2013
The Global Marathon is a free, virtual forum designed for, by, and about women. In conjunction with International Women's Day, the Marathon is a collaborative place for individuals and organizations to come together to share ideas, gain knowledge, network, and inspire personal and professional contributions women make in the world. Register: https://presentations.inxpo.com/Shows/NEWF/NEWF_Site/registrationQuick.htm
International Women's Day March 8, 2013 International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. In some places like China, Russia, Vietnam, and Bulgaria, International Women's Day is a national holiday. The International Women's Day website is a global hub for sharing information, events, news, and resources. http://www.internationalwomensday.com/default.asp
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit organization with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.