Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce |
NGCP Updates
New Mexico, Missouri and Colorado Kick-Off Events! Congratulations to the New Mexico Girls Collaborative in C-STEM, Missouri Girls Collaborative STEM Initiative and the Colorado Collaborative for Girls in STEM for their successful Kick-Off events. A few highlights: New Mexico featured many great speakers including a girl panel that provided a young female voice for computing and STEM. Missouri's Kick-Off Conference was held in collaboration with the Missouri School Age Community Coalition's annual Professional Development Institute and included a variety of STEM-specific workshops with a networking dinner. Colorado featured keynote speaker Violeta Garcia, STEM Coordinator at the Colorado Department of Education and a hands-on design challenge where participants worked in teams to build the tallest tower out of 20 index cards and masking tape that could support weight on top.
NGCP Webinar: Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Role Models to Inspire Girls in STEM January 23, 2012; 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific In honor of National Mentoring Month in January, presenters from Techbridge and FabFems will discuss how to effectively provide role models and mentors for girls, including strategies for recruiting, retaining and recognizing professional volunteers. Participants will experience interactive activities, resources, and role model stories that will help craft engaging experiences that dispel stereotypes and ignite girls' interest in STEM careers. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/recruiting-training-and-retaining-role-models-inspire-girls-stem
Collaborative News
Texas Girls Collaborative Project SciGirls Training Dallas, TX December 10, 2012; 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central
SciGirls is an Emmy-award winning PBS television series and website dedicated to changing the way millions of girls think about STEM. Participants will practice proven strategies for engaging girls in STEM while building a device to measure wind speed, lighting up a room with dough creatures, and more. This training will be hosted by the Texas Girls Collaborative Project and Educate Texas. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on activities, obtain curriculum that puts a creative twist on teaching STEM, learn how to modify activities to engage kids using the SciGirls Seven, and discover additional online resources that enhance teaching and learning experiences for all kids. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/texas-girls-collaborative-project-scigirls-training
Kentucky Girls STEM Collaborative Collaboration Forum Louisville, KY December 11, 2012; 4:00 - 6:00 PM Eastern This forum will be held at the Kentucky Science Center, Kentucky's largest hands-on science center. Participants will have the opportunity to network and connect with organizations, schools, and individuals involved in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) outreach in Kentucky. Participants will have the chance to share what they are doing to excite girls about STEM fields. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/kentucky-girls-stem-collaborative-collaboration-forum
California Girls in STEM (CalGirlS) Forum: Boost Girls' Interest in Engineering through Design Squad Nation Activities and Resources San Leandro, CA January 17, 2013; 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Pacific CalGirlS and the Emmy award-winning PBS' Design Squad Nation will host this training to discuss how to boost girls' interest in engineering using multimedia resources and activities from PBS' Design Squad Nation. Members of the education and engineering communities are invited, including afterschool providers, engineers, technical professionals, business partners, members of professional organizations, K-12 educators, and university educators. Register: http://www.ngcproject.org/calgirls-forum-boost-girls-interest-engineering-through-design-squad-nation-activities-and-resources
NGCP Collaborative Mini-Grants NGCP mini-grants are designed to enhance access to and build collaboration between programs and resources. Mini-grant application resources, including a sample application, exemplary practices, project ideas, evaluation requirements, frequently asked questions and glossary are available online at: http://www.ngcproject.org/mini-grants. Upcoming grant opportunities will be available in the following Collaborative:
Exemplary Practice Spotlight
The Exemplary Practice Spotlight for December focuses on effective strategies for sustaining afterschool STEM programs for girls, based on findings presented in 'Build IT: Scaling and Sustaining an Afterschool Computer Science Program for Girls', a recently published article in Afterschool Matters. Build IT is a two-year afterschool and summer problem-based curriculum that aims to develop middle school girls' fluency in information technology (IT), interest in mathematics and computer science, and knowledge of IT careers.
- Build IT utilized a co-design process in which developers from the learning sciences and youth development fields collaborated on the development of a curriculum that is strong from both a content and youth development perspective. This high-quality curriculum leads to an effective program that engages participants and strengthens knowledge and skills. The more effective the program, the more likely it is to be well received, gain support, and be sustainable.
- Build IT shares professional development responsibilities with project partner, Girls Inc., and taps into its existing professional development structure. For other programs that do not have similiar capacity, this may mean finding partners who deliver professional development in their local area such as an afterschool network, large youth-serving organization, or educational institution.
- Developing multiple frames (the rationale for getting program funding) helps programs not 'chase the money', but rather find natural extensions and connections for the original program. For example, a BUILD IT site was able to collaborate with the city due to the city's initiative to attract IT businesses beyond its original frame of engaging girls in IT by using a frame focused on the IT workforce.
FabFems Spotlight |
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. There are more than 100 FabFems profiles in the database and entries are added daily. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Encourage girls to visit FabFems to search profiles, connect with role models, and find resources on career pathways.
Meet Marilyn Rousseau from Davie, Florida. As a high school student, Marilyn liked numbers and enjoyed her math classes, but it wasn't until a summer workshop in computer science when she decided it was the career path she wanted to take. Despite discouragement from friends and family, she made it a goal of hers and persevered in computer science. Marilyn graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science and a MBA from Wentworth Institute of Technology. She currently works at a job she finds very rewarding as a Senior Database Administrator for Baptist Health South Flordia. Her ability to work remotely allows her to focus on her family as well as her career goals. With the constantly changing nature of technology, Marilyn loves learning the new technologies of her field and says, "There's never boredom in my life." As a role model, Marilyn would like to encourage young girls, and especially minorities, to look past the stereotypes of IT workers and to follow their hearts! To learn more about Marilyn Rousseau, visit her FabFems profile at: http://www.fabfems.org/users/marilyn-rousseau.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a FabFem, visit: http://www.fabfems.org.
Upcoming STEM Events
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) December 9-15, 2012
CSEdWeek recognizes the transformative role of computing and the need to bolster computer science at all educational levels. CSEdWeek is a call to action to raise awareness about computer science education and computing careers. The website includes lists of events and resources for students, teachers, parents, administrators, and counselors. Highlights include a Twitter conversation on December 11th (6:00 PM Eastern) with a national panel of thought leaders in the field using the hashtag #CSEdWeek. http://www.csedweek.org
Afterschool Alliance Webinar: STEM in Afterschool Virtual TourDecember 12, 2012; 1:00-1:30 PM EasternThis webinar will provide an opportunity to ask questions and learn how the Afterschool Alliance is supporting STEM after school through field-building, policy and advocacy, and research. Participants will receive an interactive virtual tour of the resources available on the Afterschool Alliance website, and an overview of recent and upcoming STEM publications for the afterschool field. Register: http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/webinar/upcoming.cfm
Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) International ConferenceCharleston, SCJanuary 9-12, 2013ASTE 2013 International Conference: Science Education through a Historical and Cultural Lens is dedicated to continuing the professional growth and development of individuals who work in or have a strong interest in issues related to science teacher education at all grade levels. You do not need to be an ASTE member in order to present and/or attend. Register: http://theaste.org/joinus
Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC) National Conference Orlando, FL January 28-31, 2013 The FETC brings education leaders and technology experts together to exchange techniques and strategies for teaching and learning. Participants will have an opportunity to learn how to integrate different technologies across curricula - from kindergarten to college - while learning about the latest hardware, software, and successful strategies on student technology use.
International Teacher-Scientist Partnership ConferenceBoston, MAFebruary 13-14, 2013Funded by the National Science Foundation, this conference is designed for anyone involved or interested in teacher-scientist partnerships. The program will include sessions of interest to both new and experienced stakeholders in the field and will include a mix of keynote speakers, panel sessions, workshops, and networking time. Conference topics will include: partnership models, getting started in partnerships, recruitment, evaluation, and dissemination. Registration is complementary. Register: http://www.cvent.com/d/9cqx73
Beyond School Hours XVI ConferenceJacksonville, FLFebruary 20-23, 2013At this educational conference educators and administrators will have the opportunity to network, share ideas, and engage in professional development and capacity building. Each day will feature a different celebration, beginning with a Beyond School Hours sweet 16 birthday bash. Register: http://www.foundationsinc.org/beyond-school-hours-xvi
Resources |
2013 Women of Vision Awards Nomination
This award, hosted by the Anita Borg Institute Board of Trustees, honors women making significant contributions to technology. A winner is selected in each of the following categories: Innovation, Leadership, and Social Impact. Nominations deadline is December 14, 2012. http://anitaborg.org/initiatives/women-of-vision
Afterschool STEM Funding Guide and Advocacy Toolkit The Afterschool Alliance has produced Know Your Funders: A Guide to STEM Funding for Afterschool, a resource to help program leaders identify, sort through, and take advantage of the many funding opportunities available for afterschool STEM. They have also developed a new toolkit to help you become an advocate for STEM in afterschool. Making the Case for STEM Afterschool provides steps to develop a strong case to effectively present to any audience. It helps tailor the message, identify data and talking points, and offers policy recommendations to guide your "ask".
NCWIT Case Study: How Do You Recruit or Retain Women Through Inclusive Pedagogy? Equal Access: Inclusive Strategies for Teaching Students with Disabilities This National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) study examines instructional practices that offer opportunities to level the playing field and improve the retention of underrepresented students. More students with learning and physical disabilities are in the educational pipeline than ever before. Being aware of the issues, tools, and services for students with disabilities makes it easier for them to learn and for educators to teach them. http://www.ncwit.org/equalaccess
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)-USA Online Engineering Video Competition IEEE-USA is challenging U.S. college students to create YouTube videos for younger students (ages 11-13) on "How Engineers Make a World of Difference." Entries will be judged by a professional engineering panel on their effectiveness in reaching the target audience by portraying engineers as creative problem-solvers who turn ideas into reality. Three scholarship awards totaling $5,000 will be presented to the winners. Competition deadline is January 18, 2013.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE): Noche de Ciencias (Science Nights) As part of a STEM outreach national campaign sponsored by SHPE, this web page provides an ongoing listing of science nights across the country as well as student activities, parent presentations, event planning and layout guidelines, and media resources. http://www.shpefoundation.org/pre-college/noches-de-ciencias-family-science-nights
NGCP Program Directory - Search for Collaborating Programs or Register Your Program Today! The online Program Directory lists organizations and programs that focus on motivating girls to pursue STEM careers. The purpose of the directory is to help organizations and individuals network, share resources, and collaborate on STEM-related projects for girls. When you sign up for the Program Directory, you will enter your program description, resources available within your organization, program and/or organizational needs, and contact information. NGCP has created a publication called Build Your Collaborative Network with the NGCP Program Directory that provides an overview of the Program Directory and how to use it as an effective collaboration tool to maximize impact for your program and/or organization. http://www.ngcproject.org/programs
Global Resources |
Blueprint for the Future: Framing the Issues of Women in Science in a Global Context
The National Research Council issued Blueprint for the Future: Framing the Issues of Women in Science in a Global Context as a summary of a 2011 workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to identify strategies, core data, and guidelines for implementing policies and procedures across many countries. The scope was limited to women's participation in three scientific disciplines: chemistry, computer science, and mathematics and statistics. This resource models ways to approach international discussions on policy and procedure.
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The EdLab Group is a private, non-profit organization with funding from federal and state governments, private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Our mission is to leverage the power of technology and diversity to transform teaching and learning.