Nov. 19, 2015 
Here's another regularly irregular message to address issues of interest to seniors. If you like it, please send us an email at [email protected] to let us know, and forward it along to your friends. Also, if you like the content, post a link on your Facebook page.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Break down the word Thanksgiving, and what do you get? A special time for us to give thanks for our blessings and to share with others.....

As we share our joy with family and friends, let's keep in mind those less fortunate in the world......

New featured product:

Peddler Foldable Exerciser with Electronic Display

The Folding Peddler Electronic Exerciser with Electronic Display is like having your own personal exercise bike in a small, compact and convenient model. If you can't ride an exercise bike or don't have room for one, this is for you!

It can be used while seated in a chair, wheelchair or sofa for leg exercising, or on a tabletop for arm exercising. It is ideal for leg and arm muscle exercising - even for people who are unable to sit on a regular exercise bike or to exercise their arms in a standing position.

It is helpful to stimulate circulation while you maintain muscle and joint flexibility.

It can be easily folded for storage, to take with you from room to room or when traveling.

And, it is special priced for holiday shopping.

For a video of how to use it and to highlight the features, please click here:
Peddler Foldable Exerciser with Electronic Display
Peddler Foldable Exerciser with Electronic Display

Past Issues of our Newsletters  
To access archived issues, Click Here

Holiday Gift Giving Help

On each of our Product Description Pages you can set up your own Wish List and / or Gift Registry for yourself or someone else (like a parent) for gift giving suggestions. 

All you need to do is set up a confidential account and add products to your lists. 

Then, if you want to share the lists with others, just provide them your log-in and password information. 

Purchases can be made direct from these lists.

Note: while you don't need to set up an account with us to shop, you do need an account to register for these personal lists.

Your Privacy We never share your email or other contact information with anyone!

Our Resource Blogs

Keep up with our free resources including some humor to reduce the wrinkles in our faces in our Free Resources Blog.

We invite you to check them out and re-visit often to keep up. You can also keep up with them on Blogspot as we post them there as well. It's free to enroll at Blogspot to get our blog posts delivered to your inbox.

6 New SeniorS-SuperStoreS Blogs have been posted since our last newsletter

- A Tool to Help you Plan your Retirement

- A Doilie a Day humorous look at marriage

 -Smoke Detector Maintenance

- Are Discarded Cans and Bottles our Legacy for Future Generations?

- 13 Things Not To Say to Police Officers

- 9 Tips to Keep your Online Identity Safe

If you like the content of our blogs, let us know, and post a link to them on your Facebook page to share with your friends.
Paul Smith at SeniorS SuperStoreS | | [email protected] 

4115 Highway 813
Conway, SC  29526
