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News and Events
in Lower Manhattan
Volume 2, No. 55  July 10, 2015

Quote of the day: 
"This is a segmented application, which the applicant is using to its benefit. We can all drop down dead before they finally get around to presenting something [definitive]."
     - Roger Byrom, chair of Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee, commenting on the latest Howard Hughes Corporation proposals for the South Street Seaport.            

* Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee seethes over Howard Hughes proposals 
* Bits & Bytes: 1 Wall St. condo/hotel conversion; Grappling with slavery
* Downtown Bulletin Board: Asphalt Green's Coins for Campers; Independence Day photos
* Community Board 1 meetings: Week of July 13
* Calendar: El Gale�n at Pier 15 through July 12
* Calendar: Honoring Alexander Hamilton
* Calendar: Weeks of July 6 and 13
WEATHER INFORMATION: For current weather information, click here.

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MASTHEAD PHOTO: Members of the victorious World Cup Women's Soccer Team at the ticker tape parade. July 10, 2015. (Photo: Jay Fine) 

Roger Byrom, chair of Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee, at a meeting on July  at which the committee discussed a resolution to go before CB1's full board on July 28 condemning the segmentation of The Howard Hughes Corporation's proposals for the South Street Seaport. (Photos: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

Roger Byrom, chair of Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee, spoke in measured tones at a meeting of the committee on July 9, but there was no mistaking the annoyance and even anger in his voice. He was presenting a draft of a resolution to the committee about The Howard Hughes Corporation's latest proposals for Pier 17 - namely to demolish the head house, add a canopy and mechanical screens to the roof, create an access drive and demolish the Link Building.

"You'll see in the resolution that we want clarification and we want it written down and we want it absolutely iron clad and we want to review it again," Byrom said, "because there [have been] so many [revisions] to this segmented proposal that it's tiresome and every time we give something up, they [Howard Hughes] come back with a request for something else."

The segmentation of the Howard Hughes proposals stuck in his craw. What happens in one part of the relatively small South Street Seaport will affect other parts, but this is not how HHC has been presenting its plans.

"This is a segmented application, which the applicant is using to its benefit," Byrom said. "We can all drop down dead before they finally get around to presenting something [definitive]."    

The draft resolution was based on a hastily called public hearing that took place on June 25. Not all of the members of the Landmarks committee were able to be present, even though they would have wanted to be there.

The resolution started by asking again - as the Landmarks Committee has asked repeatedly for the last 15 years - for the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) to extend the South Street Seaport Historic District to be congruent with the federal and State Historic District boundaries so as to include the area where the New Market Building now stands and where The Howard Hughes Corporation would like to build a tall tower. State and federal landmark designations do not protect that site. Only City designation would do so.

Having put that issue on the table again, the resolution went on to address the specifics of the current Howard Hughes proposal for Pier 17. Demolition of the head house and the Link Building were not opposed, but the other parts of what Howard Hughes wants to do were regarded with dismay.

The proposed addition of a glass-like canopy 30 feet above the roof of Pier 17 "will further block the iconic views of the Seaport, the tall ships, the Brooklyn Bridge and most likely add inappropriate uses to the roof, which will further undermine the community's access to the space through the year," the resolution said.

Byrom noted that David Weinreb, CEO of Howard Hughes, has described Pier 17 "as the world's premiere boutique entertainment venue and has commented that it would be able to hold 4,000 participants."

A kiosk on Fulton Street in the South Street Seaport shows The Howard Hughes Corporation's vision for the Pier 17 roof as "the world's premier boutique entertainment venue."
In fact, HHC has placed a kiosk on Fulton Street in the South Street Seaport that shows the throngs on the roof of Pier 17.

For the Landmarks Committee, this alarming prospect raised the specter of noise and light pollution and limited community access.

The HHC proposal to add a hardscape access drive to the pier that would also serve a potential future building on the New Market site was also disliked "without full traffic studies being prepared for the Community Board to consider the impact" of such a driveway. It would "introduce disruptive and dangerous vehicular traffic, undermine the historic character of the district and directly contradict the pedestrianization goals of the Seaport Working Group," the resolution said.

The committee unanimously voted to approve the draft resolution.

The Howard Hughes Corporation is scheduled to present its proposals to the Landmarks Preservation Commission on July 21. That presentation will take place at the Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, on the 9th floor at a time that has not yet been announced.

The resolution approved by CB1's Landmarks Committee will also be presented to LPC, even though CB1's full board will not yet have ratified it. The next full board meeting takes place on July 28. In August, Community Board 1 doesn't meet unless there is an emergency.

Byrom didn't like the timing of this.

"It doesn't surprise me that the application is ready to be heard right before we go on our summer holiday," he said.  


He saw that as a calculated effort on the part of The Howard Hughes Corporation to make it awkward for CB1 to respond effectively.


"Going forward we're not going to accommodate applicants," Byrom said. "We rushed to put together a meeting [on June 25]. A lot of members couldn't be present and wanted to be present."


He said that such a thing would not happen again.  


- Terese Loeb Kreuzer 


Bits & Bytes
Wall Street at night with the New York Stock Exchange and the Art Deco masterpiece at 1 Wall St. that dates from 1928-1932, the work of architect Ralph Walker. The building is being converted into shops, condos and a hotel. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

"First Look: One Wall Street Set for CetraRuddy-Designed Residential and Hotel Conversion and Expansion,"
New York YIMBY, 7/9/15. "Back in May of 2014, One Wall Street was acquired by Harry Macklowe from BNY Mellon for $585 million, with plans to convert the building from office to residential use," says New York YIMBY. "The Ralph Walker-designed tower is one of the most iconic skyscrapers in the Financial District, from its limestone exterior, to the vulcan-inspired Red Room, all the way to the former executive smoking room/observation lounge at the tip-top of the building. And now YIMBY has the first renderings of what the building will eventually look like, courtesy of a tipster, who sent along CetraRuddy-designed plans that transform the building's base into a major retail destination, and its upper floors into condominiums and a hotel." For the complete article, with renderings, click here.

"The Cast of 'Amazing Grace' Grapples With Slavery," New York Times, 7/2/15. "One by one, they passed into the stone monument, a dark chamber meant to evoke a ship's hold, and turned tear-streaked faces toward the shaft of sunlight," says The New York Times. "For months - in some cases, for years - the actors had been working on roles as slaves, slaveholders and slave traders in a musical called 'Amazing Grace.' Now they were standing in Lower Manhattan, at a site where thousands of African-Americans, who lived in New York through the decades when slavery was legal here, were buried and then lost to time. They examined pictures of exhumed skeletons; pored over maps of shipping routes; and thought about their own ancestors and their own complex emotions over allowing themselves to be caged or shackled onstage. As the cast gathered at the mouth of the memorial sculpture, Chuck Cooper, a Tony Award-winning actor dressed for church in the Sunday heat, closed his eyes and began to sing a spiritual, 'I've Been in the Storm Too Long,' that he had learned while portraying a private school headmaster in another show. But now he was playing a slave - a manservant to the show's white protagonist - and, as for many in the cast, that has been an emotional career move." For the complete article, click here.

"The South Street Seaport Deserves a Better Plan,", 7/8/15. "New York is 'the universal seaport,' Jan Morris once wrote. 'In the remotest corner of the world,' she noted, 'the image of a ship entering New York harbor, into the shadow of skyscrapers, will strike a chord of recognition.' Morris made this observation in 1969, but it holds true today: the view of Manhattan from the waterfront is a grand, cinematic event, as befits one of the busiest, most powerful, and enduring ports in the world. No wonder the Dutch chose to settle this protected archipelago, or that the British chose Manhattan as their stronghold for the duration of the Revolutionary War. New York's seaport is a prize. That prize lies abandoned and in immediate peril. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has just declared South Street Seaport an endangered site, 'under threat' from development that would 'disrupt the look, feel, and low-scale historic character' of its buildings." The article goes on to say, "However, instead of celebrating this unique history and architectural character with community-driven projects such as Robert LaValva's much-praised New Amsterdam Market, or the Museum of the City of New York's radiant renovation of the South Street Seaport Museum, the EDC has sold the district wholesale to the Howard Hughes Corporation, the Texas-based developers of Pier 17, also known as Pizzeria Uno-by-the-Sea." For the complete article, click here.

"For final World Trade tower, a construction obstacle course,", 7/8/15. "Nearly 14 years after the Twin Towers were destroyed, there are clear signs the World Trade Center may once again be whole," says "A tentative deal announced last month would have 21st Century Fox and News Corp. anchor the final building, known as 2 World Trade Center, providing a path forward for developer Larry Silverstein. Already, the companies have shown off new, cutting-edge designs for the skyscraper, thought up by Bjarke Ingels, one of the rising stars of the architecture world.vBut actually constructing Tower Two could prove to be one of the biggest challenges of the entire rebuilding effort, requiring extensive planning, a surgeon's precision and the realization that there could be significant complications along the way. The problem faced by Silverstein and his new design team? Massive, hulking pieces of ventilation equipment take up much of the development site for 2 World Trade Center." For the complete article, click here.

"Extell Receives $150M Bridge Loan from Deutsche Bank," Commercial Observer, 7/8/15. "Deutsche Bank provided a $150 million bridge loan to Extell Development Company for the construction of its luxury condominium tower at 250 South Street in Lower East Side Manhattan," says Commercial Observer. "The development company is expected to seek out a construction loan for the site later this year." The article goes on to say that, "Once completed, the tower will primarily house residential condos, as well as retail and parking components. The Deutsche Bank loan covers four parcels. Extell purchased a one-story building occupied by a Pathmark and a surrounding parking lot at the site, also known as 227 Cherry Street, for $103 million in March 2013. The development firm then acquired Pathmark's long-term lease in a separate $46 million transaction, according to city records. While the condo tower is set to reach 68 stories according to the most recent Department of Buildings filing from June 23, published reports have stated that Extell's permit received a height reduction from 71 stories to 56 stories." For the complete article, click here.

Downtown bulletin board
Asphalt Green Battery Park City's summer day camp. From July 13 to July 17, Asphalt Green is holding a fundraiser so that it can award scholarships to summer camp.
(Photo: Courtesy of Asphalt Green)

Coins for Campers:
From July 13 through July 17, Asphalt Green is doing its annual "Coins for Campers" fundraiser at its Upper East Side and Battery Park City campuses. The organization challenges campers to bring in coins to support Asphalt Green's summer day camp scholarships for kids whose families cannot afford camp. Campers compete in groups to see which can raise the most, and the winning team gets a party. Anyone can donate to the campaign. Boxes will be placed in the AquaCenter on the Upper East Side and in the lobby at the Battery Park City campus, where anyone can drop off coins, dollars or checks. This year, Asphalt Green is teaming up with Insomnia Cookies, which has a store at 76 Pearl St. A portion of purchases made on July 15 will go to Coins for Campers. Thanks in part to last year's Coins for Campers drive, Asphalt Green was able to award $174,500 in summer day camp scholarships to a record 45 kids at both its campuses. For more information about Asphalt Green's summer day camps, click here.

Get Low Tuesdays:
The Downtown Alliance has launched "#GETLOW Tuesdays," a new summer promotional campaign that will provide a 20 percent discount at nearly three dozen Lower Manhattan restaurants. In addition, participants who share the program using social media will be entered to win a four-day, three night trip to Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Created by the Downtown Alliance, the program will be driven by social media. Participants can utilize 11 social media platforms to spread the word about the campaign, using the hashtag #GETLOW. Available platforms include: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, Vine, Snapchat, Foursquare, Flickr, Pinterest and Tumblr.

Participating restaurants are: 121 Fulton Street; Atrio Wine Bar | Restaurant; Barbalu Restaurant; Bavaria Bierhaus; Beckett's; Blackhound Bar; Church & Dey; Cowgirl SeaHorse; Da Claudio Ristorante & Salumeria; Dina Rata; The Dubliner; Felice 15 Gold Street; Financier Patisserie; Fresh Salt; GRK; Harry's Caf� and Steak; Industry Kitchen; Lonestar Empire; Lumpia Shack; Mad Dog & Beans Mexican Cantina; Merchants River House; Nelson Blue; Pound & Pence; Ramen Burger; Red Hook Lobster Pound; St. George Tavern; Schnitz; Seaport Smorgasburg; Smorgas Chef; SouthwestNY Restaurant; Stone Street Tavern; and Watermark Bar & Lounge. The campaign is also receiving support from the Millennium Hilton and Hilton Amsterdam.

To learn more, click here.

Downtown Post Portfolio: Downtown Post Portfolio is a regular feature in Downtown Post NYC, showcasing artists and photographers who live and/or work south of Canal Street or who create images (paintings, drawings, photographs) of Lower Manhattan.

To have your work considered for publication in Downtown Post Portfolio, send up to seven high-resolution jpeg files attached to an email to (One of the photos should be a picture of you.) Several of these photos will be published in Downtown Post NYC, along with a short artist bio and a statement about the work submitted, including whether or not it is for sale and how to purchase it.

Not all entries can be published. Copyright remains with the artist. Before publication, each contributor will be asked to sign a release stating that Downtown Post NYC has the right to publish the work in the emailed newsletter and in the Downtown Post archives, and that there is no payment.

Independence Day in Lower Manhattan photo gallery:
The Independence Day celebration in Lower Manhattan started on July 1 with the arrival of the Hermione at Pier 15 in the South Street Seaport. Hermione is a replica of the 18th-century frigate that brought the Marquis de Lafayette to the U.S. colonies in March/April of 1780. Also at Pier 15, El Gale�n, hosted parties and tours. It is a replica of a 16th-century Spanish ship such as Ponce de L�on would have sailed when he landed on the east coast of Florida 500 years ago. On July 4, there was a parade of ships up the Hudson River and in the evening, fireworks over the East River. For photos of some of the Independence Day celebrations, click here.

Downtown Little League opening day photo gallery
: The Downtown Little League kicked off its 2015 season on April 18. This year, there are just under 1,100 players on 81 teams. For photos of the opening day, click here.

Whitney Museum of American Art photo gallery: The Whitney Museum of American Art at 99 Gansevoort St. opened to the public on May 1. For photographs of the Whitney Museum's new building and of its opening exhibition, click here.

South Street Seaport Museum Opening Day: The South Street Seaport Museum opened its 2015 season on April 25 with events on Pier 16 and activities for kids and their families in the lobby of the museum's 12 Fulton St. building. For photographs of the museum's opening day, click here.

Downtown Post Portfolio: Jay Fine: Jay Fine is a New York City fine-art photographer and photojournalist, based in Lower Manhattan whose work was featured in Downtown Post Portfolio (DPNYC, 5/6/15). To see some more of Fine's work on the Downtown Post NYC website, click here.


On June 13, Community Board 1's Planning Committee will hear an update from the New York City Economic Development Corp. on city-wide ferry service.
 (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

All Community Board 1 meetings take place at 49-51 Chambers St., Room 709, starting at 6 p.m. unless otherwise indicated. Bring photo ID to enter the building.
July 13: Planning Committee
* Lower Manhattan Resiliency - Update by Curtis Cravens, Senior Program Manager - Coastal Protection, NYC Mayor's Office of Recovery & Resiliency
* World Trade Center - Update by Glenn Guzi, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
* Silverstein Properties - Update by Carlos Valverde, 3 World Trade Center Construction
Manager & Ute Rinnebach, Bjarke Ingels Group
* "Reimagining Lower Manhattan" Plan - Presentation by Kate Ascher, BuroHappold & Claire Weisz, WXY
* City-wide Ferry Service - Update by Lusheena Warner, Assistant Vice President, Community Relations, NYC Economic Development Corporation

July 14: Youth & Education Committee
* New York City Department of Education Proposed Five-Year Capital Plan Amendment Fiscal Years 2015 - 2019 - Discussion
* West Thames Park safety issues following preschool incident - Discussion

July 15: Executive Committee
* SeaGlass Carousel - Update by Warrie Price, President, The Battery Conservancy
* Community Needs Assessment Study by Pace University Students - Staff  Presentation
* Fiscal Year 2017 District Needs Statement - Discussion
* Committee reports

July 16: Quality of Life Committee
* NYC Department of Transportation Construction Update
* MJHS Metropolitan Jewish Health System, Hospice and Palliative Care - Presentation by Mr. Sadi Benzaquen, MSW, Regional Account Manager

July 21: Seaport/Civic Center Committee
* Peck Slip Park, Collect Pond Park and Imagination Playground - Update by Lawrence Mauro, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation*
* New Market and Tin Buildings - Update by Lusheena Warner, Assistant Vice President, Community Relations, NYC Economic Development Corporation
*  South Street South Reconstruction Project - Update by Lusheena Warner, Assistant Vice President, Community Relations, NYC Economic Development Corporation*
* 5 Beekman St. Development - Update by Eric Bass, Developer & Rob Andrews, General Manager
* 15 Cliff St., public plaza certification - Resolution
* 5 Beekman St., application for restaurant liquor license for Slip Anchor LLC - Resolution
* Taste of the Seaport street activity permit application for Front Street between Beekman Street and Peck Slip, Friday, Oct. 17, 2015,  9 a.m.-5 p.m. - Resolution

The following notices have been received for renewal, upgrade, or transfer of wine and beer or liquor licenses or sidewalk cafe permits:
�         77 Fulton St., application for a renewal of a liquor license for T J Byrnes Bar and Restaurant

July 28: CB 1 Monthly Meeting - 6 p.m.
     Location: DC37 - Auditorium, 125 Barclay St.


El Gale�n moored at Pier 15 in the South Street Seaport. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

Through July 12, El Gale�n, a 170-foot wooden replica of a 16th-century sailing ship
El Gale�n. (Photo:Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

that was part of Spain's West Indies fleet, is moored at Pier 15 in the South Street Seaport. El Gale�n is in the United States to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Juan Ponce de L�on's landing on the east coast of what is now Florida. On July 10 and 11, El Gale�n will host "Shipwrecked at the Seaport" parties from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. that include an open bar, passed hors d'oeuvres, a DJ and dancing. (Must be 21 or over to attend.) Tickets: $150. The ship will also be open for tours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, with part of the proceeds going to benefit the South Street Seaport Museum and the New York Harbor School. Tickets: $15; $45 (family of four); children 5 and under, free. For more information about the "Shipwrecked" parties, click here. For more information about tours, click here.   


A statue of Alexander Hamilton in the Museum of American Finance, 48 Wall St.
(Photos: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

Alexander Hamilton (Jan. 11, 1757 - July 12, 1804) arrived in New York City in 1773, alone, impoverished and all but orphaned (his mother was dead and his father had abandoned the family). One of the geniuses of his time, he became aide-de-camp to Gen. George Washington, a lawyer, a signer of the Constitution, the author of most of the Federalist Papers, the first Secretary of the Treasury, and Major General of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Alexander Hamilton's grave at Trinity Church. His wife, Elizabeth, is buried next to him.
He is buried on the Rector Street flank of Trinity Church, near some of the buildings of the Bank of New York, which he founded, and of some of the former homes of the New York Post, which he also founded, and up the street from the building at 1 Bowling Green that once housed a custom house named for him because he founded the predecessor of the U.S. Coast Guard.

From Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 13, the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society (the AHA Society) has organized the fourth annual "Celebrate HAMILTON" program to honor his life and legacy, with events to be held in Manhattan and northern New Jersey.

This year's program will include special events to celebrate the 225th anniversaries of the creation of the U.S. Coast Guard as well as the first Presidential cabinet dinner. Given by George Washington, it was held at the Morris-Jumel Mansion on July 10, 1790 with Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and Vice President John Adams and their families in attendance. There will also be a special tour of George Washington's winter encampments in New Jersey and a celebration of the inaugural performance of the musical "Hamilton" on Broadway.

All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.

Saturday, July 11 - Upper Manhattan and Weehawken, N.J.
7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.: Hamilton Fun Run (11 mile run that starts at Trinity Church and ends at The Grange)
9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Activities at Hamilton's Home, The Grange, 414 W. 141st St.
6 p.m.: Remembrance at Hamilton Park, Weehawken, N.J.
7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.: Talk on the Burr-Hamilton duel by Dr. Joanne Freeman, Weehawken, N.J.

Sunday, July 12 - Northern New Jersey
(Washington's New Jersey Winter Encampments Tour)
12:30-2:00 pm: Tour of Wallace House, Somerville, NJ
3:00 pm: Talk - "Hamilton's Revolutionary War Services," Morristown NHP
5:15 pm: Visit to Morristown Green and Arnold's Tavern Location

Monday, July 13 - Downtown and Midtown Manhattan
11 a.m.: Bowling Green Flag Raising and Talk
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.: Talk - "Manhattan Murder Trial" at Federal Hall

For more information, click here.
Explore Alexander Hamilton's life and times further on

Hamilton's home, The Grange, at 414 W. 141st St. in West Harlem.

CALENDAR: Weeks of July 6 and July 13

The audience at last year's Lowdown Hudson Music Fest. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
July 10: "Sea Wife" at the Melville Gallery (part of the South Street Seaport Museum), is a concert play of nautical adventures presented by Naked Angels and the raucous folk band, The Lobbyists. Part play, part concert, and part environmental experience, SeaWife envelops its audience in a dark tale marked with romance, tragedy and spirits on the high seas. Audiences will be invited to raise a glass of ale as they are transported through an adventure of epic proportions following Percy, a young sailor bred within the golden age of the American whaling industry, as he journeys through port cities and sea vessels in search of a greater glory than killing leviathan. Naked Angels is a theater company committed to developing and producing new work by artists who explore unique perspectives and non-traditional theatrical formats. Place: 213 Water St. Time: 7 p.m. Tickets: $20 to $40. For more information or to buy tickets, click here.

July 12: Brookfield Place New York celebrates Bastille Day, France's Independence Day, with a  f�te featuring music, games, films and food. Brookfield Place's French eatery and marketplace, Le District, will offer several promotions celebrating French food and culture, including a Ricard bar, specialty picnic baskets filled with French goods, and a roving ice cream cart. At 2 p.m., fitness club Equinox will run a "Tour de France" spin class on the plaza with stationary bikes. (RSVP required. Click here to reserve a place.) The day-long event will incorporate many other activities for all ages including live music and Parkour demonstrations and lessons. Caricaturists will be on site for portraits on the waterfront, where picnic blankets will be set up by Le District for guests to use. Stroll into Montmartre (the Winter Garden) for music by wandering musicians. Guests are also invited to visit the Champs �lys�es (230 Vesey St., 2nd level) for storytelling by Posman Books, French lessons by Bilingual Birdies, and ballet lessons and performances by New York Theater Ballet. Brookfield Place's brasserie, Hudson Eats, will play a selection of French films throughout the day. Time: 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Free, with food and drinks for purchase. For more information, click here.

July 14: Lowdown Hudson Music Fest, Arts Brookfield's annual summer music festival on the Hudson River waterfront features its signature blues and expands this year to include favorites from the rock, roots, and Americana scenes. On July 14, hear O.A.R., formed in 1996 in Rockville, Maryland, O.A.R. and soon Billboard chart-toppers and international stars. The band has performed its roots-rock and reggae-inflected songs to audiences around the world, including two sold-out shows at Madison Square Garden. Also on July 14, Ryan Bingham, will perform. He is a celebrated Americana singer-songwriter who has won an Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, and Critics' Choice Award for "Best Song" in 2010, as well as a Grammy Award for "Best Song Written for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media" in 2011. Place: Waterfront Plaza, 230 Vesey St. Time: Doors open at 5 p.m. Performances, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Free. For more information, click here.

July 15: The Lowdown Hudson Music Fest continues with The Word, an improvisational rock-gospel supergroup featuring pedal-steel guitarist Robert Randolph, keyboardist John Medeski, and all three members of the North Mississippi Allstars (guitarist Luther Dickinson, drummer Cody Dickinson and bassist Chris Chew). The band came together in 2000, bonding over their mutual love for Sacred Steel, a tradition of gospel music that originated in African-American Pentecostal churches in the early 20th century. The Wood Brothers - Chris and Oliver - spent 15 years separately pursuing successful music careers before they formed The Wood Brothers: Chris as a founding member of genre-busting jazz trio Medeski Martin & Wood while Oliver immersed himself in the Southern Rock scene working with Tinsley Ellis and King Johnson. NPR described their first album as a collection of "gracious little songs [that] sound like they were born on a front porch during a beautiful sunset." Their music combines blues, folk, and roots-music styles they loved as kids into their own evocative sound, with their voices united in the kind of high-lonesome harmony blend for which sibling singers are often renowned. Place: Waterfront Plaza, 230 Vesey St. Time: Doors open at 5 p.m. Performances, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Free. For more information, click here.

July 15: Tom Miller, author of "Seeking New York: The Stories Behind the Historic Architecture of Manhattan One Building at a Time," will discuss his book at The Skyscraper Museum. Beautifully illustrated with line drawings and photographs, engagingly presented, and organized by neighborhoods, this richly detailed guide takes a narrative approach, telling stories that illuminate the architectural, personal, and social histories of Manhattan, building by building. In addition to iconic structures, the book includes many off-the-beaten-path buildings, as well as notable buildings that no longer stand but remain key to Manhattan's architectural history. Place: 39 Battery Place. Time: 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. (The gallery opens at 6 p.m.) Free. RSVP by clicking here.

July 16: For the second concert in the annual River & Blues festival in Battery Park City's Wagner Park, Valerie June mixes Appalachian folk, blues, gospel, soul, and country music with stunning originality. These musical elements are anchored by June's distinctive voice and expressed by her ebullient personality. Time: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Free. For more information, click here.

July 16: Come to the historic museum ship, Lilac, berthed at Pier 25 in Hudson River Park for a sunset meditation with The Path. The evening's meditation will be led by Dina Kaplan, Founder of The Path. The Path teaches ancient meditation techniques that energize and create mindfulnesses. Time: 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Free. Bring a cushion, blanket or towel to sit on. For more information about the Lilac and its programs this summer, click here. For more information about The Path, click here.

July 16: Two days before City of Water Day, boathouses from each borough and Hoboken will
participate in a preview of the Con Edison Cardboard Kayak Race - City of Water Day's cornerstone event - for a friendly wager and bragging rights. Teams will be on-site at the Waterfront Plaza at Brookfield Place by 9:30 a.m. to build their kayaks. The race will begin at 11:30 a.m.

July 18: City of Water Day, celebrating New York Harbor takes place on Governors Island, Maxwell Park in Hoboken and in dozens of "In Your Neighborhood" locations with free boat tours, waterfront activities, food, music and the Cardboard Kayak Race. Time: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information, click here.

Ongoing through Aug. 8: The annual Poets House showcase of all the poetry books and poetry-related texts published in the United States in the previous year is on display through Aug. 8, 2015. The publications come from over 650 commercial, university and independent presses. During the course of the exhibit, some poets will read from their work. Next reading: July 16. Ellen Hagan (Hemisphere, Northwestern University Press/TriQuarterly), Parneshia Jones (Vessel, Milkweed Editions), Anne Marie Macari (Red Deer, Persea Books), and Jean Valentine (Shirt in Heaven, Copper Canyon Press). Place: 10 River Terrace. Readings begin at 7 p.m. Showcase is open during regular Poets House hours, Tuesdays to Saturdays. Free. For more information, click here.

Ongoing in July: The National Museum of the American Indian presents storytelling and interactive Native dance sessions Tuesdays to Thursdays in July as Ty Defoe (Giizhig) integrates singing, storytelling and hoop dancing. Dates: July 14-16; July 21-23; July 28-30. Times: 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Place: 1 Bowling Green. Free. For more information about the National Museum of the American Indian, click here.

Mark your calendar: From Friday, July 17 to Sunday, July 19, the AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour will be playing on Piers 25 and 26 in Hudson River Park. This is the first AVP New York City Open since the women's teams played in 1995 and the men's teams played in 1983!  In addition to Olympic stars and local volleyball talent, there will be music, food and more. The finals on July 19 will take place on a specially-built court on Pier 26 and will be broadcast on NBC. General admission is free - no tickets required. Premium ticket packages are available at prices ranging from $30 to $450 depending on the day and the amenities included. Times: July 17, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; July 18, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; July 19, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Click here for tickets and more information. Times are subject to change. Go to for updates.

The event needs volunteers. Click here for information on how to volunteer.
Ongoing: Celebrate summer with a sail aboard the South Street Seaport Museum's historic schooner, Pioneer, and get a new perspective on New York City. Bring a picnic lunch or dinner, snack, beverage or dessert. Pioneer was built in 1885 as an iron-hulled sloop to carry cargo along the Delaware River and is the oldest ship regularly sailing in New York Harbor. For more information or to buy tickets, stop by the museum's Visitor Service Center at 12 Fulton St. or ask the Museum's Associates on Pier 16. Afternoon Sails: Tuesday-Friday 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets: $38; $28 (museum members); $32 (students and seniors); $20 (children 2 to 11 years old); $5 (children uner 2 years old). Sunset Sails:
Tuesday-Sunday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tickets: $45; $35 (museum members); $25 (children 2 to 11 years old); $10 (children under 2 years old). For more information or to buy tickets, click here.

Ongoing: Governors Island is open daily through Labor Day. For a calendar of events, click here.

Ongoing: The historic lighthouse tender, Lilac, berthed at Pier 25 near North Moore Street in Hudson River Park, is hosting a three-month exhibition of artwork through Aug. 15. It focuses on three themes inspired by the ship's story - "Steam," "Work + Labor" and "Restoration/Reinvention." The exhibition features the work of more than 25 artists, with several site-specific installations.  Performances, artist talks, film screenings, readings, community activities and educational events accompany the exhibition. For more information about the Lilac, click here. For a video about the Lilac, click here. For more about the art series, click here.   

Ongoing: "America in Circulation: A History of US Currency Featuring the Collection of Mark R. Shenkman," an exhibition at the Museum of American Finance, showcases around 250 rare examples of American paper money accompanied by large, interactive touch screen displays. From Colonial times, American money has told a fascinating story of the country's struggles and successes. Often local and national currencies competed and coexisted with each other, while economic depression, war and counterfeiting drove constant advances in design. The exhibition spans the period from the Colonial era to the present day. Highlights include rare examples of currency bearing the signatures of signers of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence; a complete set of notes from the Educational Series of 1896, renowned for being the most beautiful paper money in American history; and rare examples of high denomination notes including $5,000 and $10,000 bills. Through March 2018. To see an online version of the exhibition, click here. Place: 48 Wall St. Museum is open Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission: $8; $5 (students and seniors); free (museum members and kids 6 and under). For more information, click here.

: "Cer�mica de los Ancestros: Central America's Past Revealed" displays 155 ancient objects from the National Museum of the American Indian's rarely seen collections of Central American ceramics. The exhibition examines seven regions representing distinct Central American cultural areas that are today part of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, where Central America's first inhabitants lived. Dating back to 1000 B.C., the ceramics help tell the story of the innumerable achievements of these ancient civilizations, each with unique, sophisticated ways of life, value systems and arts. Through January 2017. Place: 1 Bowling Green. The National Museum of the American Indian is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Thursdays, until 8 p.m. Free. For more information, click here.  

Ongoing: The Museum of Jewish Heritage presents "Designing Home: Jews and Midcentury Modernism," an exhibition that explores the cultural context in which many Jewish �migr� architects and designers created a distinctly modern American design that still has wide appeal today.  Walk-up tours will be offered on Sundays in May (except May 24) at 12 p.m. with no reservations necessary. Through January 2016. Place: 36 Battery Place. For more information, click here.

Ongoing: The Skyscraper Museum's new exhibition, "Ten Tops," surveys all buildings in the world today, completed or under construction, that are 100 stories and taller. Of these 24 towers, the exhibition focuses on 10 (plus a few more), zooming in on their uppermost floors to see how they were designed and constructed. Through September 2015. Place: 39 Battery Place. Hours: Noon to 6 p.m., Wednesdays to Sundays. Admission: $5; $2.50 (students and seniors). For more information, click here.

Ongoing: The Woolworth Building was designed by Cass Gilbert to house the offices of the F. W. Woolworth Company and was the tallest building in the world from 1913 until 1930. With its ornamental gothic-style exterior, it dominated the New York City skyline and served as an icon of American ingenuity with state of the art steel construction, fireproofing and high-speed elevators and it was dubbed "the Cathedral of Commerce." The building is still privately owned and operated, and has long been closed to the public. Tours of its magnificent landmarked lobby featuring marble, mosaics, and murals have only recently been made available and can be taken for 30-minutes, 60-minutes or 90-minutes. Custom and Private tours for groups of 10 - 35 can also be arranged. Place: 233 Broadway. Various times. Tickets: $20, $30 and $45, depending on the length of the tour. For more information and to buy tickets, click here.

Ongoing: "Glittering World: Navajo Jewelry of the Yazzie Family" opened on Nov. 14 and continues through Jan. 10, 2016. The exhibit includes more than 300 examples of beautifully crafted jewelery, most of it made by the Yazzie family, with some from the National Museum of the American Indian's collection. Through a video, photographs and a handsome catalog, the exhibit shows how the jewelry expresses Navajo cultural values and way of life inspired by a majestic landscape of buttes, mesas and desert. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and on Thursdays until 8 p.m.; closed December 25. Admission is free. 


Ongoing: "A Town Known as Auschwitz" is an exhibit of photographs at the Museum of Jewish Heritage tracing the history of a town called "Oswiecim" in what is now Poland, where Jews and non-Jews lived side by side for centuries. When German forces occupied the town in September 1939, they renamed it "Auschwitz" and established a concentration and death camp there. More than 1 million people died at Auschwitz, including 90 percent of the town's Jews. The museum is at 36 Battery Place. For information the exhibit, click here. For information on the museum's hours and admission fees, click here.

Ongoing: "Defining Lines: Maps from the 1700s and early 1800s" at the Fraunces Tavern
Museum. Twenty-seven maps provide a perspective on the evolving nation's place in history. A map from 1804, never before exhibited, shows the U.S. postal routes. Place: 54 Pearl St. Time: Noon to 5 p.m., daily. Admission fees: $7; $4 (seniors, students with ID, children, 6 to 8 years old. Children, 5 and under, free. Active military with ID, free. For more information, click here.
Ongoing: The National Museum of the American Indian is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with free admission. It offers free films, docent-led tours of its exhibitions and tours of its premises, the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, designed by Cass Gilbert. The building, which was completed in 1907, is a National Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. One Bowling Green. Phone: (212) 514-3700. For the museum's calendar, click here.

Ongoing: The lobby of the South Street Seaport Museum at 12 Fulton St. on Schermerhorn Row is open three days a week with interpretive displays and activities. Access to the museum's upstairs galleries is by appointment or for education programs only. For private tours of Schermerhorn Row and its old hotels, email Lobby access: Fridays to Sundays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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Editor: Terese Loeb Kreuzer

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