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News and Events
in Lower Manhattan
Volume 2, No. 8  Jan. 9, 2015
Quote of the day:
""Community Board 1 does not support the segmentation of the proposed plan and appeals to Landmarks Preservation Commission, the City Planning Commission, the Economic Development Corporation, all elected officials and the Mayor to require the postponement of any further consideration of the application until the entire plan is resolved in accordance with the Seaport Working Group guidelines (attached)."   
       - Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee resolution, rejecting The Howard Hughes Corporation's piecemeal approach to South Street Seaport development.

* Howard Hughes' piecemeal Seaport proposals muddy CB1 Landmarks Committee's response
* North Cove Marina update: Fortenbaugh has until Jan. 20 to clear out 
* Bits & Bytes: 1 WTC rents under wraps; Mensch's Seaport photos; Silver re-elected Speaker
* Letter to the editor: Construction activity at Pier 17 may have stopped
* Downtown Bulletin Board: Electronics recycling; Christmas tree recycling; Public restrooms
* Community Board 1 meetings: Week of Jan. 12
* Calendar: Week of Jan. 5

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Kids walking through South Cove on their way to school. Jan. 8, 2015
(Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer) 


Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee voting on a resolution affecting The Howard Hughes Corporation's proposals for the landmarked portions of the South Street Seaport that it wishes to develop. The resolution will go to CB1's full board for further discussion and revisions. (Photos: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

What color would you like for the Tin Building? Would you prefer bricks or terra cotta for a building on the John Street lot? What about a translucent canopy for the Pier 17 roof? Would that be OK or would it, in effect, turn a public space into a private space for mega-events?

These were the kinds of questions with which Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee wrestled at its meeting on Jan. 5 to discuss and pass a draft resolution on The Howard Hughes Corporation's proposals for South Street Seaport development as they affect the landmarked parts of the Seaport.

The news after more than two hours of discussion was that the committee did its duty by considering the minutiae in that Howard Hughes proposal and then undercut all that it had previously said with a few slashing strokes that came at the end of the resolution and at the end of the evening.

The major issues will be further discussed and undoubtedly amended at CB1's full board meeting on Jan. 26. After that, a resolution will go to the City's Landmarks Preservation Commission, which has the final jurisdiction over landmarks-related South Street Seaport issues. In the meantime, the draft resolution passed by CB1's Landmarks Committee on Jan. 5 may be regarded, in many respects, as a placeholder.

CB1 chair Catherine McVay Hughes chatting with Chris Curry, senior executive vice president of The Howard Hughes Corporation, before the start of CB1's Landmarks Committee meeting on Jan. 5. With Curry was one of HHC's lobbyists, Julie Greenberg, (with back to camera).
CB1 Landmarks Committee chair, Roger Byrom, was not present for the Monday meeting, and his input is key. In his absence, Landmarks Committee co-chairman Bruce Ehrmann presided over the meeting along with Community Board 1 chairperson, Catherine McVay Hughes.

The topics on the table were those affecting landmarked parts of the South Street Seaport only, excluding the 494-foot-tall tower that Howard Hughes would like to erect on the present site of the New Market Building.

Nevertheless, that tower got the committee's attention. The draft resolution opened with a request

to the Landmarks Preservation Commission to extend the South Street Seaport Historic District to be congruent with the Federal Historic District boundaries, which include the area of the proposed tower on the New Market Building site. If the New Market Building were within the City's Seaport Historic District, the building would be protected and there could be no further discussion about constructing a massive tower on the South Street Seaport waterfront.  


The request to extend the South Street Seaport Historic District boundaries is not new. As the resolution stated, Community Board 1 has been trying to get these boundaries extended for the last 15 years.  


"We have tried to get this passed through three LPC chairs and two administrations, but have not succeeded in getting this request granted," said Ehrmann. "It is highly unlikely at this point - at least within normal processes - that this will occur."


But the committee had to ask.   


The rest of the evening unspooled a series of pronouncements on the patchwork quilt of proposals that Howard Hughes had laid in front of the committee. The group approved the HHC plan to dismantle and move the landmarked Tin Building, but nixed a proposal to add an additional floor to the structure.  


A canopy made of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene, (ETFE), a clear plastic, was approved for the roof of Pier 17, presumably to make the roof usable in all seasons, although its perch high above the East River, open on all sides to wind and weather, might make some of that use problematic. Some CB1 members opposed to the canopy said that they feared that its true purpose was as a rack from which to hang loudspeakers for mega-events that could, if Howard Hughes has its way, draw thousands of fans to Pier 17.   


A proposal to dispatch the unattractive Link Building was approved without comment. Not so a small canopy linking the Tin Building and Pier 17 - designed to keep precipitation off the heads of pedestrians. This proposal was not considered "appropriate or contextual" in Bruce Ehrmann's words. Said the draft resolution, it further removes "the sense of place and grittiness of the Historic District."


Opponents of the Howard Hughes proposals have said that the little canopy was not the only thing removing the "sense of place and grittiness of the Historic District." At Community Board 1's Dec. 10 Landmarks Committee meeting, CB1 member Paul Hovitz famously remarked that the Howard Hughes proposals, including the glass pavilions and tubular lighting suggested by HHC for placement under the FDR Drive, reminded him of Las Vegas.


The draft resolution commented warmly on the idea of pavilions and lighting, but said they needed further work "to develop a more integrated solution."


The proposal to create view corridors down the East River Esplanade "is appreciated in the application and much welcomed," said the draft resolution.  


At that point, the draft resolution devolved into something resembling dyspepsia. HHC's proposal to extend Beekman and Fulton Streets to the piers will "introduce disruptive and dangerous vehicular traffic, undermine the historic character of the district and directly contradict the pedestrianization goals of the Seaport Working Group, " said the draft resolution.  


Opponents of that proposed street extension have said that its real and primary purpose would be to serve occupants of the Howard Hughes waterfront tower, should it be built. In any case, CB1's Landmarks Committee was not a fan.   


Then there was the matter of the South Street Seaport Museum and what space it might occupy and of Schermerhorn Row, and how it might be utilized. Howard Hughes has proposed turning 202-year-old Schermerhorn Row into affordable housing, while building a little pavilion for the South Street Seaport Museum on Pier 16, next to its historic ships.  


Chris Curry and Jonathan Boulware 

Jonathan Boulware, interim president of the South Street Seaport Museum, was invited to come to the front of the room so the committee could ask him some questions.   


"I know it's a placeholder," said Catherine McVay Hughes to Boulware, referring to the Pier 16 pavilion, "but there is no way that the museum would move out onto the pier into that small space?"



Boulware paused slightly before answering, perhaps because he was stunned by the question. "I'm not sure how to respond to that with sufficient enthusiasm," he said, eliciting laughter from the audience. "Absolutely not. We would fail to perform our essential function if we were situated only on Pier 16. Without the marriage of a square-rigged ship and the spaces on Schermerhorn Row, we would not be the South Street Seaport Museum." The audience applauded.


Ehrmann said of the proposed pavilion on Pier 16, "We're not here to judge placeholders that have no architectural presentation."


The draft resolution deplored the fact that remnants of old, 19th-century hotels, currently extant within Schermerhorn Row and part of the South Street Seaport Museum, never received interior historic designation, which would have protected them.    


Curry interjected that "the hotel space within Schermerhorn Row - we've always had earmarked for the museum." He said that Howard Hughes was waiting for the museum to finish its current feasibility study "so they can tell us what they need on Schermerhorn Row."  


This remark seems to place Howard Hughes in the driver's seat as the arbiter of the South Street Seaport Museum's fate - and also of the fate of Schermerhorn Row. For many reasons, its suitability for affordable housing is questionable, and for additional reasons, undesirable.


It is, itself, a historic artifact, rescued from decay and demolition with millions of dollars in public funds. It contains historic artifacts in addition to the old hotels - walls covered with 19th-century graffiti, centuries-old industrial machinery, fire-charred ceiling beams and handmade bricks, the remnants of old fire doors, the tracery of staircases, long disappeared and other testaments to its colorful history as New York City's first World Trade Center.  


If Howard Hughes gets its way and transforms Schermerhorn Row into affordable housing, all of this history would be lost to the public. 


While throwing The Howard Hughes Corporation some bones, on its last page, the draft resolution finally got down to some verbiage that cannot have made HHC execs too happy. That tower cropped up again.  


Be it further resolved, said the resolution, "Community Board 1 is committed to work with the applicant to ensure the survival of the sense of place of the Historic District and the surrounding area, including the iconic views of one of the most important individual landmarks in the world, the Brooklyn Bridge."  (Translation: No tower blocking those views.)


Next: "Community Board 1 again appeals to the Landmarks Preservation Commission to provide leadership and support the community in this process by immediately calendaring the extension of the New York City South Street Seaport Historic District to reflect the same boundary as the Federal Historic District to help ensure the sense of place remains within the Historic District and to preserve the vitally important link between the Historic District and the iconic Brooklyn Bridge Individual New York City and Federal Landmark." (As Bruce Ehrmann remarked, Howard Hughes probably doesn't have to worry too much about this, but you never know.)


Finally, said the draft resolution, "Community Board 1 does not support the segmentation of the proposed plan and appeals to Landmarks Preservation Commission, the City Planning Commission, the Economic Development Corporation, all elected officials and the Mayor to require the postponement of any further consideration of the application until the entire plan is resolved in accordance with the Seaport Working Group guidelines (attached)."  


And that was the zinger - the really important clause that will undoubtedly be discussed further on Jan. 26 at Community Board 1's full board meeting, and if passed by the full board, would place The Howard Hughes Corporation on formal notice that without a master plan that conforms to Seaport Working Group guidelines, there is no deal that Community Board 1 can support.  


- Terese Loeb Kreuzer


Chris Curry, senior executive vice president of The Howard Hughes Corporation, at the end of Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee meeting on Jan. 5, 2015. 

Michael Fortenbaugh speaking at a meeting of Community Board 1's Battery Park City Committee on Jan. 6 about the situation that he is facing at North Cove Marina. The BPCA has told him that he must remove his boats by Jan. 20, 2015 or they will be repossessed. (Photos: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

The ice-cold winter winds whipping across Battery Park City are extra icy at North Cove Marina, where Michael Fortenbaugh, manager of the marina between 2004 and 2014 remains embattled with the Battery Park City Authority, the State agency that is responsible for the property. The BPCA has told Fortenbaugh that he must remove the Manhattan Sailing Club's clubhouse, The Honorable William Wall, and other property from the marina by Jan. 20 or the BPCA will impound it.

The BPCA has yet to announce an operator for the next 10-year contract at the marina, but it seems unlikely to be Fortenbaugh. Nevertheless, he has the support of hundreds of people in the Battery Park City community and of elected officials, who have lauded him for the sailing programs that he has run at the marina and for making the marina an inviting and welcoming community amenity.

He also has the support of Community Board 1, which is not in a position to recommend specifically that Fortenbaugh should have his contract renewed, but which is in the position of saying that the RFP issued by the Battery Park City Authority to select a new marina operator did not give sufficient weight to community-based programs and that the Community Board should have been involved in framing the RFP and in the selection process.

At the meeting of Community Board 1's Battery Park City Committee on Jan. 6, committee chairman Anthony Notaro said that the committee was very disappointed in the RFP process and viewed it as "flawed in that there was a very low rating on community amenities, community focus and even less so on experience."


He commented that all of the elected officials representing Lower Manhattan have formally requested that the Authority withdraw the current RFP and reissue it with more transparency.


"The BPCA is supposedly meeting in January," Notaro said. He said that he didn't know what action the board would take at that time. Until a decision is made, the Community Board has asked the Battery Park City Authority to extend Fortenbaugh's contract.   


At the Jan. 6 Community Board meeting, Fortenbaugh and Robin Forst, a spokesperson for the Battery Park City Authority, gave conflicting accounts of what has happened to date.  


Fortenbaugh said that the Authority had sent him a dockage agreement for him to sign. "It was onerous," he said. "They wanted $10 million [liability insurance] per vessel. They wanted another $10,000 security deposit on top of the $30,000 that we had already given them. [It said that] we can't use the clubhouse as it's been used for 10 years [because the agreement prohibits serving liquor or alcohol of any kind]. It was an exit document."


Fortenbaugh said that he couldn't sign this agreement. "We are in limbo," he said. 


Robin Forst addressing Community Board 1's Battery Park City Committee. 

Forst countered that, "there is some incorrect information circulating and I wanted to take the opportunity to clarify a few of the points. The BPCA became the marina's operator on the first of January when the prior license agreement expired. As the owner and operator, it is our obligation to protect both the asset and its visitors. To that end, Ted Wallace was hired as the interim director of marina operations and FJC was hired to provide security at the marina and PEP continues its patrols, which include the marina area. In addition, the Authority assumed all insurance costs for the operation and oversight of the asset. While chains have been installed at all vacant slips as a safety precaution, access to boats in the marina has not been restricted. North Cove Marina Management prior to the expiration of the 2005-2014 license was offered an opportunity to continue to dock its vessels at the marina for up to 90 days at a substantially discounted rate with the ability to continue its Manhattan Yacht Club and Sailing School business. Although NCMM was required to show concerns for its property in order for its vessels to remain docked at the marina, BPCA informed NCMM that its current insurance was sufficient provided that it remains in effect. Currently the Honorable William Wall along with other smaller vessels and equipment are in the marina."


Fortenbaugh said that he had not been informed by the Authority that his current insurance was adequate.  


Just before noon on Jan. 7, Fortenbaugh received an email from Michael LaMancusa, who works in the Real Property department of the Battery Park City Authority. LaMancusa invited Fortenbaugh to meet with him, Ted Wallace, and an attorney from the BPCA's Legal Department, at Battery Park City Parks Conservancy offices, preferably before 4 p.m. that day "to discuss coordination of North Cove Marina Management's provision of certain records, documents, and materials to the Authority, pursuant to the terms of License Agreement, as well as the removal of any personal property from the Marina on or before January 20, 2015. We should also discuss any other protocols necessary to facilitate the Authority's operation of the Marina." 

Fortenbaugh replied through his attorney that he couldn't attend a meeting on such short notice but that another day and time would be welcome. The BPCA then withdrew its suggestion of a meeting.  


On Jan. 8, more than 100 people assembled at the Battery Park City library for a Town Hall meeting, expressing support of Fortenbaugh.


Fortenbaugh said on the morning of Jan. 9 that so far nothing material has changed, however. He said that he was looking into where and how he could move the Honorable William Wall clubhouse and other property of the Manhattan Sailing Club and the Manhattan Sailing School that remain at the marina.  


A thaw does not seem imminent.


- Terese Loeb Kreuzer 


Bits & Bytes
Sheldon Silver was re-elected as Speaker of the New York State Assembly.
 (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)

"One World Trade Center: Public Building, Private Information,"
Wall Street Journal, 1/6/15. "The newly-completed One World Trade Center is perhaps the most high-profile publicly-owned office tower in the country, developed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. That doesn't mean its financial information is public," says the Wall Street Journal. "In response to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act by The Wall Street Journal and other organizations and individuals, the agency has taken the position that a tenant's rent is private information, and should be withheld given that it could impair the agency. The Port Authority, for instance, last week provided to The Journal a copy of the lease at One World Trade with Legends Hospitality - the operator of the tower's planned observation deck - but it redacted any reference to the rent that Legends agreed to pay. It has taken similar positions with Beijing Vantone, the first private tenant at the building." For the complete article, click here.

"Pennsylvania man tries to run down Port Authority officers outside Holland Tunnel: police sources," Daily News, 1/8/15. "An unhinged Pennsylvania man tried to run down a handful of Port Authority police officers outside the Holland Tunnel on Wednesday night, claiming he wanted to 'take out as many as I can,'" the Daily News reported, citing officials and police sources. "The 24-year-old motorist, tentatively identified as Matthew Cash, was at Bellevue Hospital facing charges of aggravated assault, terroristic threats and reckless driving following the 7:50 p.m. incident on Varick and Watts Sts. in lower Manhattan. Cash was speeding on Varick St. in a gray Audi when he swerved into a restricted fire lane near the mouth of the tunnel - narrowly missing Port Authority officers." For the complete article, click here.

"New WTC towers fill with tech tenants," Crain's New York Business, 1/7/15. "When lower Manhattan's new World Trade Center was conceived a decade ago, nobody had in mind a Silicon Valley in the sky," says Crain's New York Business. "Financial companies, which dominated the original twin towers, are scarce among tenants who have committed to space at the complex's glass-and-steel skyscrapers. Instead, the majority of deals done since magazine publisher Conde Nast agreed to anchor 1 World Trade Center in 2011 have come from technology, media and advertising." Crain's says that, "Almost 2 million square feet are unrented at 1 and 4 World Trade Center, the first buildings to open at Ground Zero. Agreements were signed for about 340,000 square feet in 2014, with no single lease larger than the 106,000 square feet that digital-advertising company MediaMath Inc. took in July at tower 4, according to CoStar Group Inc., a Washington-based research firm that tracks office leasing. At that pace, the towers wouldn't reach 95% occupancy until 2019, almost two decades after the 9/11 attacks leveled the first twin towers." For the complete article, click here.

"Finding Glamour, Not Grit, at South Street Seaport," New York Times, 1/5/15. Barbara Mensch's photographs of the South Street Seaport are celebrated in The New York Times. "Looking as tough as gangsters, which some of their bosses were, the fishmongers are lined up against a wall at the South Street Seaport in Manhattan, menacing any stranger who passes by," says The Times. "Vinny smiles through his cigarette, handsome as Brando. Jake the Snake, after decades on the docks, looks as swollen as an octopus. Big John has drawn his tiny pistol, a joke and a threat. Vinny, Jake and John are long gone, the seaport having given up any real connection to the sea a decade ago, when the last in a succession of mayors finally prevailed in shipping the old Fulton Fish Market out to the Bronx. The wall against which these three lean is inside Barbara Mensch's apartment on Water Street, where they stare from the confines of large black-and-white photographs. Ms. Mensch moved to her top-floor loft 35 years ago, looking for cheap space to pursue her art. What she found was more than just a bargain and a light-filled studio. The hand trucks brimming with fish, the handguns playfully brandished and the hand-laid bricks of the Brooklyn Bridge became her muse." For the complete article, with photos, click here.

"Sheldon Silver elected to 11th term as speaker, despite probe," New York Post, 1/7/15. "The New York Assembly elected Democrat Sheldon Silver to his 11th term as its powerful speaker Wednesday despite a federal probe by Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara into his outside income," says the New York Post. "Silver, 70, first elected speaker in 1994, got a standing ovation following a roll-call vote in which only two lawmakers in the 150-member house - and just one from his Democratic caucus - vocally protested against his continued reign." The Post notes that, "The feds are investigating whether Silver received secret income for years from a downtown tax law firm, Goldberg & Iryami, that was not reported on his financial disclosure statements." But, adds, the Post, "Rank-and-file Democrats said Silver has been a good, responsible speaker - and, barring proof of criminality, there's no reason to replace him." For the complete article, click here.

Letter to the editor

The East River, looking toward Pier 17. Jan. 8, 2015 (Photo: Dirk Kaufman)

To the editor:
Contrary to what Chris Curry [senior executive vice president of The Howard Hughes Corporation] said Monday night at Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee meeting, Pier 17 is far from being an active construction site. I'm there daily walking my dog and have seen lots of activity over the past month or so. It looked like they were load testing piles driven into various locations. But as of this morning (Jan. 8) all the construction barges, cranes, and crew have cleared out. Two random piles are standing.

I suspect it doesn't make sense for them to start building the pier infrastructure until they can remove the Tin Building and also demolish that section of pier, but the impression Chris Curry gave Catherine McVay Hughes [chairperson of Community Board 1] wasn't very accurate in my opinion.

Dirk Kaufman

From the editor:
The Tin Building can't be dismantled and moved unless the Landmarks Preservation Commission approves it - and although Community Board 1's Landmarks Committee gave that proposal from The Howard Hughes Corporation its blessing, the full board has yet to approve it. So things are looking good for HHC in that regard, but it isn't money in the bank yet. Moreover, CB1's Landmarks Committee did not approve HHC's proposal to add a story to the Tin Building. This would mean, of course, that HHC would have that much less space to lease in the Tin Building and that much less revenue. HHC may find that prospect disappointing.

It's possible that what you observed was a temporary cessation of the pile-driving work. The equipment comes in on a barge, and when the work is finished, the barge departs. "There's no question that the pilings are going in," said Michael Kramer, a South Street Seaport resident, member of Save Our Seaport and a public member of Community Board 1.

We welcome letters to the editor. Email them to We reserve the right to edit them for clarity and length.

Downtown bulletin board
Tourists at Broad and Wall Streets. Should they be looking for that scarce Lower Manhattan amenity, a public restroom, they would find one in Federal Hall, behind them. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
Lower Manhattan Shop Dine Guide (and location of public restrooms): The 2015 edition of the Lower Manhattan guide to shopping and dining published by the Alliance for Downtown New York has been mailed to many Lower Manhattan residents and is also available by request from the Downtown Alliance's website. The guide is packed with useful information including, among other things, the location of public restrooms. These are located at 60 Wall St. in the atrium; in the Battery Park City library at 175 North End Ave.; in Castle Clinton National Monument in historic Battery Park; at Federal Hall National Monument, 26 Wall St.; at the New Amsterdam Library, 9 Murray St.; in the Solaire on the periphery of Teardrop Park, 20 River Terrace; in the Staten Island Ferry Terminal at South and Whitehall Streets; and in Wagner Park in Battery Park City. For information about how to order the free guide, click here.

Electronics recycling:
As of this year (2015) it is illegal to discard electronics in the trash. New York City apartment buildings are eligible to participate in a program that provides them with a free service to pick up and recycle unwanted electronics. Click here for more information. Alternatively, electronics can be dropped off at Goodwill, the Salvation Army, Best Buy, Staples (no TVs) or the Lower East Side Ecology Center. For more information, click here. Working electronics can be donated for reuse at the New York City Stuff Exchange. For more information, click here.

Christmas tree heaven:
Through Jan. 26, the Battery Park City Parks Conservancy is collecting Christmas trees to turn into compost. Battery Park City residents are invited to bring their trees (minus all decorations and stands) to their street corner where BPCPC staff will pick them up daily. Trees will then be taken to Esplanade Plaza to be fed through a chipper.

"Recycling your tree is a great way to help your community by reducing waste, lowering carbon emissions and helping to keep the plants healthy," says the Battery Park City Parks Conservancy on its website. For more information about the tree chipping program, click here. For more information about BPCPC's sustainable composting practices, click here.

Fundraiser for Kerri Pedersen's children
: For more than two decades, Kerri Pedersen worked as a nurse practitioner at Tribeca Pediatrics. Eleven years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but continued living as normally as possible - working and and taking care of her two children. She passed away on Dec. 16 at the age of 44. "Kerri touched thousands of local parents and their babies and children with her gentle knowledge and her loving and inviting smile," said Manon Chevallerau, one of her many admirers. "Every one who knew her, loved her and is heartbroken with the news." Pedersen was a single mother. Her older child, Conrad, now 27, has become the legal guardian for her younger child, Gage, 11. Pedersen's many friends have established a fundraiser to help her boys. To learn more about this effort, or to contribute, click here.


Community Board 1 meetings take place at 49-51 Chambers St., Room 709, unless otherwise noted, and start at 6 p.m. Bring photo ID to enter the building. All are welcome to attend.

Jan. 12: Planning Committee
* World Trade Center Performing Arts Center - Update by Maggie Boepple, President & Lucy Sexton, Associate Artistic Director
* MTA fan plants and infrastructure storm hardening - Update by Zachary Campbell, Assistant Director, Government & Community Relations
* City-wide Zoning Text Amendment regarding stairwells in non-residential buildings - Resolution
* Acquisition of office space for Department of City Planning at 120 Broadway - Resolution
* Status of FEMA Disaster Assistance Programs - Update by Ken Curtin, Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator, FEMA
* City-wide allocation of Community Development Block Grant Funds - Resolution
* Committee accomplishments of 2014 for CB1 Annual Report

Jan. 13: Youth & Education Committee
* Committee Accomplishments of 2014 for CB1 Annual Report

Jan. 14:  Tribeca Committee
* Worth Street Reconstruction Project - Preliminary presentation
* Pier 26 Update by Madelyn Wils, President and CEO, Hudson River Park Trust - Resolution
* Proposed changes to parking regulations in Tribeca - Presentation by Jennifer Leung, Project Manager, NYC Department of Transportation and possible resolution
* Bastille Day 2015 Street Activity Permit application for West Broadway between White Street and Walker Street, Tuesday July 14, 2015, 12 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Resolution
* Tribeca Community School Block Party street activity permit application for Ericsson Place between Varick and Hudson Streets, Saturday, May 16, 2015 - Resolution
* NYC Police Museum Fair, Friday June 19, 2015 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., North Moore Street between West and Greenwich Streets - Resolution
* Committee Accomplishments of 2014 for CB1 Annual Report

The following notices have been received for renewal, upgrade, or transfer of wine and beer or liquor licenses and sidewalk cafes:
* 110 Chambers St., application for corporate change for Liberty Restaurant LLC d/b/a Patriot Saloon
* 323 Greenwich St., application for renewal of sidewalk caf� license for four tables and 10 chairs
*460 Greenwich St., application for renewal of sidewalk cafe license for Tecton Caf� Inc.
* 3 Lispenard St., application for renewal of restaurant liquor license for One Japan Inc. d/b/a Tataki
* 85 West Broadway, application for renewal of restaurant liquor license for 85 West Broadway Owner LLC and Tribeca Kitchen LLC, d/b/a Smyth Hotel

Jan. 15: Quality of Life Committee 
* NYC DOT Construction Update
* Committee Accomplishments of 2014 for CB1 Annual Report

Jan. 19: Office Closed - Martin Luther King's Birthday

CALENDAR: Week of Jan. 5
Resident printer Ali Osborn showing a student how to use Bowne Printers' Vandercook press at a linoleum block printing workshop. (Photo: Terese Loeb Kreuzer)
Jan. 9: Two hundred twenty-five years ago, Alexander Hamilton became the nation's first Secretary of the Treasury. In celebration of Hamilton's birthday on Jan. 11, the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society (AHA Society) has organized events at Trinity Church, where he is buried, and at the Museum of American Finance, housed in a Wall Street building erected by the Bank of New York, which Hamilton founded. From 11:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., there will be a graveside wreath-laying and blessing at Trinity Church (Broadway at Wall Street). From 12 p.m.-1 p.m. at the Museum of American Finance: "Conversation with the Curators" on the exhibit "Alexander Hamilton: Indispensable Founder and Visionary." Join Museum founder John Herzog and AHA Society Chair Mariana Oller in a discussion about their curation of the newest exhibit at the museum. The talk will be followed by the cutting of birthday cake in honor of Hamilton's birthday. 1 p.m.-2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.: Exhibit Open House "Alexander Hamilton: Indispensable Founder and Visionary." AHA Society docents will be available at the Hamilton exhibit to answer questions about Hamilton's life. 2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Talk: "A Bar Fight that Changed America: Alexander Hamilton, the Trespass Act, and the Case of Rutgers v. Waddington." Lawyer Pooja Nair speaks on Alexander Hamilton's legal defense of Tories after the Revolutionary War. 4:30 p.m.-5 p.m.: Candlelight processional to Hamilton's grave at Trinity Church starting at the Museum of American Finance. Place: Museum of American Finance, 48 Wall St. All events are free. For more information, click here.

Jan. 9: Alexis P. Suter, a rising star in the roots, blues and soul scene, gives a concert at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center. Place: 199 Chambers St. Time: 8 p.m.-10 p.m. Tickets: $15. For more information and to buy tickets, click here.

Jan. 10: "Winter Blast" at the National Museum of the American Indian includes a storybook reading ("Rabbit's Snow Dance," retold by James and Joseph Bruchac and illustrated by Jeff Newman) and games such as Eskimo yo-yo, string games, Hawaiian stone game, Woodlands bone toss, M�tis rattle games and other activities. Place: 1 Bowling Green. Time: Noon to 5 p.m. with storybook reading at 1 p.m. Free. For more information, click here.

Jan. 10: Poets House presents "Creating the Future: Art and Climate Change with Alison Hawthorne Deming." Poet and essayist Alison Hawthorne Deming, whose newest book is "Zoologies: On Animals and the Human Spirit," discusses writing in the era of climate change - how we must join the sensual texture and discernment of poetry with the critical content of scientific writing to fully elucidate a rapidly changing world. Place: Poets House, 10 River Terrace. Time: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets: $10; $7 (students and seniors); free (Poets House members). For more information, click here.

Jan. 11: The Museum of Jewish Heritage screens a one-hour, CNN special called "The Voices of Auschwitz" in which Wolf Blitzer looks back at Auschwitz through the eyes of those who were imprisoned there. There will be a post-screening discussion with Blitzer and Martin Greenfield, a survivor of Auschwitz. Place: Museum of Jewish Heritage, 36 Battery Place. Time: 2:30 p.m. Free (donations welcome). Tickets available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 11 a.m. For more information, click here.

Jan. 11: Learn about linoleum block printing at a three-hour workshop conducted by Ali Osborn, resident printer at Bowne Printers, a part of the South Street Seaport Museum. Osborn will teach the basics of carving and printing linoleum blocks, including inking and printing by hand. Then everyone's blocks will be ganged up for printing on Bowne's vintage Vandercook press. Each student will go home with his or her own block, individual prints, and one poster of everyone's prints together. All materials supplied. Place: 209 Water St. Time: 2 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Tickets: $50; $40 (museum members). Suitable for apprentices 12 and up. For more information or to register, click here.

Jan. 13: SUNY professor James M. Lindgren will give a talk on "Preserving South Street Seaport: The Dream and the Reality of a New York Urban Renewal District" from 1960s to the present. He will discuss State and City funding, the Landmarks Preservation Commission and Rockefeller, Jane Jacobs, Peter Stanford, Jakob Isbrandtsen, and more. His talk will be followed by a question and answer session. Sponsored by the Friends of South Street Seaport. Place: Southbridge Towers community room, 100 Beekman St. Time: 6:30 p.m. Free. For more information, click here.

Ongoing: Mondays through Wednesdays in January, The Howard Hughes Corporation in partnership with and sponsor New York Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital invites local families inside the Community Cube at the South Street Seaport. Children will have a chance to partake in music, arts, crafts, film and yoga for kids. For more information, click here.

Ongoing: The Woolworth Building was designed by Cass Gilbert to house the offices of the F. W. Woolworth Company and was the tallest building in the world from 1913 until 1930. With its ornamental gothic-style exterior, it dominated the New York City skyline and served as an icon of American ingenuity with state of the art steel construction, fireproofing and high-speed elevators and it was dubbed "the Cathedral of Commerce." The building is still privately owned and operated, and has long been closed to the public. Tours of its magnificent landmarked lobby featuring marble, mosaics, and murals have only recently been made available and can be taken for 30-minutes, 60-minutes or 90-minutes. Custom and Private tours for groups of 10 - 35 can also be arranged. Place: 233 Broadway. Various times. Tickets: $20, $30 and $45, depending on the length of the tour. For more information and to buy tickets, click here. 

Ongoing: The Jewish Art Salon presents "Lashon Hara: On the Consequences of Hate Speech." This exhibit examines the power of words, both within hate speech and as "a catalyst for salvation" The exhibit features several mixed media textile works by Robin Atlas. Place: The Anne Frank Center USA (44 Park Place). Time: Tuesdays through Saturdays (except holidays), 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tickets: $8 (adults); $5 (students and seniors 65 and over); Free for children ages 8 and under.

Through Feb. 27, 2015. For more information, click here.  


Ongoing: An exhibit at Poets House called "Winter Wedding: Holiday Cards by Poets" is a compendium of imaginative and sometimes touching holiday greetings. The exhibit has been drawn from the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library at Emory University and was curated by Kevin Young and Lisa Chinn. See "Happy Holidays" greetings from Langston Hughes, "Seasons Greetings" from Seamus and Marie Heaney and handmade valentines exchanged by Alice Notley and Ted Berrigan. This exhibition explores the vibrant, often funny, and always fascinating portraits of time, affection and ties of love and friendship. The exhibition is on view during library hours through March 21, 2015. Place: 10 River Terrace. Free. For more information, click here.

Ongoing: "Glittering World: Navajo Jewelry of the Yazzie Family" opened on Nov. 14 and continues through Jan. 10, 2016. The exhibit includes more than 300 examples of beautifully crafted jewelery, most of it made by the Yazzie family, with some from the National Museum of the American Indian's collection. Through a video, photographs and a handsome catalog, the exhibit shows how the jewelry expresses Navajo cultural values and way of life inspired by a majestic landscape of buttes, mesas and desert. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and on Thursdays until 8 p.m.; closed December 25. Admission is free. 


Ongoing: The Skyscraper Museum presents "Times Square, 1984: The Postmodern Movement," on view through Jan. 18, 2015. Times Square today is bright and crowded - a tourist mecca, entertainment district, retail powerhouse and pedestrianized precinct that matches in vitality, both economic and populist, any decade of its storied past. But 30 years ago, the future of Times Square was in limbo - caught between a series of false starts at clean-slate urban renewal by New York City and New York State and an emerging philosophy of urbanism that favored history, preservationist values, electric signs and semiotics, and delirious diversity. Place: 39 Battery Place. Open, Wednesday to Sunday, noon to 6 p.m. Admission: $5; $2.50 (students and seniors). For more information, click here.  
Ongoing: "A Town Known as Auschwitz" is an exhibit of photographs at the Museum of Jewish Heritage tracing the history of a town called "Oswiecim" in what is now Poland, where Jews and non-Jews lived side by side for centuries. When German forces occupied the town in September 1939, they renamed it "Auschwitz" and established a concentration and death camp there. More than 1 million people died at Auschwitz, including 90 percent of the town's Jews. The museum is at 36 Battery Place. For information the exhibit, click here. For information on the museum's hours and admission fees, click here.
Ongoing: The South Street Seaport Museum's lightship Ambrose and its barque Peking welcome visitors Wednesdays to Sundays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Pier 16 (on the East River at Fulton Street). The Ambrose, launched in 1908,  once guided large ships through the Ambrose Channel into New York harbor. Peking was launched in Hamburg, Germany in 1911, one of the last commercial sailing ships ever built. She was used to carry goods from Europe to South America and to return to Europe with nitrate. The museum's Visitors Services associates explain all of the fascinating details of the ships and their relevance to the history of New York as a port city. Cost: $12 (adults); $8 (students, 12-24 and seniors); $5 (children 2-11); under 2, free. To buy tickets, click here.

Ongoing: "Defining Lines: Maps from the 1700s and early 1800s" at the Fraunces Tavern
Museum. Twenty-seven maps provide a perspective on the evolving nation's place in history. A map from 1804, never before exhibited, shows the U.S. postal routes. Place: 54 Pearl St. Time: Noon to 5 p.m., daily. Admission fees: $7; $4 (seniors, students with ID, children, 6 to 8 years old. Children, 5 and under, free. Active military with ID, free. For more information, click here.
Ongoing: The National Museum of the American Indian is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with free admission. It offers free films, docent-led tours of its exhibitions and tours of its premises, the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, designed by Cass Gilbert. The building, which was completed in 1907, is a National Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. One Bowling Green. Phone: (212) 514-3700. For the museum's calendar, click here.

Ongoing: "Give Me Liberty," a solo exhibition of new works by Brooklyn-based artist Sylvanus Shaw, is at the Fraunces Tavern Museum. In this site-specific exhibition, Shaw utilizes images from the Museum's permanent collection, invoking imagery of early American statehood in media ranging from oil on panel to collaged holograms, security envelopes, and other mediums.
Through March 16, 2015. Place: Fraunces Tavern Museum, 54 Pearl St. Museum hours: Mon.-Sat., noon to 5 p.m. Admission: $7; $4 (seniors, students, children 6-8); free (children under 5 and active duty military). For more information, click here.  

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Editor: Terese Loeb Kreuzer

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