The New Interdisciplinary School
May Newsletter
The fun at NIS was never-ending in April! The children had a blast with special visitors Pete the Cat and Bobaloo! Bumi, our Pet Therapy dog, visited with children in four of our AM classes (Miss Debbie, Miss Donna, Miss Heidi and Miss Jessica.) As our followers on Facebook know, April was also Occupational Therapy Month. Here are a few pictures from April ... to view more click here (password: niskids).
Our Authors and Literacy Special Event was a huge hit too! Children had the opportunity to participate in several activities revolving around their favorite books. Some of the activities are pictured below:
If you haven't already liked our page on Facebook  , you're missing out on important daily school updates, so please 'like' our page today!
5/7, 1PM
Pet Therapy
Miss Stephanie, Miss Linda A., Miss Jennifer, Miss Barbara, Miss Kelly
Staff Appreciation Day
Parents Needed to Bring Desserts & Write Letters of Appreciation
5/16, 9:30 AM
Parent Council Meeting
Special Speaker
Angela Andriano
Occupational Therapist
5/21, 10AM
Pet Therapy
Miss Katrina, Miss Linda A., Miss Kelly, Miss Brittany, Toddlers
5/21, 7PM
Speech Parent Workshop
Developing Language Through Play
Nancy Serrante &
Susan Cianci
5/28 & 5/29
Class Plays
Bake Sale
6/9, 6/10 & 6/11
Parent Volunteers Needed - Call Susan Cali at ext. 128.
Mediterranean Manor
June 25 & 26
Contact Us |
430 Sills Road
Yaphank, NY 11980
We hope your children are enjoying the Barefoot Books orders they recently received. We are glad that our students are able to enjoy the books they hear at school in the comfort of their homes! NIS received $123 for this fundraiser!
Your Original Works orders will start coming home the week of May 5th. This was a very successful fundraiser for NIS. We earned $700! Thank You!
Your children's school pictures will also come home no later than the week of May 12th. If you forgot to pre-order your child's pictures, you will have an opportunity to do so at that time. The photographers were fantastic, so I'm sure you'll be pleased with the pictures.
Our inventory of NIS sweatshirts is running low! We have the following zippered sweatshirts in stock: ADULT RED sizes S & M, ADULT BLACK sizes S, 2XL & 3XL, ADULT GRAY size S, and CHILDREN'S size S in GRAY & RED! This is the perfect time of year to purchase these sweatshirts! Show your school spirit! Order today! Click here to print an order form and send it to school with your child.
18th Annual
Robert Bresnahan
Merrill Lynch
June 16, 2014
Pt. Jefferson Country Club
Click here to print out a raffle request letter and be sure to ask for donations everywhere you go!
Click here to see 2014 Golf Brochure
If you or anyone you know enjoys golf or is interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please contact Susan Cali, Director of Development, at SusanC2@niskids.org or 924-5583, ext. 128.
MAY IS BETTER SPEECH AND HEARING MONTH! Look for the Speech Display in the Lobby!
Special Thanks to the Speech Therapists at NIS!

A WORD from Your Speech Therapists...
In this month's issue:
Learn how to improve communication in children with Autism
Verbal Gem of the Month
When a little boy was asked by his speech therapist, "What do you wear on your feet at the beach?" he responded, "Flip Socks!" (Hey, could be a new trend!)
NIS is a not for profit school that provides a range of therapeutic and educational programs for both typically developing and developmentally delayed children from birth to five years old. NIS receives funding from New York State and Suffolk County to cover programs and services for students with disabilities; however, we rely on donations to enhance these programs and services.
NIS is a circle of people who envelop those we serve with warmth, enlightenment, and security. We are a creative learning center for the community, for children with disabilities, and those who are typically developing. Our commitment to provide therapeutic and educational services with love and the highest standard of expertise to all who come to NIS remains constant, strong, and deep. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today!