-Request Bus Service, Budget Update, Summer Activities

June 17, 2016
SVA News & Notes
What's Happening at SVA?

July 22 -- Bus Signup Deadline 

August 4 -- New Parent Orientation

August 10 -- First Day of School 


The results are rolling in and SVA scores are up from 2015! Schoolwide average growth per grade level, in terms of percentage of students who met or exceeded the standard, is five points in English Language Arts and seven points in mathematics. Nice work! 
Parent Satisfaction Survey

You should have received an email from Ms. Dutton in the last weeks of school that contained a link to our annual parent satisfaction survey. We've received 77 responses so far. Help us reach our goal of full 100% participation  and take a few minutes to complete the survey this weekend. 

We'd really love to hear from everyone! 
2016-17 Bus Signup

SVA provides no-cost bus service to families who need student transportation to and from our campus.

Seats on the buses are limited and are assigned on a first come, first served basis. 

In the event that there are more rider applications than available seats, preference will be given first to students who qualify for free and reduced price lunch. Second priority will be given to students who will ride the bus daily. Remaining seats will be filled based on the order applications were received. A waitlist will be established once all seats are filled. Please do not reserve a seat for your child if you do not intend to use it. 

The priority application deadline is July 15.

New this year: All bus riders and their parents must attend a mandatory transportation meeting at Back to School Night. You will be notified of the date and time of the meeting at the email address you provide on the form.

Use this form to apply for bus transportation for the 2016-17 year. Please fill out a separate form for each student. 

NEW 2016-17 Bus Routes:
Route 1- Houston, Fairview, Crestwood
Route 2- Four Creeks, Mineral King, Royal Oaks

Schedules for pickup and drop off will be posted on our website once they are finalized. Please check for updates over the summer. 

State Budget Update

Last week, the state Budget Conference Committee met to approve its final recommendations for the 2016-17 state budget. We are pleased to report the committee restored $20 million in charter school start-up funding. This funding was requested by Governor Brown in January, but rejected by budget subcommittees in both houses. 

Charter school supporters across the state, and the Governor, made significant efforts to ensure these funds were restored. Thank you for sending letters in support of the funding, including over 1,750 letters to Assembly Speaker Rendon, and making countless phone calls to key committee members. 
Middle School Admissions Info

Our innovative student-centered middle school program is growing for the 2016-17 year. Currently, there are only a couple of openings remaining for new students. 

We'll have new elective options available next year, along with other exciting changes such as daily PE and Spanish. 

If you know someone who is looking for an excellent option and a small family-like middle school experience, please share our application for admission, linked here, and detailed information about our program, linked here. 
Since 1990, Camp Invention has taken summer fun and transformed it from ordinary to extraordinary! 

Local educators lead a week of hands-on activities created especially for 1st-6th graders. Children will spend their time constructing and personalizing a DIY solar-powered cricket with a unique habitat and taking apart electronics to assemble something new. Lessons explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation. 

Camp will run July 25-29, 9:00AM - 3:30PM each day. 

Visit www.campinvention.org or call 800.968.4332 for information and to sign your student up! Any additional questions may be directed towards Mrs. Padilla at spadilla@sycamorevalleyacademy.org.

Horse and Reader Camps 

Fight summer academic slide with reading, writing, art, science, math, horsemanship, and riding at Visalia's J-Bar Ranch Camps. 

One and two week sessions are available for youth grades K-8. 

For more information contact Jan Loveless, PhD:  jan@jbar.com, 559-798-1510. Check out J-Bar on Facebook. 
Free National Park Access for 4th Graders

The National Park Service is providing FREE access to all National Parks to all 4th graders in the U.S. 

Visit the Every Kid in a Park website to learn more and to get your free pass to America's natural wonders and historic sites.  
Get out the Vote! 

From now through Election Day on November 8, 2016 we will share information and ideas for engaging your children in conversation about the upcoming elections. 

We encourage you to start the conversation, to get involved, and to exercise your right to vote.   

Can I become president?

Tell your aspiring world leader that, according to the Constitution, a person must meet just these three conditions to be eligible to become president:
  1. be a citizen who was born in the United States
  2. have lived in the United States for fourteen years
  3. be at least 35 years old

If you'd like to share information about other political events and opportunities to engage our community in the political process, please email claudiav@sycamorevalleyacademy.org

Next PTO Meeting

PTO will begin meeting again in August. Have a great summer! 

Round Table Pizza
4035 S. Mooney Blvd. 

Sycamore Valley Academy | 559.622.3236 | office@sycamorevalleyacademy.org
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