-Summer Science Camp, Open House, Talent Show

May 20, 2016
SVA News & Notes
What's Happening at SVA?

May 25 -- Open House

May 30 -- Memorial Day Holiday, No School

May 31 -- Talent Show

June 1 -- 8th Grade Graduation

June 3 -- Last Day of School! Minimum Day, 12:15 Dismissal

Since 1990, Camp Invention has taken summer fun and transformed it from ordinary to extraordinary! 

Local educators lead a week of hands-on activities created especially for 1st-6th graders. Children will spend their time constructing and personalizing a DIY solar-powered cricket with a unique habitat and taking apart electronics to assemble something new. Lessons explore connections between science, technology, engineering and innovation. 

Camp will run July 25-29, 9:00AM - 3:30PM each day. 

Priority registration for SVA students ends TODAY May 20th. Beginning tomorrow, May 21st, registration will be open to the public. Spaces are limited, so please don't put it off!  

Visit www.campinvention.org or call 800.968.4332 for information and to sign your student up! Any additional questions may be directed towards Mrs. Padilla at spadilla@sycamorevalleyacademy.org.

Elective Selection

All students entering grades 5-8 next year must complete an Elective Selection Form by Friday, May 27. 

Spend the Evening at SVA

Plan to bring the whole family and spend an evening at SVA. We'll have dinner available for purchase from Tacos Galacticos and Planing Mill Pizza (a portion of the proceeds are donated back to SVA), and plenty to see and do. Classroom visits begin at 6:00PM. 
DE Logo
Next DE Session: 
May 23- June 3
Destination: Disney

Walt Disney's remarkable vision and success provide the inspiration for our final session. We'll explore his history, thoughts, and goals and enjoy the products of his legacy of creativity. If you can dream it, you can do it!

Found Object Art Contest

Entries due Tuesday, May 24

Students are invited to reduce, recycle, and reuse while exercising their creativity! 

Encourage your child to participate in this annual SVA event and make something amazing from what you'd normally toss into the garbage or recycle bin. 

Entries will be on display at Open House. For complete rules and entry information, please download the flyer.  Contact Mrs. Johnson with questions, cjohnson@sycamorevalleyacademy.org
SVA's 4th Annual Student Talent Show

This fun Student Council event is not to missed! Two shows, Tuesday morning, May 31 in the cafeteria. 

Contact Jennifer Denham with questions, jdenham@sycamorevalleyacademy.org
Graduation Information

We have a special evening planned for our 2016 graduates. We have moved the event to the Wyndham Hotel located at 9000 W. Plaza Drive. The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:30PM on Wednesday, June 1. 
A dessert reception will follow.  

The occasion is special, but not formal. Regular guidelines for appropriate dress as stated in the SVA Family Handbook must be observed. Appropriate attire for graduating boys is a long sleeved dress shirt and tie and dress slacks. Appropriate attire for girls is a nice dress or a skirt/slacks and blouse.  Shoes must not have a heel over 1 inch. No spaghetti straps, miniskirts, t-shirts, or low-cut tops are allowed. If you have a question about a specific item of clothing, please bring the item or a photograph of the item to the office for Ms. Dutton's approval prior to the event. 

Questions about graduation may be directed to Claudia Van Groningen

Middle School Admissions Info

Our innovative student-centered middle school program is growing for the 2016-17 year. Currently, there are only a couple of openings remaining for new students. 

We'll have new elective options available next year, along with other exciting changes such as daily PE and Spanish. 

If you know someone who is looking for an excellent option and a small family-like middle school experience, please share our application for admission, linked here, and our recent email that includes detailed information about our program, linked here. 
We're Hiring

Please help us spread the word that SVA is seeking highly qualified individuals to fill several positions. Share the SVA Staff Recruitment Brochure with someone who might be right for SVA! 

With growth on the horizon, Ms. Dutton's dual role of Principal/Superintendent will be divided. Ms. Dutton will become a full time Superintendent, and SVA will gain a new full time Principal beginning July 1. If you know someone who might be the perfect candidate to fill this role at SVA, please send them our way.  View the job posting on EdJoin.

After School Program Coordinator 
A part time position for the 2016-17 academic year. View the EdJoin posting here. 

Instructional Aide
An excellent opportunity to join the SVA team in 2016-17. This position is part time, approximately 32 hours/week. Apply here.

Substitute Teachers and Instructional Aides 
We pay substitute teachers $116/day. 
Substitute Instructional Aides earn $10.30-14.42/hr (depending on education & experience). Must have Tulare County fingerprint clearance. For more information on qualifications and requirements, contact 

2016-17 Academic Calendar

Check out the calendar for next year so that you and your family can make your summer plans accordingly. 

Award Assembly October 30

What's for Lunch?

Monday 5/23 - Mini Turkey Corndogs
Tuesday 5/24 - Turkey & Gravy
Wednesday 5/25 - Chicken Burger
Thursday 5/26 - Cheesy Chicken Burrito
Friday 5/27 - Cheese Pizza

Next PTO Meeting

PTO will begin meeting again in August. Have a great summer! 

Round Table Pizza
4035 S. Mooney Blvd. 

Get out the Vote! 

From now through Election Day on November 8, 2016 we will share information and ideas for engaging your children in conversation about the upcoming elections. 

We encourage you to start the conversation, to get involved, and to exercise your right to vote.  

Can I come to the party?

You may need to teach young children that a political party isn't the same as a birthday party -- even though they'll see lots of balloons, confetti and dancing if they watch a convention on TV. Teach kids that political parties are groups of people with similar interests who join together to support candidates. School-age children have probably heard of the Democrats and Republicans. Introduce them to other parties, too, like the Green Party, the Libertarians and the Progressives. Remind them that voters can just be independents and not join a party at all.

Honoring Student Achievement

We accept nominations for student recognition on an ongoing basis, so be sure to let us know when something great happens! If you would like to nominate a student for their extra curricular accomplishments, complete this form
Sycamore Valley Academy | 559.622.3236 | office@sycamorevalleyacademy.org
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