March 4, 2016
SVA News & Notes
What's Happening at SVA?

March 10-11 -- Parent Teacher Conferences, No School

March 13 -- PTO Roller Towne Family Fun

March 14 -- PTO Meeting

March 21-28 -- Spring Break, No School
DE Staff
Conference Care Available 

Parent teacher conferences will be held on March 10-11, there is no school on those days. SVA After School Programs is offering care for SVA students during conferences
Pre-registration is required by March 6 in order to participate.  

Students will participate in crafts, structured play, reading, projects, and will watch a movie.  Care is offered from 7:30-5:30. Students may also attend for a half day (7:30-12:30 or 12:30-5:30).  The fee for a full day is $12.  The fee for a half day is $6.  Food is not provided; students should bring their own snacks and lunch.  SVA dress code is not required, but reasonable standards of dress are expected.

Thursday March 10
CAMP OUT - Make a ranger vest, learn about local species, go on a nature walk.  Bring a sleeping bag (optional) to enjoy story time, a movie, and s'mores. 

Friday March 11
BACKWARDS ST. PATTY'S - Find a *three* leaf clover, look for a rainbow at the end of the pot of gold, and get a high five if you *don't* wear green!

Pre-registration is required by March 6 in order to participate.  Families already registered with after school programs can enroll through the event registration tab in their customer portal.  (Access your portal here.)  Families who have not yet registered must first do so by clicking on "Sign Up for Programs" at the ASP Program page of the SVA website.  Once you have registered, you will receive an email explaining how to access your portal.

Please contact with any questions.
Hands-on Science

Mr. Rook and his first and second grade science class had a hands-on lesson in recycling. 

They began by collecting everything they found on the ground around campus and throwing it into the composter. 

When the compost was finished, students were able to see which items are biodegradable and which are not. They discussed recycling and fed the nutrient-rich compost to the flowers in front of our school.   

Admissions Info

We have a few seats remaining in our new middle school class next year. If you know someone who is looking for an alternative to the large middle school experience, please share our application for 2016-17 admission, linked here.
Provide your Input on our LCAP Survey

California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) requires schools to solicit stakeholder input in developing their Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP). Please take a few moments to complete the brief survey linked here
Action Alert: Support $20 Million for Charter School Start-Up Funding in the State Budget
Governor Jerry Brown's 2016-17 proposed budget includes $20 million in funding for Charter School Startup Grants to support operational startup costs for charter schools opening in 2016 and 2017. These vital funds will help offset some of the loss of federal funding previously available for this purpose.
For nearly 20 years, California has received federal Public Charter Schools Grant Program funding. Over the last five years, California's grant has been approximately $60 million per year. Unfortunately, during the most recent application cycle for the grant, California was not selected to receive this critical funding in a competition that strongly favored newly eligible states.
Out of the 784 charter schools that opened in the last eight years, 421 charter schools, or nearly 54% percent received start-up funding through PCSGP. The loss of start-up funding would create a significant chilling effect on the charter school sector. The $20 million one-time allocation is a modest, but necessary stop-gap measure to maintain a robust growth trajectory in the charter school sector.
Help us ensure that charter school momentum continues in California.Act now to send a letter in support of charter school start-up funding!

A recent order in a lawsuit against the California Department of Education (CDE) is impacting all schools across the state, including SVA. 

In April 2012, two organizations, the Morgan Hill Concerned Parents Association and the Concerned Parent Association, filed a lawsuit against the CDE alleging widespread, systemic non-compliance by local education agencies with special education laws. The suit also alleges the CDE fails to monitor, investigate, and correct such non-compliance in accordance with the law. The CDE denies these allegations and is actively defending the litigation.

Our school was not involved in the lawsuit and is not the subject of any of the suit's allegations.

Nonetheless, as part of this lawsuit, CDE has been ordered by the court to release all data it has collected on general and special education students since January 1, 2008.

Here's a  about local objections to the court ordered release of student information. 

For more information regarding the release of this data and how you can file an objection with the court to consider not releasing your data or your student's data, visit: You may also contact the CDE at 916-319-0800. 

To opt out, you must submit an objection from to the court by April 1, 2016. The form is linked here. 

Proposed Ballot Initiative Aims to Shut Down Charter Schools

Have you heard that an anti-charter group is trying to gather enough signatures to put an initiative on the ballot in November that would close every single charter in California? 

We think you should know that a small group of misinformed people are trying to shut down ALL CHARTER SCHOOLS IN CALIFORNIA. California loves its charter schools, with half-a-million kids attending charter schools in the state and 158,000 on wait lists.

Join us in asking California to support its charter schools and not let a few angry people close great public schools. 

Join the Facebook group "Save California's Charter Schools" 
Property Reminder

At SVA, we make every effort to maintain a safe, healthy, and equitable learning environment for our students. 

We provide necessary school supplies (pencils, markers, etc.) for student use.
Please do not allow your child to bring items to school that are not part of the education program, unless specifically requested by the teacher

Cell phones may be brought to school for use AFTER school. Phones must remain turned off (not on vibrate or silent) and may not be used during school hours. If a cell phone is visible during school hours, it will be confiscated. 

SVA is not responsible for loss or damage of personal items brought to school. 

Please help us spread the word that SVA is seeking highly qualified individuals to fill several positions. Share the SVA Staff Recruitment Brochure with anyone who might be a match for our organization. 

With growth on the horizon, Ms. Dutton's dual role of Principal/Superintendent will be divided. Ms. Dutton will become a full time Superintendent, and SVA will gain a new full time Principal beginning July 1. If you know someone who might be the perfect candidate to fill this role at SVA, please send them our way. 

Full-time Teacher 2016-17
SVA is looking for a talented teacher to join our staff next year. Here's a link to the posting on EdJoin. Pass it on! 

Substitute Teachers and Instructional Aides 
We pay substitute teachers $116/day. 
Substitute Instructional Aides earn $10.30-14.42/hr (depending on education & experience). Must have Tulare County fingerprint clearance. For more information on qualifications and requirements, contact 
DE Logo
Next DE Session - 
Feb 29-March 18

Destination: Food for All

Explore the food we eat every day and the nutrition inside it that powers us. Acknowledge that everyone must eat, but that not everyone can. This session culminates with a spring food drive and arrangements to participate at Food Link over the spring break. 
New Immunization Law

Effective January 1, 2016, a new law prohibiting exemption from immunization requirements for personal beliefs went into effect. 

If your family is affected by this change please read the letter from Tulare County Health & Human Services linked here.  

For more information you may contact Tulare County Public Health at (559) 687-5725 or visit
Explorers Basketball

Explorer Basketball Home Schedule
March 3 - 3:30 - 4:30
March 8 - 3:30 - 5:30
March 10 - 3:30 - 4:30

Please contact Jessica Bennett if you are interested in volunteering in the sva basketball program.
Lunch Menu

Monday - 3/7 Pizza Cheese Crunchers
Tuesday - 3/8 Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Wednesday - 3/9 Mini Hot Dog Twins
Thursday - 3/10 No School
Friday - 3/11 No School

Honoring Student Achievement

We accept nominations for student recognition on an ongoing basis, so be sure to let us know when something great happens! If you would like to nominate a student for their extra curricular accomplishments, complete this form

Roller Towne Family Fun! 

Dust off those wheels and come out for some family fun on Sunday, March 13, 10AM-NOON. 

The cost is $4.00 per person. 

"SVA Belongs to Me" tiles will be available to paint at Roller Towne. These tiles will be installed on campus for all future Explorers to see! 

Jog-a-Thon Coming Soon!

Attention Parents! Business sponsors are needed for the 20
16 SVA PTO Jog-a-Thon. 

PTO has expanded sponsorship opportunities this year. Sponsors will be recognized on event signage (Silver level $50 and up) and event t-shirts (Gold-Diamond level, $250-$750). Please help us make this event the huge success it was last year. 

Use this letter to reach out to your contacts in the community. 

Student pledge forms will be sent home on April 11 for parent and family Jog-a-Thon sponsorships. 
Next PTO Meeting

March 14, 6:00PM

Round Table Pizza
4035 S. Mooney Blvd. 

Tomato Garden Fundraiser Update

SVA PTO sold 340 tomato gardens, bringing in over $2500 dollars for our school! Delivery of Tomato Gardens will happen after spring break. Look for announcements regarding a specific date for pick up coming soon. 

Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser!
Community Events
Excellence or Bust! 

SVA will be hosting an event especially for educators on April 1 and April 8. 

Leaders in education will visit our school to learn about our programs and instructional practices. 

If you are an educator, download the invitation here. Feel free to share with other educators in the community.
Sycamore Valley Academy | 559.622.3236 |
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