Your source for all things SVA.

January 15, 2016
SVA News & Notes
What's Happening at SVA?

January 18 -- Holiday, No School

January 25 -- Staff Development, No School

Tell One Person 

The admissions period is a time to reach out to our community, to
increase access to our option by increasing awareness of our option.
Please commit to telling one person about SVA, and encourage them to apply to join us.  

Here's a few easy ways to tell spread the word about SVA:
1.  Please forward the email you received last week with the subject line "Special Announcement - 2016-17 Admissions" to anyone you know who may be interested in our excellent option for education. 

2. Invite someone to attend an informational meeting or take a campus tour. Info meetings will be held at 6PM in the cafeteria on Jan. 25, and Feb. 16. Tours will be held at 8AM on Feb. 4, and Feb 11. Call ahead to reserve a spot on the tour. Spanish translation is available for all tours and info meetings. 

3. Post about us on social media.  Share a link to our website's admissions page via social media. Here's that link: SVA Admissions. Share a post from Ms. Dutton or another staff member, or write your own post about our awesome school. #SVArocks

4. Print the application, linked here, and hand it to someone you know. 

5. Just talk. By telling others about the positive experience your family has had at SVA, you can help others in our community who value education gain access to this option. Share a story about a moment when you were grateful for SVA, share your child's success, or - better yet, ask your child to tell someone why they love SVA. 
Foggy Day Schedules

SVA will operate as usual on foggy days, but students arriving late with a written or phone excuse will not be penalized for being tardy. 

Bus transportation is provided through VUSD and all "foggy day plan" schedules will be decided by the district transportation office. Foggy day plans are announced through news media and is posted on the district's website

For more information on foggy day plans at SVA download this PDF
Explorers Basketball

SVA Basketball needs volunteer referees! We need 2-4 referees for all home games. If you can help out at one or more games, your help will be greatly appreciated! Sorry, no high school students may referee in this league. 

Explorer Basketball Home Schedule

January 26 - 3:30 - 4:30
February 4 - 3:30 - 4:30
February 16 - 3:30 - 5:30
March 3 - 3:30 - 4:30
March 8 - 3:30 - 5:30
March 10 - 3:30 - 4:30

Please contact Jessica Bennett ASAP if you can help out!
Last Call for 
School Picture Orders

If you'd like to order or re-order prints of your student's school pictures, the deadline is Monday, January 18.

For more information or to place an order, contact the photographer directly at:
Art Supplies Needed! 

Ms. Bennett is collecting scrapbook paper and yarn for upcoming projects. If you'd like to contribute materials, please send them to your child's classroom teacher. 

Thank you!
One Warm Coat

Now through January 19, our afterschool program is participating in coat drive. They are accepting new or gently used outerwear for men, women, and children. Coats will be distributed by Tulare Rescue Mission.

ATTENTION PARENTS: Items in our lost and found which are not picked up by Jan. 19 will be donated to the coat drive. 
Scholar Fund Campaign 

Many thanks to those who have made a contribution. Your support is so meaningful! 

If you have not yet made your family's annual contribution, please know that we are counting on your support. No amount is too small to make a difference for our school.  Click here to donate online now

Thank you for helping make SVA the school of choice in Visalia! 
Safety First! 

Parents, please remember to exercise extreme caution when dropping off and picking up your children at SVA. 

Many cars and many children in a small space calls for great care. 

Thank you for taking the time to be safe. 
What's for Lunch? 

Monday 1/18 - HOLIDAY, NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 1/19 - Chicken Soft Taco
Wednesday 1/20 - Cheeseburger Sliders
Thursday - 1/21 - Macaroni & Cheese
Friday - 1/22 - Bean & Cheese Burrito
Next PTO Meeting

February 8, 6:00PM

Round Table Pizza
4035 S. Mooney Blvd. 

You've seen how Sycamore Valley Academy ranked against other districts in the county on 2014-15 CAASPP scores, now take a look at how we stacked up against other VUSD schools. 
Check out the table below to see how SVA compares to the best of VUSD. 

Way to go SVA! 

This table compares achievement in like grade levels at top performing VUSD schools. 
DE Logo
Next DE Session - Jan 11-29

Destination: Under the Sea

Head underwater to enjoy the sights and scenery of the sea, both factual and fictional. Watch out for sharks! 
Remembering the Holocaust

Tulare County office of Education will host a public talk by one of the youngest living Holocaust survivors, Dr. Elaine Geller, on January 20th at the new TCOE Administration Building on Mooney in Visalia. Dr. Geller will share her personal story of life during the HolocaustSpace is limited.


Honoring Student Achievement

We accept nominations for student recognition on an ongoing basis, so be sure to let us know when something great happens! If you would like to nominate a student for their extra curricular accomplishments, complete this form

Sycamore Valley Academy | 559.622.3236 |
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