image of ward 5
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Jared S. Littmann
Alderman, Ward 5, Annapolis

912 Forest Drive 
(office at K&B True Value)

410-268-3939 (office)
443-926-2399 (cell)

May 2
7:00 PMWard 5 Town Hall Meeting, open to all, Pip Moyer Rec Center

May 13

7:00 PM, City Council Regular Meeting, City Council Chambers


May 16

1:30 - 4:30 PM, Work Session, City Council Chambers


May 20

7:00 PM, City Council 

Special Meeting, City Council Chambers



I am writing to invite you to a Town Hall Meeting this Thursday,
May 2, at 7 p.m., at the Pip Moyer Recreation Center, in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2. 

The focus of the meeting will be issues that affect the residents of Ward 5, but many of those issues affect everyone that lives in or near Annapolis, and anyone is welcome to join us. 
Brief presentations will be made by: me, City Manager Mike Mallinoff, the Chiefs of Police and Fire, and the Directors of the Departments of Public Works, Neighborhood & Environmental Programs, Planning & Zoning, and Transportation. The specific topics that they will address are outlined in the Press Release below.

This is a great opportunity for you to present your concerns and ask questions of me and those City representatives. This is a free event and no registration is required, although I would appreciate an RSVP here for head count purposes. 


The purpose of the meeting is to increase the transparency and responsiveness of your City government. By increasing your awareness of the issues with which the City grapples, there will be less surprise or misunderstanding of the City's decisions. Further, by offering this opportunity for public questions and comments, you give those City representatives the opportunity to consider your point of view.


As always, I welcome your feedback and questions, and appreciate your help in reaching other Ward 5 residents by to them.


Jared Littmann
Alderman, Ward 5, Annapolis

Press ReleaseTopics

Ward 5 Town Hall Meeting, May 2, 2013, 7 PM, Rec Center


Annapolis, MD (April 29) - Alderman Jared Littmann (Ward 5, City of Annapolis) announced today that he and key City department leaders will jointly hold a Town Hall meeting geared to the issues and concerns of residents in Ward 5 of Annapolis, though anyone is welcome to attend. The meeting will be at the Pip Moyer Recreation Center on May 2, 2013, at 7:00 PM, in meeting rooms 1 & 2.


This is a great opportunity for ward residents to present their concerns and ask their questions to Alderman Littmann and City's department leaders. Brief presentations will be made by: Alderman Littmann, City Manager Mike Mallinoff, the Chiefs of Police and Fire, and the Directors of the Departments of Public Works, Neighborhoods and Environmental Protection, Planning & Zoning, and Transportation.  Specific topics will include:

  1. City Manager: Fiscal trends and accomplishments, goals and priorities
  2. Planning & Zoning: Projects and initiatives in Community Development, Historic Preservation, Comprehensive Planning and Current Planning
  3. Fire: EMS and Fire response operations, emergency preparedness, risk management, factors driving the cost of Fire/EMS services
  4. Police: Crime trends and data, staffing, community outreach, problem-oriented policing, grant awards and spending
  5. Public Works: FY14 focus areas - Clean & Green program, new Water Treatment Plant, open Market House, City Hall project, City Dock projects, sidewalks repairs & street paving, water & sewer rates and service
  6. DNEP: Permitting & inspections, pre-application meetings and centralized one-stop permitting, abandoned structures, Forest Conservation Act, Clean Water Act/TMDL, Bay Pollution Diet, Bradford Pear replacement.
  7. Transportation: Transit Service, Circulator, parking, revenues and expenditures generally

Alderman Littmann believes in having a transparent government, so that City residents, particularly those in Ward 5, are aware of the issues that the City leaders are grappling with, and have a chance to present their concerns or ask their questions. Ward 5 includes the following communities: Hunt Meadow, The Landings, Annapolis Overlook, Saltaire, and North Green of Annapolis. This is a free event and no registration is required.  For more information, visit, or write to 

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