 Kentucky Oil & Gas Association March BITS Newsletter
In This Issue
Executive Director Message
2013 Legislative Roundup
Upcoming Events
EPA Regulations for Natural Gas Well Completions
2012 KY Energy Profile
Protecting Your General Liability Limits
Explore the Numbers
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 KOGA's Mission is aligning and coalescing industry stakeholders to influence public policy and shape attitudes which materially impact Kentucky's Oil & Gas industry. It achieves its mission through legislative advocacy, business networking and strategic communications.

Dear KOGA Membership,

We hope you will enjoy this March issue of  KOGA's BITS Newsletter.  We have several great articles and important industry information included below.  Please take a moment to let us know what you think or any suggestions you may have to improve on the next newsletter.
Moving Forward with
Andrew Headshot
KOGA's Mission 

Andrew V. McNeill, Exe
cutive Director

It's been a busy couple of months at KOGA since our last newsletter. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you travel a few hundred miles and spend some late nights with the Kentucky General Assembly. It's been incredibly rewarding to carry KOGA's message and promote our mission as the voice of Kentucky's independent oil and gas industry. Read More.... 

KOGA 2013 LegislativeBill Barr Roundup

By: William G. Barr III,  KOGA Legislative Chairman 
The Kentucky General Assembly concluded its odd-year 30 Day session on March 26th.  The session was dominated by legislation addressing Kentucky's underfunded public employee pension plan, special taxing district transparency and accountability, overseas military voting and regulation of industrial hemp (to name a few).Read More...

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Jenny Wiley State Park
Technical Session 4:30 p.m.

Dinner Meeting 6:00 p.m.



KOGA's Eastern KY Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at Jenny Wiley State Park. KOGA is presenting a special technical program at 4:30 p.m. about the Berea Sandstone Oil Play that is currently underway in eastern Kentucky. For the dinner meeting, Speaker of the Kentucky House of Representatives, Greg Stumbo, will address the membership. 

Important EPA Regulations for Natural Gas Well Completions

By: Kyle R. Hagen, P.E. 
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On October 15, 2012, EPA finalized the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) found in 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOO to control emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) from processes and equipment at natural gas well operations. Read More......
Exhibit at KOGA's 77th Annual Meeting
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 KOGA's 77th Annual Meeting will be held on June 18-20, 2013 in Covington, KY at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.  Showcase your company by being an exhibitor at the 77th Annual Meeting.  Read More.....

2012 Kentucky Energy Profile 
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The Department for Energy Development & Independence has published the 2012 Kentucky Energy Profile. Read More......
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Protecting Your  
General Liability Limits

By: Nicole Geiger Welden 
In the Oil and Gas Industry, Master Service Agreements (MSAs), have become a common way to establish a contractual relationship to govern ongoing work during exploration, drilling, production and service without having to renegotiate terms and conditions multiple times.  Read more.... 
Explore the Numbers

KOGA Insider

Kentucky Oil & Gas Association 
Physicians Park 1-A
Frankfort, KY 40601

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