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Los Altos UMC E-News

July 21, 2016

In This Issue

Christian Wallet Principles
Worship on July 24
Starfire Singers Perform Borderless
All-Church Summer BBQs
Fill a Backpack, Fulfill a Dream

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Christian Wallet Principles
by Mike Slaughter
Every Christian knows that we are called to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. But what about our wallet? We get asked to open it every Sunday when the offering basket comes by and are told that's being a "good steward." There is no clearer indicator of our ultimate values than our financial priorities and practices - how we spend, how we live, how we save, and how we give reveal the true altar of our hearts. Ultimately, how we use our money is unavoidably a spiritual question. ... Read more. 
Worship on July 24
8:00, 9:30, 11:15am, and 5:00pm
This Sunday we finish our series "Living Beyond the Borders," about transforming our lives through the five practices of discipleship. Senior Pastor Mariellen Yoshino will give the message about Extravagant Generosity. The scripture is 2 Corinthians 9:11. All are welcome.
Starfire Singers Perform Borderless
Friday & Saturday, 7:30pm, Creekside
Starfire Singers, our high school choir, is premiering a new original musical here at LAUMC this weekend! Come see Borderless, written by Dirk and Carol Damonte, for a fresh perspective on our Five Practices of Discipleship. Admission is free, and an offering will be taken for Willka T'ika Children's Fund to support trade education for Quechua high school graduates in remote Andean villages. The shows will also be streamed live
All-Church Summer BBQs 
Thursdays, July 28, August 4, August 11
6:00pm, Creekside 

Come enjoy fellowship, good food, and excellent entertainment at our annual summer barbecues! Bring your family and neighbors, or just come hang out with your church family. Next Thursday, the Wesley Jazz Ensemble will perform. The following weeks will be the Lyric Theatre Ensemble and the Star Geezers. Admission at the door is $8/general, $5/children under 6, or $22/family.

Child care for children under 4 and games for older children are available with RSVP to Pat Osborne (650-948-7955). 
Fill a Backpack, Fulfill a Dream 
Sundays, July 24 and 31   
running-backpack-children.jpgSacred Heart Community Service wants to ensure that children of struggling families don't miss out on a quality education. The agency is hoping to give 3,300 K-12 children a new backpack filled with age-appropriate school supplies, and LAUMC is collecting supplies to help out! This Sunday or next Sunday, bring donations to the red barrels in the church entry. The most-needed items are new backpacks (not red or blue), scientific calculators, USB flash drives, safety scissors, and $20 shoe store gift cards. For a list of all requested supplies and more information, visit the Sacred Heart website
Upcoming Events
Thu, July 21
Youth Room Kitchen Remodel
Fri, July 22
Starfire Singers Home Show, 7:30pm, Creekside
Sat, July 23
Starfire Singers Home Show, 7:30pm, Creekside
Sun, July 24 
Morning Worship - 8, 9:30, & 11:15am, Sanctuary

   Special music, 8am

   Starfire Singers, 9:30am

   Special music, 11:15am

Sunday School & GroupLife Groups, various

Creekside Crossings Service, 5pm, Creekside

   Creekside Worship Band

SuperSoul Sunday Nights, 7pm, Resource Ctr
Mon, July 25
UMW Faire Ladies Handicrafts, 9:30am, Creekside

Back to the Bible, 9:30am, Resource Ctr

Tai Chi, 10:30am, Creekside

Brown Bags & Bibles, 12noon, Resource Ctr

OpenCircle, 7pm, Live Oak Rm
Tue, July 26 
Tuesday Morning Bible Study, 9:30am, Garden Rm

Yoga, 5:15pm, CC Multipurpose

Wed, July 27
OpenCircle Prayer Grp, 7am, Garden Rm

The Big Questions, 7pm, Resource Ctr
Thu, July 28
All-Church Summer BBQ, 6pm, Creekside

Thursday Night Women's Book Group, 7:30pm, Garden Rm
Save the Date
Aug 4, Aug 11 Summer BBQs
Sept 25 Guest Preacher: Bob Goff 
Oct 3-9 Compassion Week 
Congregational Care 


We covenant to pray for one another and the world. See this week's prayer concerns. 

If you need pastoral care, contact the Church Office (650-948-1083). For Angels on Call, contact Director of Congregational Care Patricia Parfett. If you have a care emergency that cannot wait until normal business hours, please contact our After-Hours Pastoral Care Line (650-823-4562).


A wide variety of pastoral care and support services are available at LAUMC, including meals, transportation, and visitors, as well as groups for long-term illness, and grief. Check our website for services and/or groups that may be supportive to you, OR that might be a place you would like to volunteer.