Dear NICHE Friends:

As a number of you already know, I recently accepted a position as the Hearst Foundation Chair in Gerontology at Hunter College of the City University of New York and will be leaving at the end of January 2014. Please accept my heartfelt goodbye.

I leave with mixed feelings...happy about my new career opportunity, but sad to be leaving such an incredible group of individuals who are dedicated to the highest standards of care for older persons. My ten years as a member of NICHE were by far the best period of my career. I've been blessed to have had the opportunity to play a part with all of you in making NICHE a driving force in geriatrics. I can only wish that my new position will provide equally rewarding experiences and supportive colleagues.

In particular, I would like to acknowledge NICHE Managing Director Barbara Bricoli and the entire NICHE team for their support and efforts in making the NICHE program successful and sustainable. NICHE will continue to grow and lead the way in championing quality care for our older adult under the leadership of Dean Eileen Sullivan-Marx and the direction of Barbara and Linda Bub, Director, Education and Programs.

Thank you so much for making my time at NYU and NICHE a truly enjoyable period. Our professional collaborations and personal interactions have been an inspiration to me. I know that the NICHE team here at NYU will continue to support you in your important work.

My very best wishes for the future go out to each and every one of you.

Respectfully yours, 

Liz Capezuti, PhD, RN, FAAN 
NICHE Director 
726 Broadway, 10th floor, New York, NY 10003 �  212.998.5445
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