heading special announcement


Auction Items

Mariana Rydvald Painting of HH 16th Karmapa


Small Heartwood Prayer Wheel containing the mantra OM MANI PEME HUNG

1 Framed, signed 12 by 18" photograph of
His Holiness Karmapa 

Vacation time in Maine near Arcadia National Park

Vacation time at McCracken cabin in Uruguay with two coach airline tickets

Raffle Items 

4 Framed, signed 12 by 18 photographs of HH Karmapa

5 Framed 8 by 10 photos of HH Karmapa

5 Framed Photographic Reproductions of magnificent 12 by 18 Chenrezig Thangka from Tibet

Framed Calligraphies of His Holiness Karmapa

Donation for Raffle Tickets

$5 each, or five for $20.

Tickets can be purchased only at KTD during the Ten-Day Teaching. Won't be attending? Have a friend at the teachings buy tickets for you!

Every person who buys a raffle ticket will receive a secret prize when they purchase their tickets.



Not ready for a vacation, or another dharma item for your home?

You may make a direct donation, which will be filled with merit, and matched dollar for dollar by our generous Matching Donor.


All proceeds from Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche's Annual Ten-Day Teaching Auction and raffle are being matched by a generous donor up to $100,000. 




The annual Ten-Day Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra is a time when students of His Holiness Karmapa gather to hear teachings and experience the fellowship of Karmapa's home center and sangha. This year's event, which will include teachings by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche and a three-day White Tara Retreat to celebrate Khenpo Rinpoche's 90th Birthday, will be extra special for all concerned.

And it will provide all of His Holiness' students with an opportunity to support their favorite "home office" and dharma center, KTD Meditation and Retreat Center.  

KTD, like all non-profits, relies on the generosity of its members, friends, and donors. When you donate to KTD, you keep the lights on in the Main Shrine Room, keep our retreat center clean and safe, share our dharma teachings with people around the world, and much more.

And if you participate in our  
Annual Ten-Day Teaching  
Auction and Drawing,  
your donations will go farther  
than at any other time of year  
- and be the source of  
beautiful gifts.

This year's Auction and Drawing is aimed at "Retiring" KTD's Construction Loan, taken out last year to finance construction on our Residence Wing. And the Auction and Drawing is being followed by a Matching Grant donor, who will double any money donated through the project.

Last year was the first year for the combined Auction and Raffle; last year we raised $11,000. This year we'd like to at least double that - to $21,000 in honor of the 21 Taras. And of course, with matching funds this will be $42,000, all going toward the Retirement of KTD's Construction Loan.

Want to bid or buy tickets?
See information at the left.

To make a bid in the silent auction, 
write the name of the item and your bid in an email, including your name, email address and telephone number.

Send your bid email, with the subject line: "KTD Silent Auction 2013 Bid" to Amy McCracken at amy@kagyu.org.  Deadline for silent auction bids is 12 noon EDT Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013. 
All bidders will receive an acknowledgement email. Item will go to the highest bidder. Winning bidder will be notified by phone and email the evening of Saturday Aug. 31, 2013.