Education Law Center | August Newsletter
As students go back to school over the next few weeks, ELC continues to work to ensure that all children in Pennsylvania have access to quality public education. See below to learn about a new federal class action lawsuit regarding access to translation and interpretation services, the impact of Pennsylvania's budget delay on children, and more!
Class action lawsuit filed to ensure the rights of limited English proficient parents and students to participate in special education process
ELC, along with the Public Interest Law Center and pro bono partner Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, filed a federal class action lawsuit challenging the School District of Philadelphia's failure to translate and interpret documents for parents with limited English proficiency and their children with disabilities. Read the complaint here.

Back To School: As students are heading back to school, ELC is working to ensure that all children in Pennsylvania are promptly enrolled and have access to the resources they need to succeed. Do you have questions about the enrollment rights of students?

Pennsylvania missed its first major payment of the school year because of budget delay
The state budget impasse just made things much harder for already-struggling school districts. Yesterday the state missed its first major payment of the school year to districts, forcing many to dip into reserve funds or take out loans to open on time and provide basic services. Please call you legislators and let them know that the General Assembly must pass a significant new investment in basic education funding in this year's budget, with at least $410 million in new funding to help restore past budget cuts. Please let them know that once we've brought all districts back to the 2010 funding level, Pennsylvania should begin implementing the school funding formula unanimously adopted by the Basic Education Funding Commission this summer.
ELC's 40th Anniversary event Sept. 16!
Join us at our 40th Anniversary Celebration as we honor Fred Magaziner (Dechert LLP), Catherine C. Carr (Community Legal Services), the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Hear Me. The event will feature food, drink, and a silent auction. Celebrate with us September 16th at 5:30PM at the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia's Wanamaker Building. 

Purchase a ticket or learn how to sponsor the event.
ELC hosts school funding forum with Western Pennsylvania partners
In Pittsburgh, we hosted the first school funding forum focused specifically on the educationally at-risk student populations ELC serves. Our panel presentation was joined by our partners Hear Me (whom we are excited to honor at our 40th Anniversary Celebration next month!) and Ron Cowell, President of the Education Policy and Leadership Center. Thanks to all who attended and special appreciation to our Campaign for Fair Education Funding partners for their support and participation. 
ELC attorney highlights the impact of school funding litigation & why it is a matter for PA Courts
In this month's Legal Intelligencer, ELC Senior Staff Attorney Maura McInerney addresses the potential impact of school funding litigation brought against the state by ELC and the Public Interest Law Center and explains the scope of the court's duty to act. The case is being briefed for review before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and its decision will have a lasting impact on all students across the Commonwealth. 

ELC-supported legislation introduced to ensure school stability and expand access to graduation for students in the foster care system or experiencing homelessness
ELC, along with the Juvenile Law Center, is working with State Senator Pat Browne to advance legislation which ensures that children in foster care are able to stay in the same school even when they change living placements and that they receive the support they need to graduate. Senate Bill 966 was introduced by Senator Browne, along with twenty-one co-sponsors.

Coalition wins victory in state complaint to ensure access to transportation for students with disabilities
ELC, as an active member of the Philadelphia Coalition of Special Education Advocates, recently filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education against the School District of Philadelphia for its failure to provide appropriate and timely transportation to students with disabilities. After an extensive investigation, the state found that the district had violated students' rights under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and ordered the district to remedy the transportation issues and compensate students for missed school hours. 

Read the results of the Department of Education investigation.
ELC's Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow featured by Coalition for Juvenile Justice
Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow and ELC attorney Ashley Sawyer authored a blog post for the Coalition for Juvenile Justice this month on her efforts to ensure that youth in juvenile justice facilities receive a quality education. 

ELC attorneys present at national conference on the education rights of children
ELC Senior Staff Attorney Maura McInerney, Staff Attorney Cheryl Kleiman, and Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow Ashley Sawyer presented at the American Bar Association's Conference on Children and the Law in Washington, DC. Their presentation focused on the educational rights of youth in the foster care and juvenile justice systems. 
Help us welcome our new Kaufman Fellow
Jackie Perlow started a yearlong fellowship with the Education Law Center's Pittsburgh office this month. She received a law degree from Harvard Law School and a master's degree in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2015. Jackie has previously worked with the US Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division, the ACLU of Michigan, and Cohen Milstein. We're so excited to welcome Jackie to ELC! 

Tweet a welcome to: @edlawcenterpa.
Staff Attorney job opening in Pittsburgh
The Education Law Center is seeking an experienced attorney for a full-time position in our Pittsburgh office. Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis and we hope to fill the position by October 1, 2015.

View the full job announcement.
Ensuring access to a quality public education for all children in Pennsylvania
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