Education Law Center
Newsletter | May 2015

ELC Attorneys Provide Answers and Testimony at National Disabilities Meeting in Pittsburgh

On May 4-5, the National Council on Disabilities (NCD) held its national meeting in Pittsburgh. The NCD is an independent federal agency responsible for advising the President, Congress and other federal agencies on issues affecting the lives of people with disabilities. ELC worked with the Council to organize a panel focused on the education of students with disabilities, "Renewing the Federal Commitment to Students with Disabilities."


ELC attorney Nancy Potter was featured on the panel and gave testimony to the NCD on issues of inclusive early learning opportunities and keeping students with disabilities out of the school-to-prison pipeline. Nancy also challenged the NCD to ensure that students with disabilities who are also part of another underserved group, such as students of color or students in foster care, are given full access to their legal rights.


ELC attorney Leigh Loman provided public testimony at the meeting, available here 

ELC Meets with Experts to Discuss Foster Care and Education

ELC is a co-founder of the Legal Center for Foster Care and Education. A newly-released summary report by the Legal Center shares key insights gleaned during an expert roundtable on the importance of data in improving education outcomes for children in the child welfare system. The report outlines next steps and strategies to promote new research, data-sharing, and the development of evidence-based policies to change the future for children in foster care. Read the report here. 

ELC Urges State to Help Homeless and At-Risk Students Stay in School

ELC, along with partner organization Juvenile Law Center, urged the PA State Legislature to enact legislation that would help students in foster care, students experiencing homelessness, and students involved in the court system. Read the Letter to the Editor here

ELC Attorney Talks PA Education Policy at Forum

On May 25, 2015, ELC attorney Cheryl Kleiman participated in an education policy forum hosted by Global Solutions Pittsburgh, alongside Darleen Opfer, Director of RAND Education, and Jeff Garis from Pennsylvania Budget & Policy Center. The forum provided a great opportunity for Cheryl to highlight ELC's proven track record in employing multiple coordinated strategies to advocate for fair education funding for all students, most recently through the Campaign for Fair Education Funding and ongoing litigation in front of the PA Supreme Court. 

ELC Urges City Council to Help Fund Philadelphia Public Schools

This month, ELC Research and Policy Fellow Ian Gavigan presented testimony to the Philadelphia City Council on the importance of predictable school funding to serve the most at-risk children in the Philadelphia School District. You can read Ian's testimony here

Tell Pennsylvania Lawmakers that Students Deserve Fair Funding in PA

The Education Law Center participated in a statewide "Call to Action on Public Education" Day this month. If you haven't already, please take the opportunity to reach out to your state lawmakers and let them know that Harrisburg's top priority this year must be restoring the state funding cuts to school districts and enacting a new system that provides sufficient funding so every child has an opportunity to learn. Click here to learn more.


Alongside more than 50 organizations across Pennsylvania, ELC is a member of the Campaign for Fair Education Funding. Read more on our efforts to ensure that every student has access to a quality education no matter where he or she lives.

ELC to Honor Education Champions at 40th Anniversary Event in September

On September 16, 2015 at 5:30pm, the Education Law Center will hold its 40th Anniversary Celebration at the Crystal Tea Room in the Wanamaker Building in Philadelphia. This year, we'll be honoring Fred Magaziner, Cathy C. Carr, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and the HEAR ME Project. Mark your calendar and click the link below to learn more or purchase a ticket.  


If you're interested in sponsorship opportunities, please email [email protected] for more details.
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