Education Law Center
Newsletter | October 2014
ELC Kicks Off New School Funding Campaign

Oct. 6, 2014 - The Education Law Center, along with more than 40 other organizations,
The Campaign for Fair Education Funding kick-off event.
today launched a new campaign for fair education funding for all of Pennsylvania's K-12 public schools.

"ELC has been leading school funding reform efforts for years. This latest campaign reflects our long-standing commitment to providing all of Pennsylvania's children - regardless of where they live - the resources necessary to succeed in the classroom and beyond," said ELC Executive Director, Rhonda Brownstein, a founding member of the campaign, and one its executive committee members.

The campaign has the support of more than 40 organizations throughout Pennsylvania representing educators, business, labor, faith-based organizations and civic and child advocacy groups who want to see Pennsylvania develop a predictable, sustainable and long-term solution to funding its public schools.

ELC's Leigh Loman and Cheryl Kleiman in Harrisburg.
Cheryl Kl
eiman, staff attorney for the Education Law Center, is working with the campaign to engage Western Pennsylvania organizations and build cross-state consensus.

"We are excited about launching this campaign to ensure every public school has the resources it needs," she said. "A fair, equitable and transparent funding formula will make a big difference for all Pennsylvania's children - especially our most at-risk students, who too often lack basic supports and services in their public schools. How we address that at the local and state level has tremendous implications for Pennsylvania's future."

Read more ...
ELC Testimony to the Basic Education Funding Commission 
ELC's Cheryl Kleiman delivered testimony to the state's Basic Education Funding Commission during its hearing in Pittsburgh on Oct. 21.

"We are here because we represent hundreds of families impacted by school funding each year. I want to share just one of their stories - it is a reality echoed by many," Kleiman told the Committee.

Read the full testimony.
ELC Applauds Expanded Access to EI Services for Infants and Toddlers Experiencing Homelessness

Oct. 20, 2014 - For years, ELC has worked for expanded access to Early Intervention services for vulnerable children - including the estimated 6,000 Pennsylvania infants and toddlers (birth to 3 years old) experiencing homelessness.  

Many of these children suffer significant trauma and neglect - placing them at greater risk for developmental delays.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, trauma and poverty impact infants in unique yet substantial ways - often leading to lower learning capacities, maladaptive behaviors, and sometimes lifelong physical and mental health problems.   Homelessness itself is a significant risk factor.

This is why we applaud the General Assembly and Gov. Corbett for adopting new legislation that expands access to Early Intervention services for these exceptionally vulnerable young children by making them categorically eligible for screening and developmental tracking.

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