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Another year has slipped by so fast! Thank you all again and again for continuing to support your local green store. Without you, we could not be us and do all that we are able to do to help friends and families stay healthy. Have a great holiday and awesome new year!


We are one of the many very proud sponsors of this years Annual Holiday Gala for the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding. If you can, please join us there!  

Please see details by clicking here. 
RPCP 2015 Gala


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Squak mountain stone

From graduate school paper to reality, the story of how Squak Mountain Stone™ came to be is almost clich� these days. In January of 2003, while finishing up her Master's degree, Ms. Quiriconi prepared an economics paper for one of her classes. The assignment, based on Michael Shuman's book Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age, required the students to develop a product or service that would could benefit their local economy.  That is, find something in their community that is purchased from someone outside of that community and then develop a "substitute" for that item that could be made & sold within the local economy. This assignment turned into a business venture for Ms. Quiriconi and by the end of 2003, employing her knowledge in engineering, construction and research, she had developed a unique new product called Squak Mountain Stone™.
When Ame� finally arrived at point where she could no longer do it alone, she began to enlist the help of others. A friend she'd known since they were 16 years old came in to help with the "heavy lifting" for 18 months and a local King County program called LinkUp provided funding for independent testing. Squak Mountain Stone™ escalated from a grad school paper presumption to a real product for the real world.
Today, she makes handmade Squak Mountain Stone™ countertops and tabletops out of a small shop in Seattle. Her products, sold exclusively through Distributors and independent retailers, are found in homes and businesses throughout the entire country.


Buy Smart - think 'green'
* look for locally made gifts
Many gifts in today's marketplace come from halfway around the world, and the impact of transportation contributes significantly to greenhouse emissions and global warming. Local craft fairs and artisan shops are a good source for gifts that come without the added costs of transportation. And gifts made locally often have a story which goes with the gift, since the artisan and the origin of the gift are known.
* choose gifts made from recycled sources 
Many individuals and small businesses have developed great products using recycled materials. Supporting these businesses helps reduce the waste stream while promoting the concept of making best use of available materials. Here are some examples for you to consider: 
Gifts from recycled materials
* give 'battery-free' gifts 
According to the EPA, about 40% of all battery sales occur during the holiday season. Discarded batteries are an environmental hazard. Even rechargeable batteries find their way into the waste stream eventually. Here are a few examples of gifts that have less of an impact on the environment: 
Naturally-powered toys
* avoid children's toys that promote violence 
There is too much violence in the world, and the new wave of video games for children is disturbing. Remember the theme of Christmas is "Peace on Earth". There are many toys and games that are fun, and nurture childrens' creativity and sense of active play. Here are some examples:
 Educational toys and games
* 're-gifting' is OK 
There's much discussion these days about the etiquette behind the trend to 're-gift', that is, to pass on a gift you received but do not need. What's to discuss? Re-gifting makes perfect sense. If you receive something you really don't need, look for ways you can reuse this gift by passing it on to someone who can use it. 
Of course, re-gifting needs to be done with care so as not to offend the original giver, but keeping a gift you don't need is wasteful.
Original link here. 
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